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Writer No.2

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View[ com.sun.star.text.ViewSettings( LibreOffice / Apache OpenOffice )] // [ com.sun.star.view.ViewSettings( LibreOffice / Apache OpenOffice )]

**********************【 Macro Code 】**********************


WSR-)[Writer]Simple Search & Replace(1)

Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "This"
    			.SearchWords = true					' 完全一致の文字か?
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFound = oDoc.findFirst(oDescriptor)
  			nn = 1
  			Do While Not IsNull(oFound) and nn<1000
    			oFound.CharWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
    			oFound = oDoc.findNext( oFound.End, oDescriptor)
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]Simple Search & Replace(2)

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "This"
    			.SearchWords = true					' 完全一致の文字か?
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				Print oFound.getString()
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWriterSearchReplace
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oReplace
		Dim oFound
		Dim oSearchWord(2) As String
		Dim oReplaceWord(2) As String
  		Dim n as long
			oSearchWord(0) = "writer"
			oSearchWord(1) = "line"
			oSearchWord(2) = "paragraph"
			oReplaceWord(0) = "WRITER"
			oReplaceWord(1) = "LINE"
			oReplaceWord(2) = "PARAGRAPH"
  			oReplace = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor()
  			oReplace.SearchCaseSensitive = True
  			For n = LBound(oSearchWord()) To UBound(oReplaceWord())
    			oReplace.SearchString = oSearchWord(n)
    			oReplace.ReplaceString = oReplaceWord(n)
  			Next n
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( とにかくなんでもいい1文字 )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "t.s"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
Rem 「t..s」ならば「t」と「s」の間に2文字ある文字を検索
Rem 「.」自体を検索する時は「\.」 

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( 直前の文字がないか、直前の文字が1個以上連続する文字 )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "to*"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( 直前の文字が最低でも1個ある文字 )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "to+"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( 直前の文字が全く無いか、1つだけある )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "to?"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( 任意の長さの文字(無くてもOK)

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "t.*"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( 複数の検索候補の文字 )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "do.*nt|pa.*ph|fi.*st"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( どれか1つに合致する文字検索 )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "[p-u]"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
Rem A,B・・・Y,Zのいずれかの文字の場合は[A-Z]で検索できる。

WSR-)[Writer]正規表現( 1文字ではなく、複数文字数の検索 )

Sub oWriterSearchRepalce
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oWText
  	Dim oString
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line." & Chr$(13) & _
		oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
		Dim oDescriptor
		Dim oFound
		Dim oFoundAll
			oDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  			With oDescriptor
    			.SearchString = "(th)+..d"
    			.SearchRegularExpression = true
    			.SearchCaseSensitive = False		' 大文字と小文字を区別するか?
  			End With
  			oFoundAll = oDoc.findAll(oDescriptor)
  			for i = o to oFoundAll.getCount()-1
  				oFound = oFoundAll.getByIndex(i)
  				oDisp = "検索された文字 => " & oFound.String
  				Print oDisp
  			next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub




Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDOc as Object, oTable as Object
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)  		
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(3) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oProp(0).Name = "TableName"
		oProp(0).Value = "MacroTable01"
		oProp(1).Name = "Columns"
		oProp(1).Value = 5
		oProp(2).Name = "Rows"
		oProp(2).Value = 3
		oProp(3).Name = "Flags"
		oProp(3).Value = 11
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:InsertTable", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"Table"
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:InsertTable", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "Success" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"Table"
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oDispHelper 'Dispatch helper
  		Dim oVCursor    'The view cursor
  			oVCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oDocTable as Object
  		Dim oSelTable as Object
  		Dim oTableName as String
  			oDocTable = oDoc.TextTables
  			oSelTable = oDocTable.getByIndex(0)
  			oTableName = oSelTable.Name
  			msgbox "Table Name => " & oTableName
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 表の左右にMarginを設定
  		 oTable.HoriOrient = 0 'com.sun.star.text.HoriOrientation::NONE
  			oTable.LeftMargin = 2000
  			oTable.RightMargin = 1500
  		oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oVCurs    'The view cursor
	Dim oTable    'The text table that contains the text cursor.
  	Dim oCurCell  'The text table cell that contains the text cursor.
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim Dummy()
		' Cursor Position
  			oVCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			If IsEmpty(oVCurs.TextTable) Then
    			Print "The cursor is NOT in a table"
    			oTable = oVCurs.TextTable
    			oCurCell = oVCurs.Cell
    			oDisp = "The cursor is in cell " & oCurCell.CellName
    		Msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Curor Position in Table")
  			End If
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oVCurs  'The current view cursor.
  			oVCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		Dim oCell   'The cell that contains the cursor.
  		Dim oCol%   'The column that contains the cursor.
  		Dim oRow%   'The row that contains the cursor.
  			oCell  = oVCurs.Cell
    	'Assume less than 26 columns
    		oCol = Asc(oCell.Cellname) - 65
    		oRow = CInt(Right(oCell.Cellname, Len(oCell.Cellname) - 1)) - 1
    	' Current Cell Name
    		oTableCurrentCellName = oCell.Cellname
    			oDisp = ODisp & "The cursor is in text table : " & oTable.getName() & CHR$(10) & _
            			"The current cell is " & oTableCurrentCellName
  			MsgBox(oDisp, 0, "選択されている表中のCursorの位置")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oVCurs  'The current view cursor.
  			oVCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		Dim oCell   'The cell that contains the cursor.
  		Dim oCol%   'The column that contains the cursor.
  		Dim oRow%   'The row that contains the cursor.
  			oCell  = oVCurs.Cell
    	'Assume less than 26 columns
    		oCol = Asc(oCell.Cellname) - 65
    		oRow = CInt(Right(oCell.Cellname, Len(oCell.Cellname) - 1)) - 1
    	' Current Cell Name
    			oDisp = ODisp & "The cursor is in text table : " & oTable.getName() & CHR$(10) & _
            			"The cell is at (" & oCol & ", " & oRow & ")"
  			MsgBox(oDisp, 0, "選択されている表中のCursorの位置")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oVCurs  'The current view cursor.
  			oVCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		' Cursor位置移動
  		Dim oCell   'The cell that contains the cursor.
    		oCell1 = oTable.getCellByPosition(1, 1)
End Sub

WT-)[Writer]表中の選択されているCell Range取得

Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oSels        'All of the selections
  	Dim oSel         'A single selection
  	Dim i As Integer
  	Dim sTextTableCursor$
  	Dim oDoc
  		sTextTableCursor$ = "com.sun.star.text.TextTableCursor"
  			oDoc = ThisComponent
  			oSels = oDoc.getCurrentController().getSelection()
  		oDisp = "選択されている表の範囲は => " & oSels.getRangeName()
  	msgbox( oDisp, 0, "Selection Table Range")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim sName$
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oAnchor
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim sName$
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oAnchor
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' 値取得
  			Dim oData()
  				oData() = oTable.getDataArray()
  			for i = 0 to 2
  				oDisp = oDisp & "[  " & i+1 & " 行目 ]" & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Join(oData(i), CHR$(10))
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
  			next i
			Msgbox ( oDisp, 0, "表中の値取得")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oVCTable
	Dim oVC
	Dim oCell
	Dim oCol As Long
	Dim oRow As Long
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oVC = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
		If IsEmpty(oVC.TextTable) Then
  			Print "The view cursor is not in a text table"
  		Exit Sub
		End If
		'oSelected = oDoc.getCurrentController().getSelection()
		oVCTable = oVC.TextTable
		oTableRow = oVCTable.getRows().getCount()
		oTableColumn = oVCTable.getColumns().getCount()
		For oRow = 0 To oTableRow - 1
  			For oCol = 0 To oTableColumn - 1
    			oCell = oVCTable.getCellByPosition(oCol, oRow)
    			oDisp = oDisp & oCell.CellName & ":" & oCell.getString() & CHR$(10)
		Msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Tabelの値取得")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim sName$
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oAnchor
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' 値Clear
  		Dim oRange
  		Dim oData()
  		Dim oRaw()
  			oRange = oTable.getCellRangeByName("B2:C3")
  			oData() = oRange.getDataArray()
  				For i = LBound(oData()) To UBound(oData())
    				oRow() = oData(i)
    				For j = LBound(oRow()) To UBound(oRow())
      					oRow(j) = ""
    				Next j
  				Next i
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	' Get Table Name
		oTableName = oTable.getName()
	' Display
		oDisp = "Table Name : " & oTableName
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "WriterTable")  		
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim oDocTables
	Dim oTableNum
	Dim oTableName
    	oDocTables = oDoc.getTextTables()
    	oTableNum = oDocTables.getCount()
     	If NOT oDocTables.hasElements() Then Exit Sub
  		For i = 0 To oDocTables.getCount() - 1
    		oTable = oDocTables.getByIndex(i)
    		oTableName = oTable.getName()
    		oDisp = oDisp & "Table Name => " & oTableName & CHR$(10)
  		Next i
  		MsgBox(oDisp, 0, "Table Name")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim oDocTables
	Dim oTableNum
    	oDocTables = oDoc.getTextTables()
    	oTableNum = oDocTables.getCount()
     	If NOT oDocTables.hasElements() Then Exit Sub
  		oDisp = Join(oDocTables.getElementNames(), CHR$(10))
  		MsgBox(oDisp, 0, "Table Name")		
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oVCTable
	Dim oVC
	Dim oCell
	Dim oCol As Long
	Dim oRow As Long
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oVC = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
		If IsEmpty(oVC.TextTable) Then
  			Print "The view cursor is not in a text table"
  		Exit Sub
		End If
		'oSelected = oDoc.getCurrentController().getSelection()
		oVCTable = oVC.TextTable
		oTableRow = oVCTable.getRows().getCount()
		oTableColumn = oVCTable.getColumns().getCount()
		oDisp =  "Rows    = " & oTableRow & Chr$(10) & _
					"Column = " & oTableColumn
		Msgbox(oDisp, 0, "行列数取得 in Writer Table")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oVCurs  'The current view cursor.
  			oVCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		Dim oCell   'The cell that contains the cursor.
  		Dim oCol%   'The column that contains the cursor.
  		Dim oRow%   'The row that contains the cursor.
  			oCell  = oVCurs.Cell
    	'Assume less than 26 columns
    		oCol = Asc(oCell.Cellname) - 65
    		oRow = CInt(Right(oCell.Cellname, Len(oCell.Cellname) - 1)) - 1
    		oDisp = ODisp & "The cursor is in text table : " & oTable.getName() & CHR$(10) & _
            			CHR$(10) & "The table has " & oTable.getColumns().getCount() & _
            			" columns and " & oTable.getRows().getCount() & " Rows" & CHR$(10)
  			MsgBox(oDisp, 0, "表の行列数取得")
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oTable
	Dim oTableName
	Dim oWriterTable
	Dim oAnchor
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	' Get Table Name
		oTableName = oTable.getName()
	' TableのAnchor取得
		oWTable = oDoc.getTextTables().getByName(oTableName)
  		oAnchor = oWTable.getAnchor()
  ' Documentの最初にCursorを移動
  		oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  ' I would Love to be able to move the cursor to the anchor, but I can not create a crusor based on the anchor, move to
  ' the anchor, etc. So, I use a trick and let the controller move the view cursor to the table.
  ' Unfortunately, you can not move the cursor to the anchor...
  ' Tableの選択
  ' Table 削除		
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oText as Object
	Dim oTable as Object
	Dim oTableName as String
	Dim oWriterTable as Object
	Dim oAnchor as Object
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	' Get Table Name
		oTableName = oTable.getName()
	' TableのAnchor取得
		oWTable = oDoc.getTextTables().getByName(oTableName)
  ' Table 削除		
  		msgbox "Success"
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table 選択
  		Dim oVCurs  'The current view cursor.
  			oVCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		' 2列目にCursor移動
End Sub


