(LibreOffice Basic編)

< 前 Calc No.1(続き) 次 >

**********************【 Index 】**********************


[ Property(Cellの書式設定) ]

{{ Font Effet }}[ Refer to "Font / 文字関連の Property 一覧" ]

{{ Position / Size }}

{{ BorderLine }}

{{ Protection }}

{{ Color }}

{{ autoFormat }}

{{ Annotation( Comment ) }}

[ Claer(内容の削除) ]

[ Selection ]

[ Address(セル番地) ]

###【 Next Page ( Calc No.2 ) 】###

**********************【 Macro Code 】**********************


[ Property(Cellの書式設定) ]

{{ Font Effet }}


Sub CalcUnderLine()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(18) as Object
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		for i=0 to 9
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
			oCell(i).String= i & ")  LibreOffice" 
		next i
		for i = 10 to 18
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1, i - 10 )
			oCell(i).String= i & ")  Apache OpenOffice"
		next i
		oCell(0).CharUnderline =
		oCell(1).CharUnderline =
		oCell(2).CharUnderline =
		oCell(3).CharUnderline =
		oCell(4).CharUnderline =
		oCell(5).CharUnderline =
		oCell(6).CharUnderline =
		oCell(7).CharUnderline =
		oCell(8).CharUnderline =
		oCell(9).CharUnderline =
		oCell(10).CharUnderline =
		oCell(11).CharUnderline =
		oCell(12).CharUnderline =
		oCell(13).CharUnderline =
		oCell(14).CharUnderline =
		oCell(15).CharUnderline =
		oCell(16).CharUnderline =
		oCell(17).CharUnderline =
		oCell(18).CharUnderline =
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub

CCFe-)[Calc]下線色 / Color of Underline

Sub FontEffect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		oCell.String = "LibreOffice"
		' Font Effect
		with oCell
			.CharHeight = 20
			.CharHeightAsian = 20
			.CharUnderline =
   			.CharUnderlineColor = RGB(255,0,0) 						' Color of the Underline of Font
   			.CharUnderlineHasColor = true
		end with	
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oPreProp(0) as new
	Dim oProp(2) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
		oCell.String = "LibreOffficeです"
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			' A1 Cellへ移動
			oPreProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oPreProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oPreProp())
			' Under line
			oProp(0).Name = "Underline.LineStyle"
			oProp(0).Value =		' = 10
			oProp(1).Name = "Underline.HasColor"
			oProp(1).Value = true
			oProp(2).Name = "Underline.Color"
			oProp(2).Value = &HFF0000				' Red
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Underline", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub

CCFe-)[Calc]ドット / 2重線 / 1重線のUnderLine

Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oPreProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
		oCell.String = "LibreOffficeです(2)"
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			' A1 Cellへ移動
			oPreProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oPreProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oPreProp())
		' [ Under line ]
		' Dot
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:UnderlineDotted", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Dotted(ドット下線)",0,"下線"
		' Under line削除 / 同じCommandを続けると削除される。
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:UnderlineDotted", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Dotted(ドット下線)削除",0,"下線"
		' Double
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:UnderlineDouble", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Double(2重線)",0,"下線"
		' Single
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:UnderlineSingle", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Single(1重線)",0,"下線"
		' None
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:UnderlineNone", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "None(下線無し)",0,"下線"		
End Sub


Sub FontEffect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		oCell.String = "LO ( 影付き )"
		' Font Effect
		with oCell
			.CharFontName = "Arial"
			.CharFontNameAsian = "Arial"
			.CharHeight = 20
			.CharHeightAsian = 20
			.CharWeight =
			.CharWeightAsian =
			.CharShadowed = true
		end with	
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
		oCell.String = "OSSでいこう"
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			' A1 Cellへ移動
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			' Under line
			oProp(0).Name = "Shadowed"
			oProp(0).Value = true
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Shadowed", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub FontEffect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell  as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		' Font Effect
		for i = 0 to 5
			oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
			oCell.String = "LibreOfficeです"
			with oCell
				.CharHeight  = 20
				.CharHeightAsian = 20	
			end with	
			' Strikeouot
			select case i
				case 0
					oCell.CharStrikeout =		' 無し( = )
				case 1
					oCell.CharStrikeout =		' 一重線
				case 2
					oCell.CharStrikeout =	' 二重線
				case 3
					oCell.CharStrikeout =		' 太線
				case 4
					oCell.CharStrikeout =		' 斜線
				case 5
					oCell.CharStrikeout =				' ×線
			end select
		next i
	msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
		oCell.String = "OSSでいこう"
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			' A1 Cellへ移動
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			' Strikeout
			oProp(0).Name = "Strikeout.Kind"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Strikeout", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub
'[ Note ]
'		: 1
'		: 2
'	: 3	← NONEと同じ
'		: 4
'		: 5
'			: 6


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oTextCursor as Object
	Dim oText as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		for i = 0 to 4
  			oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, i )
  			oText = "LibreOffficeです"
			oCell.String = oText
			oTextCursor = oCell.createTextCursor()
			With oTextCursor
				.gotoStart( False )
				.goRight(Len(oText) , True )
				.setPropertyValue("CharEmphasis", i )
				.gotoEnd( False )
			End With
  		next i
    	msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Overlineは、WriterとCalcでは異なる。
' Calc : Type ⇒ 0 ~4, Color : NG
' Writer : Type ⇒ 0 ~18, Color : OK


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
	Dim oText as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
  		for i = 0 to 4
  			oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, i )
  			oText = "LO and AOOです"
			oCell.String = oText
			' Overline
			oProp(0).Name = "Overline.LineStyle"
			oProp(0).Value = i
			' oProp(1).Name = "Overline.HasColor"		' Calcでは、Over lineの色は付かない
			' oProp(1).Value = true
			' oProp(2).Name = "Overline.Color"
			' oProp(2).Value = &HFF0000	
			oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Overline", "", 0, oProp())
  		next i
    	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' LibreOffice 4.2から強調文字と上線が区別されたので、上記Codeでは i = 1 で上線が入るだけ


