( Basic編)

< 前 General No.5 次 >

**********************【 Index 】**********************




[ FileSystemObject ]

[ VBScript.RegExp(正規表現) ](正規表現による Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) の機能強化)

[ WshShell ]

[ Shell.Application ]

[ Scripting.Dictionary ]

[ WScript.Network ]

[ WbemScripting.SWbemLocator ]

[ Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP / htmlfile ]

[ MS-Office ]

{{ General }}

{{ Other }}

[ Internet Explorer ]

Win32 API

[ user32.dll ]


###【 Following General No.6 】###

**********************【 Macro Code 】**********************


GJS-)[General]JavaScript Macro(1)

Sub oJavaScriptMacro
	Dim oMSPF as Object
	Dim oSP as Object
	Dim oScript as Object
		oMSPF = GetDefaultContext.getValueByName( "/singletons/")
 		oSP = oMSPF.createScriptProvider("")
 	' JavaScript Macro
		oScript = oSP.getScript("") 
	' Macro実行
		oScript.invoke( array(),array(),array())	
End Sub
' [ JavaScript Macro ]
' マイマクロ/Library1/Macro1.js
// Hello World in JavaScript
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello World in JavaScript");

GJS-)[General]JavaScript Macro(2) / 他DocumentのMacro

Sub oJavaScriptMacro
	Dim oSP as Object
	Dim oScript as Object
 		oSP = ThisComponent.ScriptProvider
 	' JavaScript Macro
		oScript = oSP.getScript("") 
	' Macro実行
		oScript.invoke( array(),array(),array())	
End Sub
' [ JavaScript Macro ]
' マイマクロ/Library1/Macro1.js
// Hello World in JavaScript
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello World in JavaScript");


Sub oEvaluateofVBA
	Dim oStrEval as Double
	Dim oDisp as String
		oStrEval = Eval("1.5+2.6")
		oDisp = "[ VBAのApplication.Evaluate ]" & Chr$(10) & _
				" Eval(""1.5+2.6"") = " & oStrEval
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Evaluate関数"
End Sub
Function Eval(oString as String) as Double
	Dim oSP as Object
	Dim oScript as Object
 		oSP = ThisComponent.ScriptProvider
 	' JavaScript Macro
		oScript = oSP.getScript("") 
	' Macro実行
		Eval  = oScript.invoke( array(oString),array(1),array(JsResult))
End Function
' [ JavaScript Macro ]
' マイマクロ/Library1/Evaluate1.js
// Evaluate
JsResult = eval(String(ARGUMENTS[0]));
' 上記Functionを設定していればUser定義関数としてCalcの関数として使える。(右図)



GPy-)[General]Python Macro(1)

Sub Python_Macro
	Dim oMSPF as Object
	Dim oSP as Object
	Dim oScript as Object
 		oMSPF = GetDefaultContext.getValueByName( "/singletons/")
 		oSP = oMSPF.createScriptProvider("")
 	' Python Macro
		oScript = oSP.getScript("$oTest?language=Python&location=user") 
	' Macro実行
		oScript.invoke( array(),array(),array())	
End Sub
' [ Python Macro ]
' マイマクロ/ / def oTest(): 
#coding: UTF-8
# python Marco
import itertools
import sys
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from import Rectangle
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, Rectangle(), oMsgType, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		# Unfinite Iterator
		oStr = 'ABC'
		oLmt = 3
		# oLmtの引数を省略すると無限Iteratorになる。
		oIterObj = itertools.repeat(oStr, oLmt)		# ABC ABC ABC
		oIter = oIterObj.__iter__()
		oDisp = unicode('[ Unifite Iterator ]\n','utf-8')
		for i in oIter:
			oDisp = oDisp + str(i) + '\n'
		oDisp = traceback.format_exc(sys.exc_info()[2])