Sub oWriterTable
	Dim oText as Object
	Dim oTable
	Dim oWTable
	Dim oCurs
	Dim oDoc
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oSText = "[ Writer Table ] " & Chr$(13)
			oText.insertString(oText.getStart(), oSText , false)		'文頭
		' Create Table
			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
			oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
			oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
			oTableName = oTable.getName()
			oWTable = oDoc.getTextTables().getByName(oTableName)
		'Move the cursor to the first row and column
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oCurs.goLeft(1, False)  	
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oText as Object
	Dim oTable
	Dim oWTable
	Dim oCurs
	Dim oDoc
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oSText = "[ Writer Table ] " & Chr$(13)
			oText.insertString(oText.getStart(), oSText , false)		'文頭
		' Create Table
			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
			oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
			oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
				'	oTableName = oTable.getName()
			oWTable = oDoc.getTextTables().getByIndex(0)
		' Insert Paragraph
		  	oCurs = oText.createTextCursor()
  			oPar = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph")
  			oText.insertTextContentBefore ( oPar, oWTable )
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oDoc.Text.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim oDocTables
	Dim oTableNum
    	oDocTables = oDoc.getTextTables()
    	oTableNum = oDocTables.getCount()
  		oDisp = "This document contains " & oTableNum & " tables"
  		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Table数取得")  		
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "FirstLine" & Chr$(10)
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oText.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim v
  	Dim x
  		v = oTable.TableBorder
  			x = v.TopLine        : x.OuterLineWidth = 0 : v.TopLine        = x
  			x = v.LeftLine       : x.OuterLineWidth = 0 : v.LeftLine       = x
  			x = v.RightLine      : x.OuterLineWidth = 0 : v.RightLine      = x
  			x = v.BottomLine     : x.OuterLineWidth = 0 : v.BottomLine     = x
  		oTable.TableBorder = v	
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "FirstLine" & Chr$(10)
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oText.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim v
  	Dim x
  		v = oTable.TableBorder
  			x = v.TopLine        : x.OuterLineWidth = 200 : v.TopLine        = x			' 200 => 5pt
  			x = v.LeftLine       : x.OuterLineWidth = 200 : v.LeftLine       = x
  			x = v.RightLine      : x.OuterLineWidth = 200 : v.RightLine      = x
  			x = v.BottomLine     : x.OuterLineWidth = 200 : v.BottomLine     = x
  		oTable.TableBorder = v	
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "FirstLine" & Chr$(10)
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oText.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim v
  	Dim x
  		v = oTable.TableBorder
  			x = v.VerticalLine   : x.OuterLineWidth = 0 : v.VerticalLine   = x
  			x = v.HorizontalLine : x.OuterLineWidth = 0 : v.HorizontalLine = x
  		oTable.TableBorder = v	
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "FirstLine" & Chr$(10)
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oText.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim v
  	Dim x
  		v = oTable.TableBorder
  			x = v.VerticalLine   : x.OuterLineWidth = 200 : v.VerticalLine   = x			' 200 => 5pt
  			x = v.HorizontalLine : x.OuterLineWidth = 200 : v.HorizontalLine = x
  		oTable.TableBorder = v	
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "FirstLine" & Chr$(10)
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oText.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim v
  	Dim x
  		v = oTable.TableBorder
  			x = v.TopLine        : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 	:	x.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) 	: v.TopLine        = x			' 2 => 0.05pt
  			x = v.LeftLine       : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 	:	x.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)	: v.LeftLine       = x
  			x = v.RightLine      : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 	:	x.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)	: v.RightLine      = x
  			x = v.VerticalLine   : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.VerticalLine   = x			' 2 => 0.05pt
  			x = v.HorizontalLine : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.HorizontalLine = x
  			x = v.BottomLine     : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 	:	x.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)		: v.BottomLine     = x
  		oTable.TableBorder = v
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim oTable
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "FirstLine" & Chr$(10)
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
		oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
		oTable.initialize(3, 5) 			' 3 rows,  5 columns
		oText.insertTextContent(oText.getEnd(), oTable, false)
	Dim v
  	Dim x
  		v = oTable.TableBorder
  			x = v.TopLine        : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.TopLine        = x			' 2 => 0.05pt
  			x = v.LeftLine       : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.LeftLine       = x
  			x = v.RightLine      : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.RightLine      = x
  			x = v.VerticalLine   : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.VerticalLine   = x			' 2 => 0.05pt
  			x = v.HorizontalLine : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.HorizontalLine = x
  			x = v.BottomLine     : x.OuterLineWidth = 2 : v.BottomLine     = x
  		oTable.TableBorder = v
  	Dim oCell
  	Dim oRow As Long
  	Dim oCol As Long
  		For oRow = 0 To oTable.getRows().getCount() - 1
    		For oCol = 0 To oTable.getColumns().getCount() - 1
      			oCell = oTable.getCellByPosition(oCol, oRow)
      			If oRow = 0 Then
        			oCell.BackColor = 128
      				If oRow MOD 2 = 1 Then
          				oCell.BackColor = -1
          			' color is (230, 230, 230)
          				oCell.BackColor = 15132390
  					End If
  				End If
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim sName$
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oAnchor
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		Dim oTblColSeps  'The array of table column separators.
  			oTblColSeps = oTable.TableColumnSeparators
  		'Change the positions
  			oTblColSeps(0).Position = 500		' 0 => 左側から1番目の内枠縦線
			oTblColSeps(1).Position = 1500		' 1 => 左側から2番目の内枠縦線
  		'To be assigned the array back
  			oTable.TableColumnSeparators = oTblColSeps
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim sName$
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oAnchor
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' Table Width 変更
  		Dim oDispHelper 'Dispatch helper
  		Dim oFrame      'Current window frame.
  		Dim oVCursor    'The view cursor
  			oVCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oFrame = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
  			oDispHelper = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  		oDispHelper.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SetOptimalColumnWidth", "", 0, Array())
End Sub


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		' autoFormat
  		' Display
  			msgbox "Success"
End Sub
' [ Format Name ]
' FormatNameは以下の様な値があるが、3D以外は設定されない。
' 3D
' Black 1 
' Black 2
' Blue
' Brown
' Currency
' Currency 3D
' Currency Lavender
' Currency Turquoise
' Gray
' Green
' 参考uRL : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Calc_Guide/Autoformat_and_themes


Sub WriterTable()
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oTable
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  			oText = oDoc.getText()
  		' Create Table	
  			oTable = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
  			oTable.initialize(3, 3)
  		' 入力範囲設定
  			oCurs = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTable, False)
  		' 入力	
  			oTable.setDataArray(Array(Array(1,2,3), Array(4,5,6), Array(7,8,9))
  		 ' Cursor位置移動
  		 Dim oTableCur as Object
  		 	' Cursor位置をB2へ
  			oTableCur =oTable.createCursorByCellName("B2")
  			' 範囲指定(右に1セル、下に1セル)
			' Merge
  		msgbox "Success"
End Sub



WSt-)[Writer]Capter Style取得

Sub oCNumberRule
	Dim i%
  	Dim oRules
  	Dim oRule()
  	Dim oProp
  		On Error Resume Next
  		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oRules = oDoc.getChapterNumberingRules()
  			oRuleCount = oRules.getCount()
  			For i = 0 To oRuleCount - 1
    			oRule() = oRules.getByIndex(i)
      				oProp = oRule(i)
      				oPName = oProp.Name
      					oDisp = oDisp & i & ")" & oPName
      					oDisp = oDisp & " => " & oProp.Value
      					oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
  			Next i
  		msgbox( oDisp, 0, "ChapterNumberingRules")
End Sub