Sub FontEffect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell  as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		' Font Effect
		for i = 0 to 2
			oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, i )
			oText = "LibreOffficeです"
			oCell.String = oText
			with oCell
				.CharHeight  = 20
				.CharHeightAsian = 20	
			end with	
			' 浮き出し/浮き彫り
			oTextCursor = oCell.createTextCursor()
			With oTextCursor
				.gotoStart( False )
				.goRight(Len(oText) , True )
				.setPropertyValue("CharRelief", i )
				.gotoEnd( False )
			End With
		next i
	msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		for i = 0 to 2
  			oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, i)
			oCell.String = "LO4.2.2です"
  		next i
  		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
  		' A2 Cellへ移動
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A2"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		' 浮き出し
			oProp(0).Name = "CharacterRelief"
			oProp(0).Value = 1
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:CharacterRelief", "", 0, oProp())
		' A3 Cellへ移動
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A3"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		 ' 浮き彫り
		 	oProp(0).Name = "CharacterRelief"
			oProp(0).Value = 2
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:CharacterRelief", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub FontEffect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell  as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		' Font Effect
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition( 0, 0 )
		oText = "LibreOffficeです"
		oCell.String = oText
		with oCell
			.CharHeight  = 20
			.CharHeightAsian = 20
			.CharContoured = True
		end with	
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcUnoFont()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
  		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0)
		oCell.String = "LO4.2.2です"
  		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
  		' A1 Cellへ移動
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		' 中抜き
			oProp(0).Name = "OutlineFont"
			oProp(0).Value = true
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:OutlineFont", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


{{ Position / Size }}


Sub CellPropertiesSrv()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(3) as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
	for i = 0 to 3
		oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
		oCell(i).Value = i*10
	next i 
		oCell(0).VertJustify =
		oCell(1).VertJustify =
		oCell(2).VertJustify =
		oCell(3).VertJustify =
End Sub


Sub CellPropertiesSrv()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(5) as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
	for i = 0 to 5
		oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
		oCell(i).Value = i*10
	next i 
		oCell(0).HoriJustify =
		oCell(1).HoriJustify =
		oCell(2).HoriJustify =
		oCell(3).HoriJustify =
		oCell(4).HoriJustify =
		oCell(5).HoriJustify =
End Sub


Sub CellPropertiesSrv()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(8) as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		for i = 0 to 8
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
			oCell(i).Value = i*10
			if i = 4 then
				oCell(i).String = CStr(oCell(i).Value) & "Test"
			end if
		next i 
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A1"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "HorizontalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:HorizontalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A2"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "HorizontalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:HorizontalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A3"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "HorizontalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:HorizontalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A4"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "HorizontalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:HorizontalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A5"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "HorizontalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:HorizontalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A6"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "HorizontalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:HorizontalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A7"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "VerticalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:VerticalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A8"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "VerticalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:VerticalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A9"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
			oProp(0).Name = "VerticalJustification"
			oProp(0).Value =
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:VerticalJustification", "", 0, oProp())
End Sub


Sub UnoHideVisible()
   Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(8) as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		for i = 0 to 6
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
			select case i
				case 0
					oCell(i).String = "水平 / 両端揃え"
				case 1
					oCell(i).String = "水平 / 左揃え"
				case 2
					oCell(i).String = "水平 / 右揃え"
				case 3
					oCell(i).String = "水平 / 中央揃え"
				case 4
					oCell(i).String = "垂直 / 上揃え"
				case 5
					oCell(i).String = "垂直 / 中央揃え"
				case 6
					oCell(i).String = "垂直 / 下揃え"
			end select
		next i 
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		' Position
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A1"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignBlock", "", 0, Array())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A2"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignLeft", "", 0, Array())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A3"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignRight", "", 0, Array())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A4"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignHorizontalcenter", "", 0, Array())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A5"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignTop", "", 0, Array())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A6"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignVCenter", "", 0, Array())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "A7"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:AlignBottom", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Success", 0, "Position"
End Sub


Sub CellPropertiesSrv()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCellName as String
	Dim oPos as Long
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oCellName = "B3"
		oCell =oSheet.getCellRangeByName(oCellName)
		oPos = oCell.Position.X/100
		oDisp = oCellName & " Cellの左端位置 は" & Chr(10) & Chr$(9) & _
					oPos & "  [mm] from left" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(9) & " ( A列の幅とほぼ同じ )" 
	msgbox(oDisp,0,"Cell の位置")
End Sub


Sub CellPropertiesSrv()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCellName as String
	Dim oPos as Long
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oCellName = "B3"
		oCell =oSheet.getCellRangeByName(oCellName)
		oPos = oCell.Position.Y/100
		oDisp = oCellName & " Cellの上端位置 は" & Chr(10) & Chr$(9) & _
					oPos & "  [mm] from top" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(9) & " ( 1行目 + 2行目高さとほぼ同じ )" 
	msgbox(oDisp,0,"Cell の位置")
End Sub

CCP-)[Calc]Cell Size取得

Sub CellSize()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCellHg as Double, oCellWdh as Double
	Dim oDisp As String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByposition(1,1)	' B2
		oCellWdh = oCell.Size.Width / 100
		oCellHgt = oCell.Size.Height / 100
		oDisp = "[ Cell Size( About ) ]" & Chr$(10) & oCell.AbsoluteName & Chr$(10) & " Width = " & _
					CStr(oCellWdh) & " mm" & Chr$(10) & " Height = " & CStr(oCellHgt) & " mm"
		msgbox(oDisp,0,"Cell Size")
End Sub


{{ 罫線 }}


Sub CalcLine()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oRange as Object
	Dim aTableBorder as Object, aLine as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("B2:E8")
		aTableBorder = CreateUnoStruct("")
		aLine = CreateUnoStruct("")
			aLine.OuterLineWidth = 100		' in 0.01mm
			aLine.InnerLineWidth = 50		' in 0.01mm
			aLine.LineDistance = 100		' in 0.01mm
			aLine.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
			aTableBorder.TopLine = aLine
			aTableBorder.BottomLine = aLine
			aTableBorder.LeftLine = aLine
			aTableBorder.RightLine = aLine
			aTableBorder.IsTopLineValid = True
			aTableBorder.IsBottomLineValid = True
			aTableBorder.IsLeftLineValid = True
			aTableBorder.IsRightLineValid = True
			aTableBorder.HorizontalLine = aLine
			aTableBorder.VerticalLine = aLine
			aTableBorder.IsHorizontalLineValid = true
			aTableBorder.IsVerticalLineValid = true
			oRange.TableBorder = aTableBorder
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' LibreOffice3.5系は本Codeにて描写できたが、LibreOffice4.1( Windows )では、Error無く実行するが描写はしない。
' LibreOffice4.2 API Documentには記述がある。LibreOffice / Apache OpenOffice