GPy-)[General]Python Macro(2) / 他DocumentのMacro

Sub PythonMacro
	Dim oSP as Object
	Dim oScript as Object
 		oSP = ThisComponent.ScriptProvider
 	' Python Macro
		oScript = oSP.getScript("$oTest?language=Python&location=user") 
	' Macro実行
		oScript.invoke( array(),array(),array())	
End Sub
' [ Python Macro ]
' マイマクロ/ / def oTest(): 
#coding: UTF-8
# python Marco
import re
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from import Rectangle
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, Rectangle(), oMsgType, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oDisp = u('処理を続けますか?')
		oAns = omsgbox(oDisp,2,'Normal Box','messbox')
		oDisp = 'Return => ' + str(oAns)
		oDisp = traceback.format_exc(sys.exc_info()[2])



[ FileSystemObject ]


Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "C:\temp\OOoTest.csv"	
		If oFSObj.FileExists(oFile) then
			MsgBox( oFile & " は存在します", 0, "File Exist")
			MsgBox( oFile & " は存在しません", 0, "Caution !!")
		End If
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub


Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFolder as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFolder = "C:\temp"	
		If oFSObj.FolderExists(oFolder) then
			MsgBox( oFolder & " Folder は存在します", 0, "FileSystemObject")
			MsgBox( oFolder & " Folder は存在しません", 0, "Caution !!")
		End If
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub


Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oDrive() as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oDrive = Array("A:","C:","D:")	
		oDisp = ""
		for each oDrName in oDrive
			if oFSObj.DriveExists(oDrName) then
				oDisp = oDisp & oDrName & " Driveは存在します。" & Chr(10)
				oDisp = oDisp & oDrName & " Driveは存在しません。" & Chr(10)
			end if
		next oDrName
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"End Code"
End Sub


Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
	Dim oFName as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "C:\temp\OOoTest.csv"
		oFName = oFSObj.GetFileName(oFile)
		oDisp = oFile & Chr(10) & " → " & oFName
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]Exe FileのVresion取得

Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oExeFile as String
	Dim oVersion as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oExeFile = "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
		oVersion = oFSObj.GetFileVersion(oExeFile)
		oDisp = oExeFile & Chr(10) & " → Ver." & oVersion
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]Current Folder + File Name

Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
	Dim oAbsFile as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "Dummy.txt"
		oAbsFile = oFSObj.GetAbsolutePathName(oFile)
		oDisp = oAbsFile
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]Drive Name抽出

Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
	Dim oDriveName as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "c:\Temp\Dummy.txt"
		oDriveName = oFSObj.GetDriveName(oFile)
		oDisp = oFile & Chr(10) & " → " & oDriveName
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]Base File Name抽出

Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
	Dim oBaseName as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "c:\Temp\Dummy.txt"
		oBaseName = oFSObj.GetBaseName(oFile)
		oDisp = oFile & Chr(10) & " → " & oBaseName
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub


Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
	Dim oExtentName as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "c:\Temp\MacroCalc.ods"
		oExtentName = oFSObj.GetExtensionName(oFile)
		oDisp = oFile & Chr(10) & " → " & oExtentName
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]Parent Folder抽出

Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
	Dim oParentName as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "c:\Temp\MacroCalc.ods"
		oParentName = oFSObj.GetParentFolderName(oFile)
		oDisp = oFile & Chr(10) & " → " & oParentName
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub


Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
	Dim oWinFldr as String
	Dim oSysFldr as String
	Dim oTmpFldr as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oWinFldr = oFSObj.GetSpecialFolder(0)
		oSysFldr = oFSObj.GetSpecialFolder(1)
		oTmpFldr = oFSObj.GetSpecialFolder(2)
		oDisp = "WindowsFolder /  " & oWinFldr & Chr(10) & "SystemFolder /  " & oSysFldr
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]Temporary File取得

Sub oFSObject()
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
	Dim oTmpFile as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oTmpFile = oFSObj.GetTempName()
		oDisp = "Temp File Name /  " & oTmpFile
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"End Code"
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]File Information取得( using FileSystemObject )