Sub oAddTextSection
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim Dummy()
  	Dim oSect
  	Dim oName$
  	Dim oVC
  	Dim oText
  	Dim oCols
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
    	oVC = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
    	oText = oVC.getText()
        oDisp = "This is One Column."
        oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
        oText.insertControlCharacter(oVC, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False)
        oText.insertControlCharacter(oVC, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, True)
    	oSect = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextSection")
    	oName = "CreateSectionInWriter"
    	oCols = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextColumns")
    	oSect.TextColumns = oCols
    	oText.insertTextContent(oVC, oSect, True)
    	oDisp = "This is new text. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "And finally I will stop."
    	oText.insertString(oVC, oDisp, True)
  		oCols = oSect.TextColumns
  	Dim oOC()
  		oOC() = oCols.getColumns()
  		oOC(0).RightMargin = 500		' Unit : 1/100mm
  		oOC(1).LeftMargin = 500		' Unit : 1/100mm
  		oSect.TextColumns = oCols
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oAddTextSection
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim Dummy()
  	Dim oSect
  	Dim oName$
  	Dim oVC
  	Dim oText
  	Dim oCols
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
    	oVC = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
    	oText = oVC.getText()
        oDisp = "This is One Column."
        oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
        oText.insertControlCharacter(oVC, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False)
        oText.insertControlCharacter(oVC, com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.LINE_BREAK, True)
    	oSect = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextSection")
    	oName = "CreateSectionInWriter"
    	oCols = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextColumns")
    	oSect.TextColumns = oCols
    	oText.insertTextContent(oVC, oSect, True)
    	oDisp = "This is new text. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "I suppose that I could count and repeat myself as " & _
        "an example of how text can go on and on and on. " & _
        "And finally I will stop."
    	oText.insertString(oVC, oDisp, True)
  		oCols = oSect.TextColumns
  	Dim oOC()
  		oOC() = oCols.getColumns()
  		oOC(0).RightMargin = 500		' Unit : 1/100mm
  		oOC(1).LeftMargin = 500		' Unit : 1/100mm
  		oSect.TextColumns = oCols
  		oSectionNum = oDoc.getTextSections().getCount() + 1
  		oDisp = "Section数は" & Chr$(10) & "  " & oSectionNum
  		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Section数") 
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub 

[ CharacterStyles ]

WStS-)[Writer]Style Name取得

Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oText
  	Dim oCur
  	Dim oObj
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		'Get the StyleFamilies
			Dim oFamilies
			Dim oFamilyNames
			Dim oStyleName
				oFamilies = oDoc.StyleFamilies
				oFamilyNames = oFamilies.getElementNames()
				oStyleName = oFamilies.getByName("CharacterStyles") 
				oSElementName = oStyleName.ElementNames
				oDisp = ""
			'Get the Style Name
				for i = LBound(oSElementName) to UBound(oSElementName)
					oDisp = oDisp & i & ")" & oSElementName(i)
					oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
				next i
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style Name")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oSelections
  	Dim oSel
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oSelections = oDoc.getCurrentSelection()
    	oSel = oSelections.getByIndex(0)
    	' 変更前のStyle Name取得
    		oStyleName1 = oSel.CharStyleName
    			oDisp = "変更前のStyle Name :" & oStyleName1
    			oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
    	' Style Nameの変更
    		oSel.CharStyleName = "Numbering Symbols"
    	oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
				oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
    	' Confirm
    		oStyleName2 = oSel.CharStyleName
    			oDisp = oDisp & "変更後のStyle Name :" & oStyleName2
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style変更")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

[ ParagraphStyles ]

WStP-)[Writer]Style Name取得

Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		'Get the StyleFamilies
			Dim oFamilies
			Dim oFamilyNames
			Dim oStyleName
				oFamilies = oDoc.StyleFamilies
				oFamilyNames = oFamilies.getElementNames()
				oStyleName = oFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles") 
				oSElementName = oStyleName.ElementNames
				oDisp = ""
			'Get the Style Name
				for i = LBound(oSElementName) to UBound(oSElementName)
					oDisp = oDisp & i & ")" & oSElementName(i)
					oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
				next i
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style Name")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oSelections
  	Dim oSel
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oSelections = oDoc.getCurrentSelection()
    	oSel = oSelections.getByIndex(0)
    	' 変更前のStyle Name取得
    		oStyleName1 = oSel.ParaStyleName
    			oDisp = "変更前のStyle Name :" & oStyleName1
    			oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
    	' Style Nameの変更
    		oSel.ParaStyleName = "Heading 2"
    	' Confirm
    		oStyleName2 = oSel.ParaStyleName
    			oDisp = oDisp & "変更後のStyle Name :" & oStyleName2
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style変更")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

[ Tab Stop ]

WStTb-)[Writer]Tab Stop1

Sub oTabStop
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oText as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
	Dim oStyleFamily as Object
	Dim oParentStyleName as String
	Dim oStyleName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oStyle = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.style.ParagraphStyle" )
		oStyleName = "oTabStopStyle"
		oParentStyleName = "oHeading"
		If IsMissing( oParentStyleName ) Then 
      		oParentStyleName = "" 
   		End If
   		oStyleFamily = oDoc.getStyleFamilies().getByName( "ParagraphStyles" ) 
		' Does the style already exist? 
   		If oStyleFamily.hasByName( oStyleName ) Then 
      		' Then get it so we can return it. 
      		oStyle = oStyleFamily.getByName( oStyleName ) 
      		' Create new style object. 
      		oStyle = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.style.ParagraphStyle" ) 
      		' Set its parent style, if one is specified. 
      		If Not IsMissing( oParentStyleName )  And  Len( oParentStyleName ) > 0 Then 
         		oStyle.setParentStyle( oParentStyleName ) 
      		End If 
      		' Add the new style to the style family. 
      		oStyleFamily.insertByName( oStyleName, oStyle ) 
   		End If
		oStyle.ParaTabStops =Array(MakeTabStop(80000),MakeTabStop(40000))
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oDisp = Chr$(9) & "Tab11" & Chr$(9) & "Tab12" & Chr$(9) & "Tab13" & Chr$(10) & _
					Chr$(9) & "Tab21" & Chr$(9) & "Tab22" & Chr$(9) & "Tab23" & Chr$(13) & _
					Chr$(9) & "Tab31" & Chr$(9) & "Tab32" & Chr$(9) & "Tab33" 
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
End Sub
Function MakeTabStop( ByVal nPosition As Long) As com.sun.star.style.TabStop
	Dim oTabStop as Object
   	oTabStop = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.style.TabStop" ) 
    ' Tab Stop位置
   	oTabStop.Position = nPosition			' 1/1000cm
   	' Tab Stopに対する文の位置
   	oTabStop.Alignment = com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.LEFT
     oTabStop.FillChar = ASC("・")
   	MakeTabStop() = oTabStop 
End Function
' [ Alignment ]
'	com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.LEFT = 0 
'   com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.CENTER = 1 
'   om.sun.star.style.TabAlign.RIGHT = 2 
'   com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.DECIMAL = 3 
'   com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.DEFAULT = 4

WStTb-)[Writer]Tab Stop2

Sub oTabStop
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oText as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
	Dim viewCursor as Object
	Dim oCursor as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		viewCursor = oDoc.currentController.getViewCursor()
    	oCursor = oDoc.Text.createTextCursorByRange(viewCursor.getStart())
    	oCursor.ParaTabStops = Array(MakeTabStop(5000))
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oDisp = Chr$(9) & "Tab11" & Chr$(9) & "Tab12" & Chr$(9) & "Tab13" & Chr$(10) & _
					Chr$(9) & "Tab21" & Chr$(9) & "Tab22" & Chr$(9) & "Tab23" & Chr$(13) & _
					Chr$(9) & "Tab31" & Chr$(9) & "Tab32" & Chr$(9) & "Tab33" 
		oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)	
End Sub
Function MakeTabStop( ByVal nPosition As Long) As com.sun.star.style.TabStop
	Dim oTabStop as Object
   	oTabStop = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.style.TabStop" ) 
    ' Tab Stop位置
   	oTabStop.Position = nPosition			' 1/1000cm
   	' Tab Stopに対する文の位置
   	oTabStop.Alignment = com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.LEFT
   	' Tabの代わりに表示する文字 
     oTabStop.FillChar = Asc("・")
   	MakeTabStop() = oTabStop 
End Function
' [ Alignment ]
'	com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.LEFT = 0 
'   com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.CENTER = 1 
'   om.sun.star.style.TabAlign.RIGHT = 2 
'   com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.DECIMAL = 3 
'   com.sun.star.style.TabAlign.DEFAULT = 4

[ PageStyles ]

WStPg-)[Writer]Style Name取得

Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		'Get the StyleFamilies
			Dim oFamilies
			Dim oFamilyNames
			Dim oStyleName
				oFamilies = oDoc.StyleFamilies
				oFamilyNames = oFamilies.getElementNames()
				oStyleName = oFamilies.getByName("PageStyles") 
				oSElementName = oStyleName.ElementNames
				oDisp = ""
			'Get the Style Name
				for i = LBound(oSElementName) to UBound(oSElementName)
					oDisp = oDisp & i & ")" & oSElementName(i)
					oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
				next i
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style Name")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oSelections
  	Dim oSel
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oSelections = oDoc.getCurrentSelection()
    	oSel = oSelections.getByIndex(0)
    	' 変更前のStyle Name取得
    		oStyleName1 = oSel.PageStyleName
    			oDisp = "変更前のStyle Name :" & oStyleName1
    			oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
    	' Style Nameの変更
    		oSel.PageStyleName = "Footnote"
    	oString = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						Chr$(9) & "This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & "This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
				oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oString, false)
    	' Confirm
    		oStyleName2 = oSel.PageStyleName
    			oDisp = oDisp & "変更後のStyle Name :" & oStyleName2
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style変更")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