Sub CalcLine()
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object
	Dim oSelRange as Object, oCellRange as Object
	Dim oBorder1 as Object, oBorder2 as Object, oBorder3 as Object, oBorder4 as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oSelRange = oCtrl.getActiveSheet().getCellRangeByName( "B3:D5" ) oSelRange )
  		oCellRange = oDoc.CurrentSelection(0)
  		' Border1 Property
  		oBorder1 = CreateUnoStruct("")
  		oBorder1.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
  		oBorder1.LineWidth = 30
  		oBorder1.LineStyle = 2  
  		' Border2 Property
  		oBorder2 = CreateUnoStruct("")
  		oBorder2.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
  		oBorder2.LineWidth = 10
  		oBorder2.LineStyle = 9
  		' Border3 Property
  		oBorder3 = CreateUnoStruct("")
  		oBorder3.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
  		oBorder3.LineWidth = 30
  		oBorder3.LineStyle = 14
  		' Border4 Property
  		oBorder4 = CreateUnoStruct("")
  		oBorder4.Color = RGB(0, 255, 255)
  		oBorder4.LineWidth = 30
  		oBorder4.LineStyle = 10
  		' Set Border
  		oCellRange.BottomBorder = oBorder1
  		oCellRange.TopBorder = oBorder2
  		oCellRange.LeftBorder = oBorder3
  		oCellRange.RightBorder = oBorder4
  		oSelRange = oCtrl.getActiveSheet().getCellRangeByName( "A1" ) oSelRange )
  	msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Top/Bottom と Left / Rgightでは線の太さやStyleによる。太さがStyle同じ時は ?
' [ LibreOffice ]
' /
' 上記がNetwork Errorの場合は /


Sub CalcLine()
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object
	Dim oSelRange as Object, oCellRange as Object
	Dim oBorder1 as Object, oBorder2 as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oSelRange = oCtrl.getActiveSheet().getCellRangeByName( "B3:D5" ) oSelRange )
  		oCellRange = oDoc.CurrentSelection(0)
  		' Border1 Property
  		oBorder1 = oCellRange.LeftBorder		' oCellRange.BottomBorder / LeftBorder / RightBorder でも同じ
  		oBorder1.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
  		oBorder1.InnerLineWidth = 30
  		oBorder1.LineStyle = 1			' 0 : Line / 1 : Dot( 点線 ) / 2 : Dash( 破線 )  
  		' Border2 Property
  		oBorder2 = oCellRange.RightBorder
  		oBorder2.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
  		oBorder2.InnerLineWidth = 10
  		oBorder2.LineStyle = 2
  		' Set Border
  		oCellRange.BottomBorder = oBorder1
  		oCellRange.TopBorder = oBorder2
  		oCellRange.LeftBorder = oBorder1
  		oCellRange.RightBorder = oBorder2
  		oSelRange = oCtrl.getActiveSheet().getCellRangeByName( "A1" ) oSelRange )
  	msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' とは .LineWidth と .InneLineWidth が異なり、使えるLineStyleも限定される模様。


Sub UnoCalcLine()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
	Dim oProp1(7) as new
	Dim oWidthPt1 as Integer, oWidthPt2 as Integer, oWidthPt3 as Integer
	Dim oColor1 as Long, oColor2 as Long, oColor3 as Long 
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "B3:C5"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oWidthPt1 = 150		' ← 幅値の設定は?
		oWidthPt2 =  80
		oWidthPt3 = 10
		oColor1 = CLng("&HFF0000")			' Red
		oColor2 = CLng("&H00FF00")			' Green
		oColor3 = CLng("&H0000FF")			' Blue
		' 選択範囲の左に線を引く
		oProp1(0).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftBorder"
		oProp1(0).Value = Array(oColor1, 0, oWidthPt1, 0)						
		oProp1(1).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftDistance"
		oProp1(1).Value = 10
		' 選択範囲の右に線を引く
		oProp1(2).Name = "BorderOuter.RightBorder"
		oProp1(2).Value = Array(oColor2, 0, oWidthPt2, 0)						
		oProp1(3).Name = "BorderOuter.RightDistance"
		oProp1(3).Value = 0
		' 選択範囲の上に線を引く
		oProp1(4).Name = "BorderOuter.TopBorder"
		oProp1(4).Value = Array(oColor3, 0, oWidthPt3, 0)						
		oProp1(5).Name = "BorderOuter.TopDistance"
		oProp1(5).Value = 0
		' 選択範囲の下には線を引かない
		Rem oProp1(6).Name = "BorderOuter.RightBorder"
		Rem oProp1(6).Value = Array(0, 0, oWidthPt, 0)						
		Rem oProp1(7).Name = "BorderOuter.RightDistance"
		Rem oProp1(7).Value = 0
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:BorderOuter", "", 0, oProp1())
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "A1"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Apache OpenOffice / :: com :: sun :: star :: table :: / Struct BorderLine
' Array(Color, InnerLineWidth, OuterLineWidth, LineDistance)
' BorderOuterでは、InnerLineWidth / LineDistanceの設定は不可?


Sub UnoCalcLine()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
	Dim oProp1(3) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "B3:C5"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oProp1(0).Name = "BorderShadow.Location"
		oProp1(0).Value =
		oProp1(1).Name = "BorderShadow.Width"
		oProp1(1).Value = 200			' Cellの端からの間隔 : unit 1/100 mm
		oProp1(2).Name = "BorderShadow.IsTransparent"
		oProp1(2).Value = false
		oProp1(3).Name = "BorderShadow.Color"
		oProp1(3).Value = RGB( 0, 255, 0 )
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:BorderShadow", "", 0, oProp1())
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' enum
' LibreOffice / Apache openOffice


Sub CellShadow()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell As Object
	Dim oShadow As New
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets.getByIndex(0)
  		oCell = oSheet.getCellRangeByName( "B2:C4" )
  		' CellのBackColor
  		' oCell.CellBackColor = RGB( 255, 128, 128 )
  		oShadow.Color = RGB( 0, 0, 255 )  	' Shadow color
  		oShadow.Location =
  		oShadow.IsTransparent = False
  		oShadow.ShadowWidth = 250  	' 1/100 mm
  		oCell.ShadowFormat = oShadow
  		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' LibreOffice / Apache OpenOffice