Sub oFSObject()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "C:\temp\Test_Access.xlsx"	
		If oFSObj.FileExists(oFile) then
			Dim oFileObj as Object
			Dim oName as String
			Dim oFileType as String
			Dim oSize as String
			Dim oCreateObj as Object
			Dim oCreate as Date
			Dim oLastAccessObj as Object
			Dim oLastAccess as Date
			Dim oLastModifyObj as Object
			Dim oLastModify as Date
				set oFileObj = oFSObj.GetFile(oFile)
				oName = oFileObj.Name
				oFileType = oFileObj.Type
				oSize = oFileObj.Size
				oCreateObj = oFileObj.DateCreated
				oCreate = CDate(oCreateObj.Value)					' oCreateObj.Value : Double Type
				' LastModifiedされた時のAccess 日時  / CSV や Text Fileは DateLastModified と同じ 
				oLastAccessObj = oFileObj.DateLastAccessed
				oLastAccess = CDate(oLastAccessObj.Value)			' oLastAccessObj.Value : Double Type
				oLastModifyObj = oFileObj.DateLastModified
				oLastModify = CDate(oLastModifyObj.Value)			' oLastModifyObj.Value  :  Double Type
				oDisp = oFile & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & _
							"File Name :  " & oName & Chr$(10) & _
							"File Type :  " & oFileType & Chr$(10) & _
							"File Size  :  " & oSize & Chr$(10) & _
							"Created date of file  :  " & CStr(oCreate) & Chr$(10) & _
							"Last accesed date of file  :  " & CStr(oLastAccess) & Chr$(10) & _
							"Last modified date of file  :  " & CStr(oLastModify)
				set oFileObj = Nothing
			oDisp = oFile & Chr$(10) & " は存在しません"
		End If
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oFSObject()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFile as String
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		oFile = "C:\temp\OOoTest.csv"	
		If oFSObj.FileExists(oFile) then
			Dim oFileObj as Object
				set oFileObj = oFSObj.GetFile(oFile)
				If oFileObj.Attributes And 1 Then
					oDisp = oFileObj.Name & " : 読み取り専用です。" & Chr$(10)
					' 読み取り専用を解除
					oFileObj.Attributes = oFileObj.Attributes And &HFE
					If oFileObj.Attributes And 1 Then
						oDisp = oDisp & " → " & "  読み取り専用の解除に失敗しました。"
						oDisp = oDisp & " → " & "  読み取り専用の解除しました。"
					End If
					oDisp = oFileObj.Name & " : 読み取り専用ではありません。"
				End If
			oDisp = oFile & Chr$(10) & " は存在しません"
		End If
		set oFSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSFs-)[General]File( or Folder )の属性取得