[ NumberingStyles ]

WStNum-)[Writer]Style Name取得

Sub oWriterStyle
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim Dummy()
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		'Get the StyleFamilies
			Dim oFamilies
			Dim oFamilyNames
			Dim oStyleName
				oFamilies = oDoc.StyleFamilies
				oFamilyNames = oFamilies.getElementNames()
				oStyleName = oFamilies.getByName("NumberingStyles") 
				oSElementName = oStyleName.ElementNames
				oDisp = ""
			'Get the Style Name
				for i = LBound(oSElementName) to UBound(oSElementName)
					oDisp = oDisp & i & ")" & oSElementName(i)
					oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
				next i
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "Style Name")
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub



[ BookMark ]


Sub oWriterBkMk
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oBookMark
	Dim oCurs
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		' Insert Text
			oText = oDoc.getText()
				oString = "Openoffice.org Basic Macro for BookMark" & Chr$(13) & "Here"
				oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oString, false)		'文末
			oCurs = oDoc.Text.createTextCursor()
			oBookMark = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.Bookmark")
			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oBookMark, False)
End Sub

WHB-)[Writer]bookmark anchorのSelect

Sub oWriterBkMk
	Dim oAnchor  'Bookmark anchor
	Dim oCursor  'Cursor at the left most range.
  	Dim oMarks
  	Dim oCurs
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oBookMark
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		' Insert Text
			oText = oDoc.getText()
				oString = "Openoffice.org Basic Macro for BookMark" & Chr$(13) & "Here"
				oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oString, false)		'文末
			oCurs = oDoc.Text.createTextCursor()
			oBookMark = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.Bookmark")
			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oBookMark, False)
			oMarks = oDoc.getBookmarks()
  			oAnchor = oMarks.getByName("macro").getAnchor()
  			oCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oCursor.gotoRange(oAnchor, False)
End Sub

WHB-)[Writer]Bookmark AnchorとCurosrの位置関係取得

Sub oWriterBkMk
	Dim oAnchor  'Bookmark anchor
	Dim oCursor  'Cursor at the left most range.
  	Dim oMarks
  	Dim oCurs
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oBookMark
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		' Insert Text
			oText = oDoc.getText()
				oString = "Openoffice.org Basic Macro for BookMark" & Chr$(13) & "Here"
				oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oString, false)		'文末
			oCurs = oDoc.Text.createTextCursor()
			oBookMark = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.Bookmark")
			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oBookMark, False)
			oMarks = oDoc.getBookmarks()
  			oAnchor = oMarks.getByName("macro").getAnchor()
  			oCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oCursor.gotoRange(oAnchor, False)
  			If NOT EqualUNOObjects(oCursor.getText(), oAnchor.getText()) Then
    			Print "The view cursor and the anchor use a different text object"
    			Exit Sub
  			End If
  		Dim oCursText, oEnd1, oEnd2
  			oDisp = "[ Bookmark AnchorとCurosrの関係 ]" & Chr$(10)
  			oCursText = oCursor.getText()
  				oEnd1 = oCursor.getEnd()
  				oEnd2 = oAnchor.getEnd()
  			If oCursText.compareRegionStarts(oEnd1, oEnd2) >= 0 Then
    			oDisp =  oDisp & "Cursor END is Left of the anchor end"
    			oDisp = oDisp & "Cursor END is Right of the anchor end"
  			End If
  		' Display
  			msgbox(oDisp , 0 , "Writer Bookmark")
End Sub

WHB-)[Writer]Insert text at a bookmark

Sub oWriterBkMk
	Dim oAnchor  'Bookmark anchor
	Dim oCursor  'Cursor at the left most range.
  	Dim oMarks
  	Dim oCurs
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oBookMark
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		' Insert Text
			oText = oDoc.getText()
				oString = "Openoffice.org Basic Macro for BookMark" & Chr$(13) & "Here"
				oText.insertString(oText.getEnd(), oString, false)		'文末
			oCurs = oDoc.Text.createTextCursor()
			oBookMark = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.Bookmark")
			oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oBookMark, False)
			oMarks = oDoc.getBookmarks()
  			oAnchor = oMarks.getByName("macro").getAnchor()
  			oCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  			oCursor.gotoRange(oAnchor, False)
  			oBookMark1 = oDoc.getBookmarks().getByName("macro")
  				oString1 = " Insert Text At Bookmark"
End Sub

[ Index ]


Sub oDocument
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oText
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
	Dim oIndex
	Dim oCurs
		oIndex = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.ContentIndex")
    	oIndex.CreateFromOutline = True
    	oCurs = oText.createTextCursor()
    	oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oIndex, False)
End Sub


[ HyperLink ]


Sub WriterHyperLink()
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oText    'Text object for the current object
  	Dim oVCursor 'Current view cursor
  	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  		oVCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		oText = oVCursor.getText()
  		oText.insertString(oVCursor, "OpenOffice.org Community", True)
  		oVCursor.HyperLinkURL = "http://www.openoffice.org/"
End Sub




Sub WriterOutline()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim document   as Object
	Dim dispatcher as Object
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
	' Dispatcher
		document   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim oArgs1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		for i = 1 to 9
			oArgs1(0).Name = "NumRule"
			oArgs1(0).Value = "List " & i
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:NumRule", "", 0, args1())
			oOutlineText = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						"This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
				oWText = oDoc.getText()
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oOutlineText, false)
		next i
End Sub


Sub WriterOutline()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim document   as Object
	Dim dispatcher as Object
		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
	' Dispatcher
		document   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim oArgs1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim oArgs2(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim oArgs3(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		for i = 1 to 3
			oWText = oDoc.getText()
			If i = 1 then
				oSubjOutline = "[ OutLine " & i & " ]" 
				oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oSubjOutline, false)
				oWText.insertControlCharacter(oWText.getEnd(), com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False)
				oSubjOutline = Chr$(10) & "[ OutLine " & i & " ]" 
				oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oSubjOutline, false)
				oWText.insertControlCharacter(oWText.getEnd(), com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False)
			End If
				oArgs1(0).Name = "NumRule"
				oArgs1(0).Value = "Numbering 1"
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:NumRule", "", 0, oArgs1())
				oArgs2(0).Name = "LineNumber.CountLines"
				oArgs2(0).Value = true
				oArgs2(1).Name = "LineNumber.StartValue"
				oArgs2(1).Value = 1
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:LineNumber", "", 0, oArgs2())
				oArgs3(0).Name = "NumberingStart"
				oArgs3(0).Value = true
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:NumberingStart", "", 0, oArgs3())
			oOutlineText = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						"This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line." & Chr$(10)
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oOutlineText, false)
		next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg & Chr$(10) _
			& " i = " & i, 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub WriterOutline()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim document   as Object
	Dim dispatcher as Object
		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
	' Dispatcher
		document   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim oArgs1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim oArgs2(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim oArgs3(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		for i = 1 to 3
			oWText = oDoc.getText()
			If i = 1 then
				oSubjOutline = "[ OutLine " & i & " ]" 
				oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oSubjOutline, false)
				oWText.insertControlCharacter(oWText.getEnd(), com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False)
				oSubjOutline = Chr$(10) & "[ OutLine " & i & " ]" 
				oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oSubjOutline, false)
				oWText.insertControlCharacter(oWText.getEnd(), com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False)
			End If
				oArgs1(0).Name = "NumRule"
				oArgs1(0).Value = "Numbering 1"
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:NumRule", "", 0, oArgs1())
				oArgs2(0).Name = "LineNumber.CountLines"
				oArgs2(0).Value = true
				oArgs2(1).Name = "LineNumber.StartValue"
				oArgs2(1).Value = 1
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:LineNumber", "", 0, oArgs2())
				oArgs3(0).Name = "NumberingStart"
				oArgs3(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:NumberingStart", "", 0, oArgs3())
			oOutlineText = "This is a document for macro test in writer. This line is first paragraph and first line." & Chr$(10) & _
						"This line is first paragraph too. But it is second line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
						"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line." & Chr$(10)
			oWText.insertString(oWText.getEnd(), oOutlineText, false)
		next i
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg & Chr$(10) _
			& " i = " & i, 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3a( 1 2 3 4 )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 		' ここでは定義済みの番号付けスタイル Outline を利用。必要に応じて作成
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' 番号付けスタイルの表示形式を変更
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.ARABIC
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3b( A B C D )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.CHARS_UPPER_LETTER
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3c( a b c d )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.CHARS_LOWER_LETTER
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3d( ⅠⅡⅢⅣ )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.ROMAN_UPPER
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3e( ⅰⅱⅲⅳ )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.ROMAN_LOWER
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3f( 壱弐参四 )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_TRADITIONAL_JA
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3g( アイウエ )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.AIU_FULLWIDTH_JA
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function

WOt-)[Writer]Outline設定3h( ァイゥェ )