{{ Protection }}

CCPct-)[Calc]保護する& 数式を表示しない(1)

Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
	Dim oProp2(1) as  new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		' 直接設定した書式の解除
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:ResetAttributes", "", 0, Array())
		' Cellの保護Tab/保護する
		oProp2(0).Name = "Protection.Locked"	
		oProp2(0).Value = false							' true : Check ON / false : Check Off
		' 数式を表示しない
		oProp2(1).Name = "Protection.FormulasHidden"
		oProp2(1).Value = true
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Protection", "", 0, oProp2())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub

CCPct-)[Calc]保護する& 数式を表示しない(2)

Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oRange as Object
	Dim oUnoCellPrct as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:C3")
		' Defalt setting for protection of cell
		oUnoCellPrct = createUnoStruct("")
		With oUnoCellPrct
   			.IsFormulaHidden = true
   			.IsLocked = true
		End With
		oRange.setPropertyValue( "CellProtection", oUnoCellPrct )
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
	Dim oProp2(0) as  new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		' 直接設定した書式の解除
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:ResetAttributes", "", 0, Array())
		' すべて表示しない
		oProp2(0).Name = "Protection.Hidden"
		oProp2(0).Value = true							' true : Check ON / false : Check Off
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Protection", "", 0, oProp2())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oRange as Object
	Dim oUnoCellPrct as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:C3")
		' Defalt setting for protection of cell
		oUnoCellPrct = createUnoStruct("")
		With oUnoCellPrct
   			.IsHidden = true
		End With
		oRange.setPropertyValue( "CellProtection", oUnoCellPrct )
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
	Dim oProp2(0) as  new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "A1"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		' 直接設定した書式の解除
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:ResetAttributes", "", 0, Array())
		' 印刷しない
		oProp2(0).Name = "Protection.HiddenInPrintout"		
		oProp2(0).Value = true
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Protection", "", 0, oProp2())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oRange as Object
	Dim oUnoCellPrct as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:C3")
		' Defalt setting for protection of cell
		oUnoCellPrct = createUnoStruct("")
		With oUnoCellPrct
   			.IsPrintHidden = true
		End With
		oRange.setPropertyValue( "CellProtection", oUnoCellPrct )
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CellProtect()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oRange as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub

{{ Color }}


Sub CalcCharColor()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(1) as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		for i = 0 to 1
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
			select case i
				case 0
					with oCell(i)
						.String = "LibreOffice"
						.charColor = RGB(0,0,255)
						.IsTextWrapped = false
					end with
				case 1
					with oCell(i)
						.String = "Apache OpenOffice"
						.charColor = RGB(0,255,0)
						.IsTextWrapped = true
					end with
			end select
		next i
		msgbox "Success",0,"CharColor"    
End Sub


Sub CalcCharColor()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell as Object
	Dim oTextCursor as Object
		oTextCursor = oCell.createTextCursor()
		oCNum= InStr(1,oCell.String,"円")		'「円」までの文字数を調べる。
		With oTextCursor
			.gotoStart( False )
			.goRight( oCNum, True )
			.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", RGB(255,0,0) )
			.gotoEnd( False )
		End With
		msgbox "Success"    
End Sub

{{ autoFormat }}


Sub oCalcAutoFormat
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCellrange as Object
	Dim oAutoFormat as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, 5, 5)
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Format Name ]
' FormatNameは以下の様な値があるが、3D以外は設定されない。
' 3D
' Black 1 
' Black 2
' Blue
' Brown
' Currency
' Currency 3D
' Currency Lavender
' Currency Turquoise
' Gray
' Green
' 参考uRL :


{{ Annotation( Comment ) }}


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell as Object
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oCmtStr as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		oCmt = oCell.getAnnotation()
		oCmtStr = oCmt.getString
		msgbox(oCmtStr, 0, "CellのComment取得")
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell as Object
	Dim oCmt as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		' Annotation Object 作成
		oCmt = oCell.getAnnotation()
		' 新規Commentの挿入
		oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell.getCellAddress(), "Commentの挿入")
		' Commentの表示
		oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim document   as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
	Dim oArg(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		document   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("")
		' B2 Cell へ移動
		oArg(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oArg(0).Value = "$B$2"
		dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oArg())
		' Comment 削除
		dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:DeleteNote", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell as Object, oCellRange as Object
	Dim oCmt as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		' Annotation Object 作成
		oCmt = oCell.getAnnotation()
		' 新規Commentの挿入
		oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell.getCellAddress(), "Commentの挿入")
		' Commentの表示
		oCmt.setIsVisible( true )
		msgbox "Comment表示", 0, "Comment"
		' Commentを非表示にしないと表示が消えない
		oCmt.setIsVisible( false )
		oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1")
		msgbox "Commentの削除", 0, "Comment"
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(2) as Object
	Dim oShtName as String
	Dim oBfrCnt as Long, oAftCnt as Long
	Dim oCmtStr as String
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oShtName = "sheet1"
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName(oShtName)
		' Before
		oBfrCnt = oSheet.annotations.count
		oDisp = oShtName & "における" & Chr$(10) & _
					"Annotation数 = " & oBfrCnt & "( Before )"
		for i = 0 to 2
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 3 + 3*i )
			oCmtStr = "Commnet" & i
			oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)
			oCmt = oCell(i).getAnnotation()
			oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
		next i
		' After
		oAftCnt = oSheet.annotations.count
		oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "Annotation数 = " & oAftCnt & "( After )"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Annotation"
End Sub

CCCmt-)[Calc]Fill Collor設定

Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(2) as Object
	Dim oShtName as String
	Dim oCmtStr as String
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oAntShape as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oShtName = "sheet1"
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName(oShtName)
		for i = 0 to 2
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 3 + 3*i )
			oCmtStr = "Commnet" & i
			oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)
			oCmt = oCell(i).getAnnotation()
			oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
			' Properties
			oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
			select case i
				case 0
					oAntShape.fillColor = RGB(255,255,0)
				case 1
					oAntShape.fillColor = RGB(0,255,255)
				case 2
					oAntShape.fillColor = RGB(255,0,255)
			end select
		next i
		oDisp = "Success"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Annotation"
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(2) as Object
	Dim oShtName as String
	Dim oCmtStr as String
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oAntShape as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oShtName = "sheet1"
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName(oShtName)
		for i = 0 to 2
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 3 + 3*i )
			oCmtStr = "Commnet" & i
			oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)
			oCmt = oCell(i).getAnnotation()
			oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
			' Properties
			oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
			select case i
				case 0
					oAntShape.CharColor = RGB(255,123,0)
				case 1
					oAntShape.CharColor = RGB(0,255,123)
				case 2
					oAntShape.CharColor = RGB(123,0,255)
			end select
		next i
		oDisp = "Success"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Annotation"
End Sub