Sub oFSObject()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oFile1 as String, oFile2 as String, oFile3 as String, oFile4 as String, oFile5 as String
		oFile1 = "C:\temp\OOoTest.csv"	
		oFile2 = "C:\temp\OOoTest_Readonly.csv"
		oFile3 = "C:\temp\OOoTest_Hidden.csv"
		oFile4 = "C:\temp\OOoTest_Comp.7z"
		oFile5 = "C:\temp\Dummy.txt"
		oDisp = ""
		oDisp = oDisp & oFile1 & "  →  " & FileAttr(oFile1) & Chr$(10)
		oDisp = oDisp & oFile2 & "  →  " & FileAttr(oFile2) & Chr$(10)
		oDisp = oDisp & oFile3 & "  →  " & FileAttr(oFile3) & Chr$(10)
		oDisp = oDisp & oFile4 & "  →  " & FileAttr(oFile4) & Chr$(10)
		oDisp = oDisp & oFile5 & "  →  " & FileAttr(oFile5) & Chr$(10)
		msgbox oDisp,0,"FileSystemObject"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
Function FileAttr( oFile as String) as String
	Dim oFSObj as Object
	Dim oFileObj as Object
		set oFSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		set oFileObj = oFSObj.GetFile(oFile)
		select case oFileObj.Attributes
			case 0
				FileAttr = "Normal"
			case 1
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly"
			case 2
				FileAttr = "Hidden"
			case 1+2
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden"
			case 4
				FileAttr = "System"
			case 1+4
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + System"
			case 2+4
				FileAttr = "Hidden + System"
			case 1+2+4
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System"
			case 8
				FileAttr = "Volume"
			case 1+8
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Volume"
			case 2+8
				FileAttr = "Hidden + Volume"
			case 4+8
				FileAttr = "System + Volume"
			case 1+2+8
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Volume"
			case 1+4+8
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + System + Volume"
			case 1+2+4+8
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume"
			case 16
				FileAttr = "Directory"
			case 1+16
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Directory"
			case 2+16
				FileAttr = "Hidden + Directory"
			case 4+16
				FileAttr = "System + Directory"
			case 8+16
				FileAttr = "Volume + Directory"
			case 1+2+16
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Directory"
			case 1+4+16
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + System + Directory"
			case 1+8+16
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Volume + Directory"
			case 1+2+4+16
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Directory"
			case 1+2+8+16
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Volume + Directory"
			case 1+2+4+8+16
			case 32
				FileAttr = "Archive"
			case 1+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Archive"
			case 2+32
				FileAttr = "Hidden + Archive"
			case 4+32
				FileAttr = "System + Archive"
			case 8+32
				FileAttr = "Volume + Archive"
			case 16+32
				FileAttr = "Directory + Archive"
			case 1+2+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Archive"
			case 1+4+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + System + Archive"
			case 1+8+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Volume + Archive"
			case 1+16+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Directory + Archive"
			case 1+2+4+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Archive"
			case 1+2+8+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Volume + Archive"
			case 1+2+16+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Directory + Archive"
			case 1+2+4+8+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Archive"
			case 1+2+4+16+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Directory + Archive"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+32
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Archive"
			case 64
				FileAttr = "Alias"
			case 1+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Alias"
			case 2+64
				FileAttr = "Hidden + Alias"
			case 4+64
				FileAttr = "System + Alias"
			case 8+64
				FileAttr = "Volume + Alias"
			case 16+64
				FileAttr = "Directory + Alias"
			case 32+64
				FileAttr = "Archive + Alias"
			case 1+2+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Alias"
			case 1+4+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + System + Alias"
			case 1+8+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Volume + Alias"
			case 1+16+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Directory + Alias"
			case 1+32+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Archive + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Alias"
			case 1+2+8+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Volume + Alias"
			case 1+2+16+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Directory + Alias"
			case 1+2+32+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Archive + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+8+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+16+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Directory + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+32+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Archive + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+8+32+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Archive + Alias"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+32+64
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Archive + Alias"	
			case 128
				FileAttr = "Compress"
			case 1+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Compress"
			case 2+128
				FileAttr = "Hidden + Compress"
			case 4+128
				FileAttr = "System + Compress"
			case 8+128
				FileAttr = "Volume + Compress"
			case 16+128
				FileAttr = "Directory + Compress"
			case 32+128
				FileAttr = "Archive + Compress"
			case 64+128
				FileAttr = "Alias + Compress"
			case 1+2+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Compress"
			case 1+4+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + System + Compress"
			case 1+8+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Volume + Compress"
			case 1+16+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Directory + Compress"
			case 1+32+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Archive + Compress"
			case 1+64+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Alias + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Compress"
			case 1+2+8+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Volume + Compress"
			case 1+2+16+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Directory + Compress"
			case 1+2+32+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + Archive + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+16+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Directory + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+32+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Archive + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+64+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Alias + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+32+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Archive + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+64+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Alias + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+32+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Archive + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+64+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Alias + Compress"
			case 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128
				FileAttr = "ReadOnly + Hidden + System + Volume + Directory + Archive + Alias + Compress"
		end select
		set oFileObj = Nothing
		set oFSObj = Nothing
End Function


[ 正規表現 ]