Sub WriterOutlineParagraph()
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDText
 	Dim Dummy()
 		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDText = oDoc.getText()
		oCursor = nothing
 			oRule = nothing
 			oRules = oDoc.getNumberingRules()
 			For i = 0 To oRules.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				If oRules.getByIndex(i).Name = "Outline" Then
     				oRule = oRules.getByIndex(i)
     				Exit For
   				End If
 			If IsNull(oRule) Then Exit sub
 		' change numbering type
 			For i = 0 To oRule.getCount() - 1 step 1
   				oLevel = oRule.getByIndex(i)
   				n = FindItemIndex(oLevel, "NumberingType")
   				If n >= 0 Then
     				oItem = oLevel(n)
     				If oItem.Value = 	com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE Then
       					oItem.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.AIU_HALFWIDTH_JA
       					oLevel(n) = oItem
       					oRule.replaceByIndex(i, oLevel)
     				End If
   				End If
 		' 段落の挿入と段落に番号付けを設定
 		Dim oStrPar(3)
 			oStrPar(0) = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." 
			oStrPar(1) = "This line is second paragraph. It is third line."
			oStrPar(2) = "This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line."
			oStrPar(3) = "This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
 			For i = 0 To UBound(oStrPar) step 1
   				oPara = oDText.appendParagraph(Array())
   				oCursor = oDText.createTextCursorByRange(oPara)
   				oDText.insertString(oCursor, oStrPar(i), False)
   				oCursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1"
   				oCursor.NumberingRules = oRule
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function FindItemIndex(aProps As Object, sName As String) As Integer
	Dim nFound As Integer
		nFound = -1
		For i = 0 To UBound(aProps) step 1
  			If aProps(i).Name = sName Then
    			nFound = i
    			Exit For
  			End If
	FindItemIndex = nFound
End Function


Sub oOutlineInWrite
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oDText
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  	Dim oRules
  	Dim oRule()
  	Dim oProp
  	Dim oNames(0)
  		oNames(0) = "_New_Heading_1"
  		oRules = oDoc.getChapterNumberingRules()
  		For i = 0 To UBound(oNames())
    		If i >= oRules.getCount() Then Exit Sub
    		oRule() = oRules.getByIndex(i)
    		For j = LBound(oRule()) To Ubound(oRule())
      			oProp = oRule(j)
      			Select Case oProp.Name
      				Case "HeadingStyleName"
        				oProp.Value = oNames(i)
      				Case "NumberingType"
        				oProp.Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.ARABIC
      				Case "ParentNumbering"
        				oProp.Value = i + 1
      				Case "Prefix"
        				oProp.Value = ""
      				Case "Suffix"
        				oProp.Value = " " 
      			End Select
      			oRule(j) = oProp
    		Next j
    		oRules.replaceByIndex(i, oRule())
  		Next i	
  	Dim oFamilies
  	Dim oParaStyles
  	Dim oStyle
  		oFamilies = oDoc.StyleFamilies
  		oParaStyles = oFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles")
    	oStyle = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphStyle")
    	oStyle.CharHeight = 20
    	oParaStyles.insertByName(oNames(0), oStyle)
    	oDText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." & Chr$(13) & _
				"This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
				"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line." & Chr$(13) & _
				"This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
			oDText.insertString(oDText.getEnd(), oDisp, true)
End Sub



WSort-)[Writer](未完成)Sort in writer

Sub oSortTextInWrite
  	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oDText
  	Dim oText    'Text object for the current object
  	Dim oVCursor 'Current view cursor
  	Dim oCursor  'Text cursor
  	Dim oSort
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())	
  		oDText = oDoc.getText()
			oDisp = "This line is first paragraph. This is first line." & Chr$(13) & _
				"This line is second paragraph. It is third line." & Chr$(13) & _
				"This line is third  paragraph. It is fourth line." & Chr$(13) & _
				"This line is fourth  paragraph. It is fifth line."
			oDText.insertString(oDText.getEnd(), oDisp, false)
  		oVCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		oText = oVCursor.getText()
  		oCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oVCursor)
  		oSort = oCursor.createSortDescriptor()
End Sub




Sub oDisplayPagePrintProperties
	Dim oprops as Object
	Dim i%
	Dim oDisp
		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		ouno = "com.sun.star.text.XPagePrintable"
	'get File Name
		oURL = oDoc.getURL()
		oName = COnvertFromUrl(oURL)
		oDisp = "[ " & oName & " ]" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
	'get Page Print Properties
		If HasUnoInterfaces(oDoc,ouno) then
			oprops = oDOc.getPagePrintSettings()
			for i = 0 to UBound(oprops)
				oDisp = oDisp & oprops(i).Name & " = "
				oDisp = oDisp & CStr(oprops(i).Value)
				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10)
			next i
			msgbox(oDisp , 0, "Page Print Properties")
			msgbox("This Document does not support" & Chr$(10) & _
						"the XpagePrintable interface",0,"Caution!!")
		End If
		Exit Sub
		mErr = Error
		msgbox(mErr & " : i = " & i )
End Sub


Sub oDisplayPagePrintProperties
	Dim oprops(0 to 1) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim i%
	Dim oDisp
		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		ouno = "com.sun.star.text.XPagePrintable"
	'set Page Print Properties
		oprops(0).Name = "PageColumns"
		oprops(0).Value = 2
		oprops(1).Name = "IsLandscape"
		oprops(1).Value = true
		If HasUnoInterfaces(oDoc,ouno) then
			msgbox("This Document does not support" & Chr$(10) & _
						"the XpagePrintable interface",0,"Caution!!")
		End If		
		Exit Sub
		mErr = Error
		lErr =Erl
		msgbox(mErr & " : i = " & i  & Chr$(10) & "Error Line = " &lErr )
End Sub


Sub oPrintTwoCloumnPerPage2
	Dim osettings
	Dim oset
	Dim i%
		On Error Goto oBad		
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		'set Page Print Properties
			osettings = oDoc.getPagePrintSettings()
			oset = osettings(1)
			for i = LBound(osettings) to UBound(osettings)
				oset = osettings(i)
				If oset.name = "PageColumns" then
					oset.value = 2
					osettings(i) = oset
				End If
				If oset.name = "IsLandscape" then
					oset.value = true
					osettings(i) = oset
				End If
			next i
		Exit Sub
		mErr = Error
		lErr =Erl
		msgbox(mErr & " : i = " & i  & Chr$(10) & "Error Line = " &lErr )
End Sub




Sub oShapeinWriter	'	未完成
	Dim oDrawPage
	Dim oShape
	Dim i%
	Dim sGroupShape
	Dim sControlShape
		sGroupShape   = "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape"
		sControlShape = "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape"
		'oDrawPage = ThisComponent.getDrawPage()	': print oDrawPage.getCount
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		a = oDoc.supportsService(sControlShape)
		b = oDoc.supportsService("com.sun.star.drawing.GenericDrawPage")
		print b		
End Sub



Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
         ' a shape
         oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
         positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 5000, 600 )
         ' a control model
         ' Combo Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.ComboBox")
		oControlModel.Name = "NumberSelection"
		oControlModel.Text = "Zero"
		oControlModel.Dropdown = True
		oControlModel.StringItemList = oList()
	 	oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
         ' add the shape to the DrawPage
         oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
				dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
 End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH

     Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     oPos.X = X
     oPos.Y = Y
     oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     Erase oPos
     Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     oSize.Width = Width
     oSize.Height = Height
     oShape.setSize( oSize )
     Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
         ' a shape
         oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
         oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 5000, 600 )
         ' a control model
         ' Combo Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.ComboBox")
		oControlModel.Name = "NumberSelection"
		oControlModel.Text = "Two"
		oControlModel.Dropdown = True
		oControlModel.StringItemList = oList()
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
        oControlModel.StringItemList = oList()
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
         ' add the shape to the DrawPage
         oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
				dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		' 値の取得
		Dim oPForm as Object
		Dim oPFCtrlM as Object
		Dim oSelectItem as String
		Dim oDisp as String
		Dim i as Integer
			oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
			oPFCtrlM = oPForm.getControlModels()
			for i = 0 to UBound(oPFCtrlM)
				oSelectItem = oPFCtrlM(i).Text
				' oSelectItem = oPFCtrlM(i).CurrentValue		' こちらでも取得できる。
				oDisp = oDisp & oSelectItem & Chr$(10)
			next i			
		' Display
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "ComboBox選択項目")
 End Sub
Sub oGetPositionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH

     Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     oPos.X = X
     oPos.Y = Y
     oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     Erase oPos
     Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     oSize.Width = Width
     oSize.Height = Height
     oShape.setSize( oSize )
     Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
         ' a shape
         oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
         positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 2000, 3000 )
       ' ControlShape
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.ListBox")
		oControlModel.DropDown = false								' DropDown表示 MultiSelect => trueならば falseにする
		oControlModel.Enabled = True 
		oControlModel.Name = "NumberSelection"
		oControlModel.MultiSelection =  true						' 複数選択
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = &HC8FFB9			 'verdolino 
		oControlModel.FontHeight = 12 
		oControlModel.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD 
		oControlModel.LineCount = 6			' 表示する項目数
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
         ' add the shape to the DrawPage
         oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		'add thelist items to the listbox
		Dim frm as Object
		Dim oListBoxModel as Object
		Dim ctrl as Object
		Dim oListBoxView as Object 
			ctrl = oDoc.CurrentController 
			oListBoxView = ctrl.getControl(oListBoxModel) 
				oListBoxView.addItems(oList, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
				dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
 End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH

     Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     oPos.X = X
     oPos.Y = Y
     oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     Erase oPos
     Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     oSize.Width = Width
     oSize.Height = Height
     oShape.setSize( oSize )
     Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
         ' a shape
         oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
         oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 2000, 3000 )
        ' ControlShape / ListBox
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.ListBox")
		oControlModel.DropDown = false								' DropDown表示 MultiSelect => trueならば falseにする
		oControlModel.Enabled = True 
		oControlModel.Name = "NumberSelection"
		oControlModel.MultiSelection =  true						' 複数選択
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = &HC8FFB9			 'verdolino 
		oControlModel.FontHeight = 12 
		oControlModel.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD 
		oControlModel.LineCount = 6			' 表示する項目数
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
         ' add the shape to the DrawPage
         oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		'add thelist items to the listbox
		Dim frm as Object
		Dim oListBoxModel as Object
		Dim ctrl as Object
		Dim oListBoxView as Object 
			ctrl = oDoc.CurrentController 
			oListBoxView = ctrl.getControl(oListBoxModel) 
				oListBoxView.addItems(oList, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 
				oListBoxView.selectItemPos(1,true)				' 初期設定 0を選択(falseで選択無し)
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
				dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		' 値の取得
		Dim oPForm as Object
		Dim oPFEltCount as Long
		Dim oPFElement as Object
		Dim oSelectItem as Object
		Dim i ,j as Integer
		Dim oDisp as String
			oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
			oPFEltCount = oPForm.getCount()
			If oPFEltCount < 1 then
				oDisp = "項目が選択されていません。"
				msgbox(oDisp, 0, "ListBoxの項目")
				Exit Sub
			End If
			oDisp = ""
			for i = 0 to oPFEltCount-1
				oPFElement = oPForm.getByIndex(i)
				oSelectItem = oPFElement.getCurrentValue()
				for j = 0 to UBound(oSelectItem)
					oDisp = oDisp & oSelectItem(j) & Chr(10)
				next j
			next i
			msgbox(oDisp, 0, "ListBox 選択されている項目")
End Sub
Sub oGetPositionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
     Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     oPos.X = X
     oPos.Y = Y
     oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     Erase oPos
     Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     oSize.Width = Width
     oSize.Height = Height
     oShape.setSize( oSize )
     Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        Dim i as Integer
     For i = 0 To 5
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 + i * 800, 5000, 600 )
        ' a control model
        oControlModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox" )
        oControlModel.Name = "Number"
        oControlModel.Label = UCase( oList( i ) )
        oControlModel.Tag = oList( i )
        If i = 1 or i = 3 then
			oControlModel.State = 1
		End If 
        oSampleForm.insertByIndex( i, oControlModel )
        ' knit both
        oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
     Next i
     ' set the focus to the first control
     	oDoc.CurrentController.getControl( oSampleForm.getByIndex( 0 ) ).setFocus
	' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
	Dim oFrame as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
		oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
	Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
    	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
    Dim oList(5) as String
    	oList(0) = "Zero"
     	oList(1) = "One"
     	oList(2) = "Two"
     	oList(3) = "Three"
     	oList(4) = "Four"
     	oList(5) = "Five"
    Dim oControlShape as Object
    Dim oControlModel as Object
    Dim i as Integer
    	For i = 0 To 5
        	' a shape
        	oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        	positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 + i * 800, 5000, 600 )
        	' a control model
        	oControlModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox" )
        	oControlModel.Name = "Number"
        	oControlModel.Label = UCase( oList( i ) )
        	oControlModel.Tag = oList( i )
        	If i = 1 or i = 3 then
				oControlModel.State = 1
			End If 
        	oSampleForm.insertByIndex( i, oControlModel )
        	' knit both
        	oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        	' add the shape to the DrawPage
        	oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
     	Next i
    ' set the focus to the first control
     	oDoc.CurrentController.getControl( oSampleForm.getByIndex( 0 ) ).setFocus
	' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
	Dim oFrame as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
		oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
		dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
	' 値の取得
	Dim oPForm as Object
	Dim oPFEltCount as Long
	Dim oPFElement as Object
	Dim oRButtonOnOff as Integer
	Dim oSelectItem as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
		oPFEltCount = oPForm.getCount()
		oDisp = ""
		for i = 0 to oPFEltCount - 1
			oPFElement = oPForm.getByIndex(i)
			If oPFElement.supportsService("com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox") then
				oRButtonOnOff = oPFElement.State
				If oRButtonOnOff = 1 then
					oSelectItem = oPFElement.Label
					oDisp = oDisp & oSelectItem & Chr$(10)
				End If
			End If
		next i
	' Display
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "CheckBox選択Item")
End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
    oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
	Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
    	oPos.Y = Y
    	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
    	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
    	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     ' **** [ GroupBox ] ****
     Dim oGroup as Object
     Dim oShapeGr as Object
     Dim oControlModelGr as Object
     	oGroup = createUnoService("com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection")
     	oShapeGr = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
     	positionShape( oShapeGr, 500, 200, 2500, 5500 )
     	oControlModelGr = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.GroupBox")
		oControlModelGr.Name = "グループボックス 1"
		oControlModelGr.Label = "GroupBox1"
		oShapeGr.Control = oControlModelGr
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModelGr )
		oDoc.DrawPage.add( oShapeGr )
		oGroup.add( oShapeGr )
	' *******************
    Dim oControlShape as Object
    Dim oControlModel as Object
 	Dim i as Integer
    	 For i = 0 To 5
        	' a shape
        	oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        	positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 + i * 800, 5000, 600 )
        	' a control model
        	oControlModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox" )
        	oControlModel.Name = "Number"
        	oControlModel.Label = UCase( oList( i ) )
        	If i = 2 or i=  3 or i = 5 then
        		oControlModel.State = 1
        	End If
        	oControlModel.Tag = oList( i )
        	oSampleForm.insertByIndex( i, oControlModel )
        	' knit both
        	oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        	' add the shape to the DrawPage
        	oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
     	Next i
    ' set the focus to the first control
     	oDoc.CurrentController.getControl( oSampleForm.getByIndex( 0 ) ).setFocus
	' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
	Dim oFrame as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
		oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
	' 値の取得
	Dim oPForm as Object
	Dim oPFEltCount as Long
	Dim oPFElement as Object
	Dim oRButtonOnOff as Integer
	Dim oSelectItem as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
		oPFEltCount = oPForm.getCount()
		oDisp = ""
		for i = 0 to oPFEltCount - 1
			oPFElement = oPForm.getByIndex(i)
			If oPFElement.supportsService("com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox") then
				oRButtonOnOff = oPFElement.State
				If oRButtonOnOff = 1 then
					oSelectItem = oPFElement.Label
					oDisp = oDisp & oSelectItem & Chr$(10)
				End If
			End If
		next i
	' Display
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "GroupBox選択Item")
End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
	Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
    	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        Dim i as Integer
     For i = 0 To 5
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 + i * 800, 5000, 600 )
        ' a control model
        oControlModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.RadioButton" )
        oControlModel.Name = "Number"
        oControlModel.Label = UCase( oList( i ) )
        oControlModel.Tag = oList( i )
        oSampleForm.insertByIndex( i, oControlModel )
        ' knit both
        oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
     Next i
     ' set the focus to the first control
     	oDoc.CurrentController.getControl( oSampleForm.getByIndex( 0 ) ).setFocus
	' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
	Dim oFrame as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
		oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
	Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
    	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     ' **** [ GroupBox ] ****
     Dim oGroup as Object
     Dim oShapeGr as Object
     Dim oControlModelGr as Object
     	oGroup = createUnoService("com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection")
     	oShapeGr = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
     	positionShape( oShapeGr, 500, 200, 2500, 5500 )
     	oControlModelGr = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.GroupBox")
		oControlModelGr.Name = "グループボックス 1"
		oControlModelGr.Label = "GroupBox1"
		oShapeGr.Control = oControlModelGr
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModelGr )
		oDoc.DrawPage.add( oShapeGr )
		oGroup.add( oShapeGr )
	' *******************
    Dim oControlShape as Object
    Dim oControlModel as Object
 	Dim i as Integer
    	 For i = 0 To 5
        	' a shape
        	oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        	positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 + i * 800, 5000, 600 )
        	' a control model
        	oControlModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.RadioButton" )
        	oControlModel.Name = "Number"
        	oControlModel.Label = UCase( oList( i ) )
        	If i = 3 then
        		oControlModel.State = 1
        	End If
        	oControlModel.Tag = oList( i )
        	oSampleForm.insertByIndex( i, oControlModel )
        	' knit both
        	oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        	' add the shape to the DrawPage
        	oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
     	Next i
    ' set the focus to the first control
     	oDoc.CurrentController.getControl( oSampleForm.getByIndex( 0 ) ).setFocus
	' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
	Dim oFrame as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
		oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
	Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
    	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oList(5) as String
     oList(0) = "Zero"
     oList(1) = "One"
     oList(2) = "Two"
     oList(3) = "Three"
     oList(4) = "Four"
     oList(5) = "Five"
     ' **** [ GroupBox ] ****
     Dim oGroup as Object
     Dim oShapeGr as Object
     Dim oControlModelGr as Object
     	oGroup = createUnoService("com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection")
     	oShapeGr = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
     	positionShape( oShapeGr, 500, 200, 2500, 5500 )
     	oControlModelGr = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.GroupBox")
		oControlModelGr.Name = "グループボックス 1"
		oControlModelGr.Label = "GroupBox1"
		oShapeGr.Control = oControlModelGr
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModelGr )
		oDoc.DrawPage.add( oShapeGr )
		oGroup.add( oShapeGr )
	' *******************
    Dim oControlShape as Object
    Dim oControlModel as Object
 	Dim i as Integer
    	 For i = 0 To 5
        	' a shape
        	oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        	positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 + i * 800, 5000, 600 )
        	' a control model
        	oControlModel = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.RadioButton" )
        	oControlModel.Name = "Number"
        	oControlModel.Label = UCase( oList( i ) )
        	If i = 3 then
        		oControlModel.State = 1
        	End If
        	oControlModel.Tag = oList( i )
        	oSampleForm.insertByIndex( i, oControlModel )
        	' knit both
        	oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        	' add the shape to the DrawPage
        	oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
     	Next i
    ' set the focus to the first control
     	oDoc.CurrentController.getControl( oSampleForm.getByIndex( 0 ) ).setFocus
	' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
	Dim oFrame as object
	Dim dispatcher as object
		oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
	' 値の取得
	Dim oPForm as Object
	Dim oPFEltCount as Long
	Dim oPFElement as Object
	Dim oRButtonOnOff as Integer
	Dim oSelectItem as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
		oPFEltCount = oPForm.getCount()
		oDisp = ""
		for i = 0 to oPFEltCount - 1
			oPFElement = oPForm.getByIndex(i)
			If oPFElement.supportsService("com.sun.star.form.component.RadioButton") then
				oRButtonOnOff = oPFElement.State
				If oRButtonOnOff = 1 then
					oSelectItem = oPFElement.Label
					oDisp = oDisp & oSelectItem & Chr$(10)
				End If
			End If
		next i
	' Display
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "GroupBox選択Item")
End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
	Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
    	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 1500, 1000 )
        ' a control model
        ' Text Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.TextField")
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = 14540253
		oControlModel.Border = 1
		oControlModel.DataField = "NAME"
	' Dim oLControl(0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	'	oLControl(0).Name = "Label"
	'	oLControl(0).Value = "Label_value"
		' oControlModel.LabelControl = oLControl		' Comment部を追加してもLabel Fieldの設定はされない。
		oControlModel.Name = "txtNAME"
		oControlModel.MultiLine = True
		oControlModel.Align = 0
		oControlModel.ReadOnly = false
		oControlModel.VScroll = true
		oControlModel.HScroll = true
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
		' Set Text
		oControlModel.String = "LibreOffice" & Chr$(10) & "Apache OpenOffice"
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
Sub oGetPositionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
     Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     Erase oPos
     Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 5000, 600 )
        ' a control model
        ' Text Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.TextField")
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = 14540253
		oControlModel.Border = 1
		oControlModel.DataField = "NAME"
		' REM oControlModel.LabelControl = oLControl
		oControlModel.Name = "txtNAME"
		oControlModel.MultiLine = True
		oControlModel.Align = 0
		oControlModel.ReadOnly = false
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
		' Set Text
		oControlModel.String = "LibreOffice Macro"
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
				dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		' 値の取得
		Dim oPForm as Object
		Dim oPFCtrlM as Object
		Dim oTextBoxName as String
		Dim oTextVal as String
		Dim oDisp as String
		Dim i as Integer
			oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
			oPFCtrlM = oPForm.getControlModels()
			'  TextBoxの指定
			for i = 0 to UBound(oPFCtrlM)
				oTextBoxName = oPFCtrlM( i ).Name
				if oTextBoxName = "txtNAME" then
					' TextBox値取得
					oTextVal = oPFCtrlM( i ).Text
					' oTextVal = oPFCtrlM( i ).CurrentValue		'  こちらでも取得できる。
				End If
			next i
			oDisp = "Text Boxの値 = " & oTextVal
		' Display
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "TextBoxの値")
End Sub
Sub oGetPositionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
    Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
    Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
    Erase oSize
End Sub