CCCmt-)[Calc]文字Font( FontName / Posture / Hieght )設定

Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(2) as Object
	Dim oShtName as String
	Dim oCmtStr as String
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oAntShape as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oShtName = "sheet1"
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName(oShtName)
		for i = 0 to 2
			oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 3 + 4*i )
			oCmtStr = "Commentの設定" & i
			oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)
			oCmt = oCell(i).getAnnotation()
			oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
			' Properties
			oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
			select case i
				case 0
					with oAntShape
						.CharFontName = "Arial"
						.CharFontNameAsian = "Arial"
						.CharPosture =
						.CharPostureAsian =
					end with
				case 1
					with oAntShape
						.CharFontName = "MS Gothic"
						.CharFontNameAsian = "MS UI Gothic"
						.CharPosture =
						.CharPostureAsian =
					end with
				case 2
					with oAntShape
						.CharFontName = "Century"
						.CharFontNameAsian = "MS Gothic"
						.CharPosture =
						.CharPostureAsian =
					end with
			end select
		next i
		oDisp = "Success"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Annotation"
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object
	Dim oCell(14) as Object
	Dim oShtName as String
	Dim oCmtStr as String
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oAntShape as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oShtName = "sheet1"
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName(oShtName)
		for i = 0 to 13
			if i < 7 then
				oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 3 + 3*i )
				oCell(i) = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3, 3 + 3*(i-7))
			end if
			oCmt = oCell(i).getAnnotation()
			' Properties of Line	
			select case i
				case 0
					oCmtStr = "破線(No LineDashName)"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)		' LineのProperties変更前にCommentを設定する必要がある。
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )	
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape		' Comment設定後に取得する必要がある。		
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(255,0,0)
				case 1
					oCmtStr = "極細の破線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )	
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Ultrafine Dashed"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(200,50,0)
				case 2
					oCmtStr = "細かい破線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )	
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Fine Dashed"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(150,100,0)
				case 3
					oCmtStr = "二点三破線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Ultrafine 2 Dots 3 Dashes"		' ← いつからか追加されている
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(100,150,0)
				case 4
					oCmtStr = "細かい点線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Fine Dotted"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(50,200,0)
				case 5
					oCmtStr = "細かい点線が集まった線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Line with Fine Dots"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(0,255,0)
				case 6
					oCmtStr = "細かい破線(可変)"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Fine Dashed (var)"	' LO5.0.2では線のスタイルに項目が無い(細かい破線と同じ) / AOO4.0.2では線種がある
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(0,200,50)
				case 7
					oCmtStr = "三破線三点鎖線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "3 Dashes 3 Dots (var)"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(0,150,100)
				case 8
					oCmtStr = "極細の点線(可変)"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Ultrafine Dotted (var)"	' LO5.0.2では線のスタイルに項目が無い(極細の破線と同じ) / AOO4.0.2では線種がある
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(0,100,150)
				case 9
					oCmtStr = "線スタイル9"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Line Style 9"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(0,50,200)
				case 10
					oCmtStr = "二点鎖線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "2 Dots 1 Dash"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(0,0,255)
				case 11
					oCmtStr = "破線(可変)"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)	
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineDashName = "Dashed (var)"
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(200,200,200)
				case 12
					oCmtStr = "実線"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )	
					oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape		
					oAntShape.LineStyle =
					oAntShape.LineWidth = 100
					oAntShape.LineColor = RGB(100,100,100)
				case 13
					oCmtStr = "設定なし"
					oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell(i).getCellAddress(), oCmtStr)
					oCmt.setIsVisible( True )	
			'		oAntShape = oCmt.annotationShape	
			'		oAntShape.LineStyle =		' Errorになる
			end select
		next i
		oDisp = "Success( LO5.0.2 )"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Annotation"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Reference Site : Basic OpenOffice( Apache OpenOffice Basic en espanol )

CCCmt-)[Calc]Comment ObjectからCell Object取得

Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCmt as Object, oPntCmt as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		oCell.String = "A1 Cellの値"
		oCmt = oCell.getAnnotation()
		oPntCmt = oCmt.getParent()
		msgbox(oPntCmt.String, 0, "Comment Cellの文字")
End Sub


Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCmt as Object
	Dim oDate as String, oAuth as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
		' Annotation Object 作成
		oCmt = oCell.getAnnotation()
		' 新規Commentの挿入
		oSheet.getAnnotations().insertNew(oCell.getCellAddress(), "Commentの更新")
		' Commnet最終更新者と日付取得
		oAuth = oCmt.getAuthor()
		oDate = oCmt.getDate()
		oDisp = "Commnet更新者 ⇒ " & oAuth & Chr$(10) & "Commnet更新日 ⇒ " & oDate
		msgbox oDisp, 0, "Commnet"
End Sub

CCCmt-)[Calc]Commnet ObjectのAddress取得

Sub CalcAnnotation()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oCmt as Object, oCmtAddr as Object
	Dim oCol as Long, oRow as Long 
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(2,5)
		' Annotation Object 作成
		oCmt = oCell.getAnnotation()
		CmtAddr = oCmt.getPosition()
		oCol = CmtAddr.Column
		oRow = CmtAddr.Row
		oDisp = "Address of Commnet Object" & Chr$(10) & " ⇒ (" & oCol & ", " & oRow & ")"
		msgbox oDisp, 0, "Commnet"
End Sub


[ 内容の削除 ]

CCC-)[Calc]Claer Contents(1)

Sub CalcContentsClear()
	Dim Flags as Long
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
		oCellRange=oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,3,3) '←A1~D4の範囲 + +
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' VALUE			: selects constant numeric values that are not formatted as dates or times.  
' DATETIME		: selects constant numeric values that have a date or time number format.  
' STRING		: selects constant strings.  
' ANNOTATION	: selects cell annotations.  
' FORMULA		: selects formulas.  
' HARDATTR		: selects all explicit formatting, but not the formatting which is applied implicitly through style sheets.  
' STYLES		: selects cell styles.  
' OBJECTS		: selects drawing objects.  
' EDITATTR		: selects formatting within parts of the cell contents.  
' FORMATTED		: selects cells with formatting within the cells or cells with more than one paragraph within the cells.  