Sub oVBSRegExp
	Dim oRegExp As Object 
		oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 
		' 対象文字列のObjectの設定
		oSchWord = "Office"
		oRegExp.Pattern = oSchWord		' 検索文字 
		oRegExp.Ignorecase = True	' 大文字小文字を区別を無視 ← Falseは区別を無視しない
		oRegExp.Global = True		' 正規表現を文字列内のすべての可能なマッチに対してテストすべきかどうか
	' 正規表現
	Dim oWords as String
		oWords = " / LibreOffice"
		oRltSrch = oRegExp.Test(oWords) 
		oDisp = "対象 => " & oWords & Chr$(10) & "検索文字 => " & oSchWord & Chr$(10) & "結果 => " & oRltSrch 
		msgbox oDisp,0,"VBS 正規表現"
		oRegExp = nothing 
End Sub 


Sub oVBSRegExp
	Dim oRegExp As Object 
		oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 
		' 対象文字列のObjectの設定
		oSchWord = "Office"
		oRegExp.Pattern = oSchWord	' 検索文字 
		oRegExp.Ignorecase = True	' 大文字小文字を区別を無視 ← Falseは区別を無視しない
		oRegExp.Global = True		' 正規表現を文字列内のすべての可能なマッチに対してテストすべきかどうか
	' 正規表現
	Dim oWords as String
		oWords = " / LibreOffice"
		oRpleWord = "OFFICE"
		oRltSrch = oRegExp.Replace(oWords, oRpleWord) 
		oDisp = "対象 => " & oWords & Chr$(10) & "検索文字 => " & oSchWord & Chr$(10) & "置換文字 => " & oRpleWord & Chr$(10) & "置換結果 => " & oRltSrch 
		msgbox oDisp,0,"VBS 正規表現"
		oRegExp = nothing 
End Sub 


Sub oVBSRegExp
	Dim oRegExp As Object 
		oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 
		' 対象文字列のObjectの設定
		oSchWord = "Office"
		oRegExp.Pattern = oSchWord	' 検索文字 
		oRegExp.Ignorecase = False	' 大文字小文字を区別を無視しない
		oRegExp.Global = True	' 正規表現を文字列内のすべての可能なマッチに対してテストすべきかどうか
	' 正規表現
	Dim oWords as String
		oWords = " / LibreOffice"
		oRltSrch = oRegExp.Execute(oWords) 
		oDisp = "対象 => " & oWords & Chr$(10) & "検索文字 => " & oSchWord & Chr$(10) & "Matche数 => " & oRltSrch.count
		msgbox oDisp,0,"VBS 正規表現"
		oRegExp = nothing 
End Sub 


Sub oVBSRegExp
	Dim oRegExp As Object 
		oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 
		' 対象文字列のObjectの設定
		oSchWord = "[a-e]"
		oRegExp.Pattern = oSchWord	' 検索文字 
		oRegExp.Ignorecase = True	' 大文字小文字を区別を無視する
		oRegExp.Global = True
	' 正規表現
	Dim oWords as String
	Dim oRltSrch as Object
	Dim oCount as Integer
	Dim i as Long
	Dim oDisp as String
		oWords = " / LibreOffice"
		oRltSrch = oRegExp.Execute(oWords) 
		oCount = oRltSrch.count
		oDisp = "検索対象: " & oWords & Chr$(10) & "正規表現: " & oSchWord & Chr$(10)
		If oCount > 0 then
			oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "マッチした文字の数 = " & oCount & Chr$(10)
			for i = 0 to oCount-1
				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "  (" & i+1 & ") " & "文字位置 =  " & oRltSrch.Item(i).FirstIndex & " /  一致した文字 =  " & oRltSrch.Item(i)
				oRltSrch = oRegExp.Execute(oWords) 	
			oDisp = oDisp & "マッチした文字はありません。"
		End If
		msgbox oDisp,0,"VBS正規表現 LO6.2.4/Win10(64bit)"
		oRegExp = nothing 
End Sub
' 【注意事項】
' ① FirstIndexはItem取得前に取得しないとエラー
'OK: oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "  (" & i+1 & ") " & "文字位置 =  " & oRltSrch.Item(i).FirstIndex & " /  一致した文字 =  " & oRltSrch.Item(i)	
'NG:oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "  (" & i+1 & ") " & "一致した文字 =  " & oRltSrch.Item(i) & " /  文字位置 =  " & oRltSrch.Item(i).FirstIndex
' ②FirstIndexは一度、処置すると次はエラー。Loop4no外で2回同じ処置をしてもエラー。 回避方法は毎回、正規表現を実施。
'正規表現の参考サイト:Office TANAKA / 正規表現によるマッチング