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 3000, 2000 )
        ' a control model
        ' Text Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.TextField")
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = 14540253
		oControlModel.Border = 1
		oControlModel.DataField = "NAME"
		' REM oControlModel.LabelControl = oLControl
		oControlModel.Name = "txtNAME"
		oControlModel.MultiLine = True
		oControlModel.Align = 0
		oControlModel.ReadOnly = false
		oControlModel.VScroll = true
		oControlModel.HScroll = true
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
		' Set Text
		oControlModel.String = "LibreOffice Macro"
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		' 値の取得
		Dim oPForm as Object
		Dim oPFCtrlM as Object
		Dim oTextBoxName as String
		Dim oTextVal as String
		Dim oDisp as String
		Dim i as Integer
			oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
			oPFCtrlM = oPForm.getControlModels()
			'  TextBoxの指定
			for i = 0 to UBound(oPFCtrlM)
				oTextBoxName = oPFCtrlM( i ).Name
				if oTextBoxName = "txtNAME" then
					' TextBox値取得
					oTextVal = oPFCtrlM( i ).Text
					' oTextVal = oPFCtrlM( i ).CurrentValue		'  こちらでも取得できる。
				End If
			next i
			oDisp = "Text Boxの値 = " & oTextVal
		' Display
		msgbox(oDisp, 0, "TextBoxの値")
		' Text Box の Cntrol 値の変更
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = true
		dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		oPForm = oFormsCollection.getByIndex(0)
			oPFCtrlM = oPForm.getControlModels()
			'  TextBoxの指定
			for i = 0 to UBound(oPFCtrlM)
				oTextBoxName = oPFCtrlM( i ).Name
				if oTextBoxName = "txtNAME" then
					' Scroll Bar を非表示にする
					oPFCtrlM( i ).VScroll = false
					oPFCtrlM( i ).HScroll = false
				End If
			next i
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
		dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
Sub oGetPositionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
	oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
    Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
    Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
    Erase oSize
End Sub

WFm-)[Writer]Command Button作成

Sub oPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    	oDoc = ThisComponent
    ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        positionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 2000, 1000 )
        ' a control model / Formを削除する時はFormを削除しても Control Modelは残るので、別途削除Codeが必要
        ' Command Bottun
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.CommandButton")
		oControlModel.Label     = "Push !!" 
   		oControlModel.Enabled   = True 
   		oControlModel.Printable = False 
   		oControlModel.Name      = "CmdBtn" 
   		oControlModel.Tag       = "CmdbtnTag" 
		' knit both
        oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
   		' Command Button にmacroを設定
   		Dim oMacroName as String
   		Dim oListener as Object
   		Dim oEvent as Object
   		Dim oForm as Object
   		Dim oId as Long
   			oMacroName = "oComandBtn"
    		oEvent = createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.script.ScriptEventDescriptor")
   			oEvent.ListenerType = "XActionListener" 
   			oEvent.EventMethod  = "actionPerformed" 
   			oEvent.ScriptType   = "Script" 
   			oEvent.ScriptCode   = "vnd.sun.star.script:Library1.Module1." & oMacroName & "?language=Basic&location=document" 
			oForm = oDoc.DrawPage.getForms().getByIndex(0)
			oId = oForm.getCount() -1
			oForm.registerScriptEvent(oId, oEvent) 
		' 念の為にCotrolDesignModeをOFFにする。(OOo3.2.1では不要、3.3Bataでは必要)
		Dim oFrame as object
		Dim dispatcher as object
			oFrame   = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = false
				dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		msgbox "Success"
 End Sub
Sub positionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
    Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
    	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     	Erase oPos
    Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     	Erase oSize
End Sub
Sub oComandBtn()
	msgbox "Command Botton" & Chr$(10) & "が押されました。",0,"Command Button"
End Sub
' [ 注意 ]
' 本Macro は document / Library1 / Module1 に 記述している。


Sub oGetPShapeControll
	Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim Dummy()
    	oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy() )
     ' create a new logical form
	Dim oFormsCollection as Object
    	oFormsCollection = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms
    Dim oSampleForm as Object
    	oSampleForm = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.form.component.DataForm" )
    	oFormsCollection.insertByName( "sample form", oSampleForm )
     Dim oControlShape as Object
     Dim oControlModel as Object
        ' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 1000 , 6000, 3000 )
        ' a control model
        ' Rich Text Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.RichTextControl")
		oControlModel.RichText = True
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = 14540253
		oControlModel.Align = 0
		oControlModel.Border = 1
		REM oControlModel.DataField = "NAME_Rich"		' Data FieldとしてRich Textは無い。つまりBaseのFormには使えない?
		oControlModel.MultiLine = True
		oControlModel.Name = "rthNAME"
		oControlModel.ReadOnly = false
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
		' Set Text
		oControlModel.String = "[ Ritch Text Box ]"
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
		' a shape
        oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape" )
        oGetPositionShape( oControlShape, 1000, 5000 , 6000, 3000 )
        ' a control model
        ' Text Box
		oControlModel = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.TextField")
		oControlModel.BackgroundColor = 14540253
		oControlModel.Align = 0
		oControlModel.Border = 1
		oControlModel.DataField = "NAME_Text"
		oControlModel.MultiLine = True
		oControlModel.Name = "txtNAME"
		oControlModel.ReadOnly = false
		oSampleForm.insertByIndex( 0, oControlModel )
		' Set Text
		oControlModel.String = "[ Text Box ]"
		' knit both
         oControlShape.Control = oControlModel
          ' add the shape to the DrawPage
        oDoc.DrawPage.add( oControlShape )
        ' add the shape to the DrawPage
		msgbox "Success"
End Sub
Sub oGetPositionShape( oShape as Object, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer )
     oShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH
     Dim oPos as new com.sun.star.awt.Point
     	oPos.X = X
     	oPos.Y = Y
     	oShape.setPosition( oPos )
     Erase oPos
     Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
     	oSize.Width = Width
     	oSize.Height = Height
     	oShape.setSize( oSize )
     Erase oSize
End Sub

WFm-)[Writer]Design mode ON/OFF(1)