CCC-)[Calc]Claer Contents(2)

Sub CalcContentsClear()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp1(0) as new
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			oProp1(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp1(0).Value = "A1:B6"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp1())
			oProp(0).Name = "Flags"
			oProp(0).Value = "SNDFT"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Delete", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Flag Value ]
' S    : String ( テキスト ) 
' V    : Value ( 値 )
' D    : Date ( 日付 )
' F    : Formula ( 式 )
' N    : Note ( コメント )		' ← Comentを表示のままでは、表示が消えない( ver4.0.1.2 )
' T    : Format ( 書式 )
' 空白 : Object ( オブジェクト )
' A    : 全て


Sub subClearWrksheet(i as integer,sRange as string)
    Dim oRange as object
    	oRange = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(i).getCellRangeByName(sRange)
End Sub

CCC-)[Calc]Sheetの内容を全てClearClear in sheet

Sub subClearWrksheet()
    Dim oRange as object
    	'oRange = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0).getCellRangeByName(sRange)
    	oRange = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
    	msgbox "Success",0,"LO6.4.3.2(x64)"
End Sub
' clearContentsの値は以下。複数の場合は加算。clearContents() = clearContents(1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256)
' 1 : 数値をクリアする場合
' 2 : 日付や時刻をクリアする場合
' 4 : 文字列をクリアする場合
' 8 : セルのコメントをクリアする場合
' 16 : 関数 (数式) をクリアする場合
' 32 : セルに直接指定された書式をクリアする場合
' 64 : セルに間接的に指定された書式をクリアする場合
' 128 : セルに配置された描画オブジェクトをクリアする場合
' 256 : セル内の一部のテキストに対してのみ指定された書式をクリア

[ Selection ]


Sub CellSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object
	Dim oSelRange as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oSelRange = oCtrl.getActiveSheet().getCellRangeByName( "A1" ) oSelRange )
	msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' .select後、Curosrを別Cellに移動させても、A1がselectされたままになるので、selectが不要になれば選択解除を行うこと。


Sub CellSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "A1"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub

CCSel-)[Calc]Current Cellを含むArea Blockを選択

Sub UnoSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
			oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
			oProp(0).Value = "B3"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectData", "", 0, Array())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub ColSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oSelRange as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oSelRange = oSheet.getColumns().getByIndex(1)		' B Column oSelRange )
	msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' .select後、Curosrを別Cellに移動させても、B列がselectされたままになるので、selectが不要になれば選択解除を行うこと。


Sub ColSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "B:B"			' B Column
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub ColSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "B2"			' B1 Cell
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectColumn", "", 0, Array())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub RowSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oSelRange as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName("sheet1")
		oSelRange = oSheet.getRows().getByIndex(1)		' No.2 Row oSelRange )
	msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' .select後、Curosrを別Cellに移動させても、2行目がselectされたままになるので、selectが不要になれば選択解除を行うこと。


Sub RowSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "3:3"			' No.3 Row
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub RowSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "A1"			' A1 Cell
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectRow", "", 0, Array())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub


Sub DeSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object
	Dim oUtilUrl as Object
	Dim oUrlTrans as Object
	Dim oDeSel as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oUtilUrl = CreateUnoStruct("")
  		oUtilUrl.Complete = ".uno:Deselect"
  		oUrlTrans = CreateUnoService("")
  		oDeSel = oCtrl.queryDispatch(oUtilUrl, "_self", 0)
  		oDeSel.dispatch(oUtilUrl, Array()
	msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub DeSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Deselect", "", 0, oProp())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' 本Codeを slot 値を用いて記すと Selection解除(1) になる


Sub oCalcIsAnythingSelected()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSelection as object
	Dim oImpName as String, oString as String
	Dim oCount as Integer
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSelection = oDoc.getCurrentSelection()
		oDisp = "[ Current Select in Calc ]" & Chr$(10)
		If oSelection.supportsService("") then
			oImpName = oSelection.getImplementationName()
			oString = oSelection.getString()
			oDisp = oDisp & "One Cell Selected : " & oImpName & Chr$(10) & _
							"Strimg : " & oString & Chr$(10)
			If oSelection.supportsService("") then
				oImpName = oSelection.getImplementationName()
				oDisp = oDisp & "One Cell Range Selected : " & oImpName & Chr$(10)
				If oSelection.supportsService("") then			' SheetCellRanges : 複数
					oImpName = oSelection.getImplementationName()
					oCount = oSelection.getCount()
					oDisp = oDisp & "Multiple Cell Range Selected : " & oImpName & Chr$(10) & _
								"Count : " & oCount & Chr$(10)
					oImpName = oSelection.getImplementationName()
					oDisp = oDisp & "Something else Selected : " & oImpName & Chr$(10)
				End If
			End If
		End If		
		msgbox(oDisp,0,"Is Calc anything select? ")
End Sub


Sub oSetSlectedCell()
	Dim oStr
	Dim oSelections
	DIm oCell
	Dim oRanges
		oStr = "Current Controll"
		oSelections = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
		If IsNull(oSelections) Then Exit Sub
		If oSelections.supportsService( "") then
			oCell = oSelections
		ElseIf oSelections.supportsService( "") then
			SetRangeText(oSelections, oStr)
		ElseIf oSelections.supportsService( "") then
			oRanges = oSelections
			for i = 0 to oRange.getCount()-1
				setRangeText(oRanges.getByIndex(i), oStr)
			next i
			oImpName = oSelections.getImplementationName()
			print oImpName
		End If	
End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
Function setRangeText(oRange, s as String)
	Dim nCol as Long
	Dim nROw as Long
	Dim oCols
	Dim oRows
		oCols = oRange.Columns
		oRows = oRange.Rows
		for nCol = 0 to oCols.getCount()-1
			for nRow = 0 to oRows.getCount()-1
			next nRow
		next nCol
End Function