[ WshShell ]


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "notepad.exe"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
	Dim oExecObj as Object
	Dim nk as Long
	Dim oLimit as Long
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "notepad.exe"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		set oExecObj = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		nk = 0
		oLimit = 10000
		Do while oExecObj.Status = 0 and nk < oLimit
			wait 1000
			nk = nk + 1
			if nk > oLimit then
				Exit Do
			end if
		if nk > oLimit then
			oDisp = "Loop制限です。"
			oDisp = oCmdLine & " を終了しました。"
			set oExecObj = Nothing
		end if
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "notepad.exe"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		oWSObj.Run(oCmdLine,1, true)
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' object.Run( cmd, [WinStyle], [WaitOnReturn] )
' → Execと異なり、単純に起動させるだけなので、起動中のApplicationのStatusは分らない。
' cmd : Execute File ← Full Pathがbetter
' [ WinStyle ]
'	1	:	Active	/ Normal Size	( Default )
'	2	:	Active  / Minimum Size
'	3	:	Active  / Maximum Size
'	4	:	Inactive/ Normal Size
'	5	:	Active  / Same Size as last time ( According to the application )
'	7	:	Inactive/ Minimum Size
' [ WaitOnReturn ]
'	true	:	Wait until the end


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
	Dim oExecObj as Object
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "notepad.exe"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		set oExecObj = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		wait 3000			' wait 3 sec
		' 強制終了
		set oExecObj = Nothing
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		oDisp = "Success"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
	Dim oExecObj as Object
	Dim nk as Long
	Dim oLimit as Long
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "notepad.exe"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		set oExecObj = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		nk = 0
		oLimit = 10000
		Do while oExecObj.Status = 0 and nk < oLimit
			wait 1000
			nk = nk + 1
			if nk > oLimit then
				Exit Do
			end if
		if nk > oLimit then
			oDisp = "Loop制限です。"
			Dim oExitCode as Long
				oExitCode = oExecObj.ExitCode
				oDisp = oCmdLine & " を終了しました。" & Chr$(10) & _
							"  終了Status = " & oExitCode
				set oExecObj = Nothing
		end if
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSWhS-)[General]ProgramのProcess ID取得

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
	Dim oExecObj as Object
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "notepad.exe"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		set oExecObj = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		msgbox "10 [sec] 以内に起動したProgramをActiveにして下さい。",0,"Active"
        wait 10000		' wait 10 [ sec ]
        oDisp = oCmdLine & " をActiveにしました。" & Chr$(10) & "Process ID = " & oExecObj.ProcessID
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSWhS-)[General]Current Folder取得

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCurFolder as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCurFolder = oWSObj.CurrentDirectory
		oDisp = "[ Current Folder ] " & Chr$(10) & oCurFolder
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSWhS-)[General]Current Folder変更