Sub oFormDesignMode()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		if oCtrl.isFormDesignMode = false then
			msgbox("Design Mode / ON",0,"Design Mode")
			msgobx("既にDesign Modeです。",0,"Design Mode")
		end if
		msgbox("Design Mode / OFF",0,"Design Mode")
End Sub
' Messagebox の下のTool Barが変更している事で分る。

WFm-)[Writer]Design mode ON/OFF(2)

Sub oFormDesignMode()
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object
	Dim oFrame as Object
	Dim dispatcher as Object
	Dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame   = oCtrl.Frame
		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		if oCtrl.isFormDesignMode = false then
			args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
			args1(0).Value = true
			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
			msgbox("Design Mode / ON( 2 )",0,"Design Mode")
			msgobx("既にDesign Modeです。",0,"Design Mode")
		end if
		args1(0).Name = "SwitchControlDesignMode"
		args1(0).Value = false
		dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode", "", 0, args1())
		msgbox("Design Mode / OFF( 2 )",0,"Design Mode")
End Sub




Sub oDrawInWriter
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oDrawPage
	Dim oShape
	Dim oDummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter","_default", 0, oDummy)
		oDrawPage = oDoc.getDrawPage()
		' Drawing Start
			Dim oSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size
			Dim oStepSize as Double
				oStepSize = 800
				for i = 0 to 10
					oShape = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.LineShape")
					oShape.LineColor = RGB(255, 255-20*i, 20*i)
					oShape.LineWidth = 50
					oSize.Width = CLng(oStepSize /5 * i -oStepSize )
					oSize.Height = oStepSize
				next i	
End Sub



Sub oWriterFont
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim Dummy() 
  		On Error Goto oBad
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oVCurs = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
    	oTCurs = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oVCurs.getStart())
    	oDisp = "What time is it now?" & Chr(10) & "It is "
    	oText.insertString(oTCurs, oDisp, FALSE)
		oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
		Dim oLanguage As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
			oLanguage.Country = "ja"
  			oLanguage.Language = "JP"
  		oFormatNum = oFormats.queryKey ( "hh:mm:ss", oLanguage, TRUE)
		oDateTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
    	oDateTime.IsFixed = TRUE
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub



Sub WriterAddNoteAtCursor()
	Dim oDoc
  	Dim oViewCursor
  	Dim oCurs
  	Dim oTextField
  	Dim oDate As New com.sun.star.util.Date
  	Dim Dummy()
  		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
  	Dim oText as Object
  	Dim oSText as String
  		oText = oDoc.getText()
  		oSText = "Annotation(注記)"
  		oText.insertString(oText.getStart(), oSText , false)		'文頭
  		With oDate
    		.Day   = Day(Now - 10)
    		.Month = Month(Now - 10)
    		.Year  = Year(Now - 10)
  		End With
  		oViewCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		oTextField = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation")
  		With oTextField
    		.Author  = "AP"
    		.Content = "It sure is fun to insert notes into my document"
    		.Date    = oDate
  		End With
  		oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTextField, False)
End Sub 



Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oProp(0).Name = "PrintLayout"
		oProp(0).Value = False
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:PrintLayout", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "印刷レイアウト ON" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"View"
		oProp(0).Name = "PrintLayout"
		oProp(0).Value = True
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:PrintLayout", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "印刷レイアウト OFF" & Chr$(10) & "( Webレイアウト ON )" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"View"
End Sub


Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oProp(0).Name = "BrowseView"
		oProp(0).Value = False
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:BrowseView", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Webレイアウト ON" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "BrowseView"
		oProp(0).Value = True
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:BrowseView", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Webレイアウト OFF" & Chr$(10) & "( 印刷レイアウト ON )" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]横/縦Ruler ON/OFF(1)

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oProp(0).Name = "Ruler"
		oProp(0).Value = False
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:Ruler", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Ruler OFF" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "Ruler"
		oProp(0).Value = True
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:Ruler", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Ruler ON" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]横/縦Ruler ON/OFF(2)

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		oViewSet.ShowRulers = False
		msgbox "縦/横Ruler OFF",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowRulers = True
		msgbox "縦/横Ruler ON",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]横Ruler ON/OFF

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		oViewSet.ShowHoriRuler = False
		msgbox "横Ruler OFF",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowHoriRuler = True
		msgbox "横Ruler ON",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]縦Ruler ON/OFF

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		oViewSet.ShowVertRuler = False
		msgbox "縦Ruler OFF",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowVertRuler = True
		msgbox "縦Ruler ON",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub


Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		oViewSet.IsVertRulerRightAligned = True
		msgbox "縦Rulerの右表示ON",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.IsVertRulerRightAligned = False
		msgbox "縦Rulerの右表示OFF" & Chr$(10) & "(縦Rulerの左表示)",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub


Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:InsertFormula", "", 0, Array())
		msgbox "数式Bar 表示" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' 数式Barの非表示は上記では出来ない。

WDw-)[Writer]Field Name表示 ON/OFF

Sub WriterField()
	Dim oDoc As Object, oText as Object
	Dim oVCurs as Object, oTCurs as Object
	Dim oDateTime as Object
	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oText = oDoc.getText()
		oVCurs = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
    	oTCurs = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oVCurs.getStart())
    	oDisp = "What time is it now?" & Chr(10) & "It is "
    	oText.insertString(oTCurs, oDisp, FALSE)
		oFormats = oDoc.getNumberFormats()
		Dim oLanguage As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
			oLanguage.Country = "ja"
  			oLanguage.Language = "JP"
  		oFormatNum = oFormats.queryKey ( "hh:mm:ss", oLanguage, TRUE)
		oDateTime = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime")
    	oDateTime.IsFixed = TRUE
    	oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		' Field 名の表示/非表示
		msgbox "Fieldnames表示前",0,"Field / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "Fieldnames"
		oProp(0).Value = True
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:Fieldnames", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Fieldnames ON" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"Field / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "Fieldnames"
		oProp(0).Value = False
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:Fieldnames", "", 0, oProp())
    	msgbox "Fieldnames OFF" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"Field / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]Annotation表示 ON/OFF(1)

Sub WriterAnnotationView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oText as Object
  	Dim oViewCursor as Object, oCurs as Object, oTextField as Object
  	Dim oSText as String, oDisp as String
  	Dim oDate As New com.sun.star.util.Date
  	Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
  		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oText = oDoc.getText()
  		oSText = Chr$(9) &Chr$(9) &Chr$(9) &Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & _
  						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) &  "LibreOffice4.2.4のAnnotation(注記)"
  		oText.insertString(oText.getStart(), oSText , false)		'文頭
  		With oDate
  			.Day   = Day(Now - 10)
  			.Month = Month(Now - 10)
  			.Year  = Year(Now - 10)
  		End With
  		oViewCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		oTextField = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation")
  		With oTextField
  			.Author  = "AP"
  			.Content = "It sure is fun to insert notes into my document"
  			.Date    = oDate
  		End With
  		oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTextField, False)
  		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		' Annotation の表示/非表示
		msgbox "Annotation",0,"Annotation / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "ShowAnnotations"
		oProp(0).Value = False
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:ShowAnnotations", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "Annotation OFF" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"Annotation / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "ShowAnnotations"
		oProp(0).Value = True
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:ShowAnnotations", "", 0, oProp())
    	msgbox "Annotation ON" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"Annotation / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]Annotation表示 ON/OFF(2)

Sub WriterAnnotationView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oText as Object
  	Dim oViewCursor as Object, oCurs as Object, oTextField as Object
  	Dim oSText as String, oDisp as String
  	Dim oDate As New com.sun.star.util.Date
  	Dim oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
  		oText = oDoc.getText()
  		oSText = Chr$(9) &Chr$(9) &Chr$(9) &Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & _
  						Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & Chr$(9) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "LO4.2.4の注記"
  		oText.insertString(oText.getStart(), oSText , false)		'文頭
  		With oDate
  			.Day   = Day(Now - 10)
  			.Month = Month(Now - 10)
  			.Year  = Year(Now - 10)
  		End With
  		oViewCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
  		oTextField = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation")
  		With oTextField
  			.Author  = "AP"
  			.Content = "It sure is fun to insert notes into my document"
  			.Date    = oDate
  		End With
  		oText.insertTextContent(oCurs, oTextField, False)
  		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		' Annotation の表示/非表示
		msgbox "Annotation",0,"Annotation / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowAnnotations = False
		msgbox "Annotation OFF",0,"Annotation / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowAnnotations = True
		msgbox "Annotation ON", 0,"Annotation / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]編集記号の表示 ON/OFF

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object
	Dim oDispatcher as Object
	Dim oProp(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame()
		oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
		oProp(0).Name = "ControlCodes"
		oProp(0).Value = True
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:ControlCodes", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "編集記号 ON" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oProp(0).Name = "ControlCodes"
		oProp(0).Value = False
		oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:ControlCodes", "", 0, oProp())
		msgbox "編集記号 OFF" & Chr$(10) & "(DispatchHelper)",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]横Scroll Bar表示/非表示

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		oViewSet.ShowHoriScrollBar = False
		msgbox "横Scroll Bar非表示",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowHoriScrollBar = True
		msgbox "横Scroll Bar表示",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub

WDw-)[Writer]縦Scroll Bar表示/非表示

Sub WriterView()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oCtrl as Object, oViewSet as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oViewSet = oCtrl.getViewSettings()
		oViewSet.ShowVertScrollBar = False
		msgbox "縦Scroll Bar非表示",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
		oViewSet.ShowVertScrollBar = True
		msgbox "縦Scroll Bar表示",0,"View / LO4.2.4"
End Sub


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