CCSel-)[Calc]Ctrl + Shift + 矢印

Sub CalcSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCellA as Object, oCellB as Object, oCellC as Object, oCellD as Object, oCellE as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		for i = 0 to 4
			oCellA = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, i )
			oCellB = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1, i )
			oCellC = oSheet.getCellByPosition(2, i )
			oCellD = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3, i )
			oCellE = oSheet.getCellByPosition(4, i )
			oCellA.Value = i + 1
			oCellB.Formula = "=A" & (i + 1) & "*10"
			oCellC.Formula = "=A" & (i + 1) & "+ B" & (i + 1)
			oCellD.Formula = "=B" & (i + 1) & "^2"
			oCellE.Formula = "=C" & (i + 1) & "^2"
		next i
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
	' C3 Cellへ移動
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "C3"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
	' Ctrl + Shift + ↑
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoUpToStartOfDataSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Ctrl + Shift + 上矢印",0,"範囲選択"
	' Ctrl + Shift + ↓
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoDownToEndOfDataSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Ctrl + Shift + 下矢印",0,"範囲選択"
	' Ctrl + Shift + ←
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoLeftToStartOfDataSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Ctrl + Shift + 左矢印",0,"範囲選択"
	' Ctrl + Shift +  →
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoRightToEndOfDataSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Ctrl + Shift + 右矢印",0,"範囲選択"
End Sub

CCSel-)[Calc]Page Down / Page Up / Page Left / Page Rightの選択

Sub CalcSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
	' S10 Cellへ移動
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "R10"	
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
	' Page Down 
		msgbox "R10 Cell !!",0,"表示画面Areaの選択"
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoDownBlockSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Page Down Area Selected",0,"表示画面Areaの選択"
	' Page Left
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoLeftBlockSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Page Left Area Selected",0,"表示画面Areaの選択"
	' Page Up
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoUpBlockSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Page Up Area Selected",0,"表示画面Areaの選択"
	' Page Right
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoRightBlockSel", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Page Right Area Selected",0,"表示画面Areaの選択"
End Sub


Sub UnoSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectDB", "", 0, Array())
	msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "( DispatchHelper )"
End Sub

CCSel-)[Calc]SHeetのSelectionSelect Sheet(3)

Sub SheetSelection()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object
	Dim oSelRange as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oSelRange = oCtrl.getActiveSheet() oSelRange )
	msgbox "Success",0,"LO6.4.3.2(x64)"
End Sub


[ Address ]

CCA-)[Calc]Current CellのAddress取得(1)

Sub AddressOfCell()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSel as Object
	Dim oActCol as Long, oActRow as Long
	Dim oShtNo as Integer
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.getSelection()
		oActCol = oSel.getRangeAddress().StartColumn
		oActRow = oSel.getRangeAddress().StartRow
		oShtNo = oSel.getRangeAddress().Sheet
		oDisp = "[ Current Cell ]" & Chr$(10) & "Sheet No. =" & oShtNo & Chr$(10) & "Address = ( " & oActCol & " , " & oActRow & " )"
		msgbox(oDisp,0,"Address of Cell")
End Sub

CCA-)[Calc]Current CellのAddress取得(2)

Sub AddressOfCell()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSel as Object
	Dim oCellAddr as Object
	Dim oActCol as Long, oActRow as Long
	Dim oShtNo as Integer
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.getSelection()
		oCellAddr = oSel.getCellAddress()	
		oActCol = oCellAddr.Column
		oActRow = oCellAddr.Row
		oShtNo = oCellAddr.Sheet
		oDisp = "[ Current Cell ]" & Chr$(10) & "Sheet No. = " & oShtNo & CHr$(10) & "Address = ( " & oActCol & " , " & oActRow & " )"
		msgbox(oDisp,0,"Address of Cell")
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Current selection が Areaの場合、Error になる。


Sub AddressOfCell()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCellRange as Object
	Dim oCol as Long, oRow as Long
	Dim oShtNo as Integer
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("B3_Sheet1")		' OOo3.0 では getCellByName() method があったが 3.4 以降は使用不可
		' oCellRange がAreaの場合は不可 / getCellRangeAddress 使用
		oCol = oCellRange.getCellAddress.Column
		oRow = oCellRange.getCellAddress.Row
		oShtNo = oCellRange.getCellAddress.Sheet
		oDisp = "[ Address of Cell ]" & Chr$(10) & "Sheet No = " & oShtNo & Chr$(10) & _
					"Address = ( " & oCol &  " , " & oRow & " )"
		msgbox(oDisp,0,"Address of Cell")
End Sub

CCA-)[Calc]Current Cellの絶対Address取得(1)

Sub oRetrieveTheActiveCell
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oldSelection as Object
	Dim oRange as Object
	Dim oActiveCell as Object
	Dim oConv as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oldSelection = oDoc.CurrentSelection
		oRange = oDoc.createInstance("")
		' Get the active cell
			oActiveCell = oDoc.CurrentSelection
			oConv = oDoc.createInstance("")
			oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getCellAddress
			oUI  = oConv.UserInterfaceRepresentation
			oPS = oConv.PersistentRepresentation
			oDisp = "[  UserInterfaceRepresentation  ]" & CHr$(10) & Chr$(9) & oUI & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
			oDisp = oDisp & "[  PersistentRepresentation  ]" & CHr$(10) & Chr$(9) & oPS & Chr$(10) 
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Representation")
End Sub

CCA-)[Calc]Current Cellの絶対Address取得(2)

Sub ActiveCellName()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oActiveCell as Object
	Dim oAbsName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oActiveCell = oDoc.CurrentSelection
		oAbsName = oActiveCell.AbsoluteName
		oDisp = "[ AbsoluteName  ]" & Chr$(10) & oAbsName
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Current Cell")			 
End Sub


Sub Main
	Dim oCell As Object
		oCell = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getSelection()
		With oCell.RangeAddress
			MsgBox "Sheet: " & .Sheet & Chr(10) & _
				"StartColumn: " & .StartColumn & Chr(10) & _
				"StartRow:" & .StartRow & Chr(10) & _
				"EndColumn: " & .EndColumn & Chr(10) & _
				"EndRow: " & .EndRow
		End With
End Sub


Sub CellAddress()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCursor as Object
	Dim oCntrl as Object
	Dim oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(1) as new
	Dim oShtEndRow as Long
	Dim oEndRow as Long
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
		oShtEndRow  = oCursor.getRangeAddress().EndRow
		oCntrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCntrl.Frame
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
		oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint"
		oProp(0).Value = "$A$" & oShtEndRow
		oProp(1).Name = "Sel"
		oProp(1).Value = false
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp())
		oProp(0).Name = "By"
		oProp(0).Value = 1
		oProp(1).Name = "Sel"
		oProp(1).Value = false
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:GoUpToStartOfData", "", 0, oProp())
		oEndRow = oCntrl.getSelection().getRangeAddress().EndRow
		oDisp = "[ Address of End Row ]" & Chr$(10) & "End Row  = " & oEndRow
		' Display
End Sub


Sub oColumnNumberToString
	Dim oColumnString(5)
	Dim nColumn(5) As Long
		nColumn(0) = 0
		nColumn(1) = 5
		nColumn(2) = 10
		nColumn(3) = 15
		nColumn(4) = 20
		nColumn(5) = 25
		for i= 0 to UBound(nColumn)
			oColumnString(i) = Chr$(65+ (nColumn(i) MOD 26))
			oDisp = oDisp & nColumn(i) & " => " & oColumnString(i) & Chr$(10)
		next i
		msgbox(oDisp ,0, "Column No => String")
End Sub


Function ColumnName ( ByVal ColumnNo As Long ) As String
    If ColumnNo / 26 > 1 then
        ColumnName = Chr ( 65 + int( ColumnNo / 26 ) - 1 ) & Chr( 65 + ColumnNo MOD 26 )
        ColumnName = Chr ( 65 + ColumnNo MOD 26 )
    End If
End Function

CCA-)[Calc]Cell Addressの変換/(0,0)→A1

Sub CellAddrConv()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oSheet as Object, oCell as Object
	Dim oConv as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oConv = oDoc.createInstance("")
		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)			' Sheet1 / Cell A1
		oConv.Address = oCell.getCellAddress()
		oDisp = "Sheet1.(0,0) → " & oConv.PersistentRepresentation
End Sub

CCA-)[Calc]Data Areaの最初と最後のCell Address取得

Sub StartEndRowNo()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oFirstCell as Object
	Dim oCursor as Object
	Dim oFristRow as Long, oFirstCol as Long
	Dim oStartRow as Long, oEndRow as Long
	Dim oStartCol as Long, oEndCol as Long
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oFirstCol = 2
		oFristRow = 0
		oDisp = "[ Case1 ]" & Chr$(10) & "First Cell = ( " & oFirstCol & " , " & oFristRow & " )[ C1 ]" & Chr$(10)
		oFirstCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(oFirstCol, oFristRow)					' C1 Cell
		if oFirstCell.getType() = then
			oDisp = oDisp & "First Rowが空白です。"
			oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oFirstCell)
			oCursor.gotoStart()		' Dataの始まりへ
			oStartCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress.StartColumn			' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .EndColumn でも同じ
			oStartRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress.EndRow				' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .StartRow でも同じ
  			oCursor.gotoEnd()		' Dataの最後へ
  			oEndCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress.StartColumn			' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .StartColumn でも同じ
  			oEndRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress.EndRow				' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .EndColumn でも同じ
  			oDisp = oDisp & "Column  : " & oStartCol & " ~ " & oEndCol & Chr$(10) & _
  									"Row       : " & oStartRow & " ~ " & oEndRow
		end if
		oFirstCol = 2
		oFristRow = 4
		oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "[ Case2 ]" & Chr$(10) & "First Cell = ( " & oFirstCol & " , " & oFristRow & " )[ C5 ]" & Chr$(10)
		oFirstCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(oFirstCol, oFristRow)					' C5 Cell
		if oFirstCell.getType() = then
			oDisp = oDisp & "First Rowが空白です。"
			oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oFirstCell)
			oCursor.gotoStart()		' Dataの始まりへ
			oStartCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress.StartColumn			' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .EndColumn でも同じ
			oStartRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress.EndRow				' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .StartRow でも同じ
  			oCursor.gotoEnd()		' Dataの最後へ
  			oEndCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress.StartColumn			' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .StartColumn でも同じ
  			oEndRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress.EndRow				' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .EndColumn でも同じ
  			oDisp = oDisp & "Column  : " & oStartCol & " ~ " & oEndCol & Chr$(10) & _
  									"Row       : " & oStartRow & " ~ " & oEndRow
		end if
		oFirstCol = 2
		oFristRow = 8
		oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "[ Case3 ]" & Chr$(10) & "First Cell = ( " & oFirstCol & " , " & oFristRow & " )[ C9 ]" & Chr$(10)
		oFirstCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(oFirstCol, oFristRow)					' C5 Cell
		if oFirstCell.getType() = then
			oDisp = oDisp & "First Rowが空白です。"
			oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oFirstCell)
			oCursor.gotoStart()		' Dataの始まりへ
			oStartCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress.StartColumn			' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .EndColumn でも同じ
			oStartRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress.EndRow				' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .StartRow でも同じ
  			oCursor.gotoEnd()		' Dataの最後へ
  			oEndCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress.StartColumn			' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .StartColumn でも同じ
  			oEndRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress.EndRow				' 1つしかCellを選択していないので、 .EndColumn でも同じ
  			oDisp = oDisp & "Column  : " & oStartCol & " ~ " & oEndCol & Chr$(10) & _
  									"Row       : " & oStartRow & " ~ " & oEndRow
		end if
End Sub
' Refer to " Sheet操作/ Sheet Cursors / Simple Cursor Movement(1) "

CCA-)[Calc]Sheetの最初と最後のCell Address取得

Sub CellAddress()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oSheet as Object
	Dim oCursor as Object
	Dim oShtFirstCol as Long, oShtFirstRow as Long
	Dim oShtEndCol as Long, oShtEndRow as Long
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
		oCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
		oDisp = "[ Cell Address of Sheet ]" & Chr$(10)
		oShtFirstCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress().StartColumn
		oShtFirstRow  = oCursor.getRangeAddress().StartRow
		oShtEndCol = oCursor.getRangeAddress().EndColumn
		oShtEndRow  = oCursor.getRangeAddress().EndRow
		oDisp = oDisp & "First Cell  = ( " & oShtFirstCol & " , " & oShtFirstRow & " )" & Chr$(10) & _
								" End Cell = (  " & oShtEndCol & " , " & oShtEndRow & " )"
		' Display
		msgbox(oDisp,0,"Sheetの最初と最後のCell Address")
End Sub
' Refer to " Sheet操作/ Sheet Cursors / Simple Cursor Movement(2) "


###【 Next Page ( Calc No.2 ) 】###

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