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oChgFolder as String
	Dim oCurFolder as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oChgFolder = "C:\Temp"
    	oWSObj.CurrentDirectory = oChgFolder
		oCurFolder = oWSObj.CurrentDirectory
		oDisp = "[ Current Folder ] " & Chr$(10) & oCurFolder
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oTime as Long
	Dim oAns as Long
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oTime = 2
		oAns = oWSObj.Popup(oTime & " [sec]以内のClickして下さい。", oTime,  "時間内のClick?", vbOkCancel	 + vbQuestion)
		' messagebox の FrameをClick ( OK Button や 「 × 」 以外 )
		select case oAns
			case -1
				oDisp = oTime & " sec が経過したのでMessageBoxをCloseしました。"
			case 1
				oDisp = oTime & " sec 以内にClickされました。"
		end select
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ 注意 ]
' OK Buttonしか反応しないことも多い。時間が長いとNG?
' Shell関数を用いてCommand Promptから実行した方が良さそう。
Sub VbsShell()
	Dim oVbsFile as String
		oVbsFile = "C:\temp\Test.vbs"
		Shell ("cmd /c " & oVbsFile)
End Sub
' ********** [ C:\temp\Test.vbs ] **********
Dim oWSObj, oTime, oAns
	Set oWSObj = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	oTime = 2
	oAns = oWSObj.Popup(oTime & " [sec]以内のClickして下さい。", oTime,  "時間内のClick?", 1)
	' messagebox の FrameをClick ( OK Button や 「 × 」 以外 )
	select case oAns
		case -1
			oDisp = oTime & " sec が経過したのでMessageBoxをCloseしました。"
		case 1
			oDisp = oTime & " sec 以内にClickされました。"
	end select
	WScript.Echo oDisp
	set oWSObj = Nothing
' ********** [ C:\temp\Test.vbs ] **********
' Popup メソッドについては、MicroSoft公式Pageを参照の事。


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oOsBit as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oOsBit = oWSObj.Environment("Process").Item("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")
		oDisp = "[ CPU ]" & Chr$(10)
		Select case UCase(oOsBit)
			case "X86"
				oDisp = oDisp & oOsBit & " / 32Bit CPU "
			case "AMD64"
				oDisp = oDisp & oOsBit & " / 64Bit CPU "
			case "IA64"
				oDisp = oDisp & oOsBit & " / 64Bit CPU "
			case else
				oDisp = oDisp & " → Unknown CPU"
		End Select
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSWhS-)[General]動画再生( Windows Media Player )

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "C:\temp\Movie\MovieTest.mp4"
		' Execute natepad.exe
		oWSObj.Run(oCmdLine,1, true)
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "PowerShell"
		' Execute PoweShell
		oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)	' or oWSObj.Run oCmdLine
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox "Success",0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' 上記はPowerShellを起動させるのみ。
' Reference Site
' ・あれあの備忘録/VBAからpowershellコマンドを実行する
' ・Pika's Home/VBScriptを使ってPowerShellスクリプトを管理者権限で実行する
' ・Excel VBAからPowerShellのScriptを起動する方法
' ・Windowsスクリプティング環境比較:PowerShell vs WSH / 3.スクリプト機能の比較(1)


[ Shell.Application ]


Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oPickFolder as String
	Dim oDefFolder as String
	Dim oDisp as String
	Dim oNote as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		oNote = "Folderを選択して下さい。" & Chr$(10) & "キャンセルは不可(Errorになります)"
		oDefFolder = "C:\Temp\test\"
		oPickFolder = oShellObj.BrowseForFolder(0, oNote, 0,oDefFolder)
		oDisp = "選択されたFolderは" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(9) & oPickFolder & Chr$(10) & "  です。( Defualtは " & oDefFolder & " )"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		oShellObj.Explore "C:\Temp\test"
		wait 1000
		oDisp = "Explorerが開きました。"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]File名を指定して実行 Windowを開く

Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		oDisp = "File名を指定して実行 Windowが開きました"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]File と Folderの検索 Windowを開く

Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		wait 1000
		oDisp = "File と Folderの検索 Windowが開きました"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		wait 1000
		oDisp = "WindowsのHelpが開きました"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]全てのWindowの最少化 / 最少化解除

Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		' 全てのWindowの最少化
		wait 3000		' wait 3 [sec]
		' 元のWindow Sizeに戻す( 最少化の解除 )
		oDisp = "Window の最少化→元のSize"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]日付と時刻の設定 Windowを開く

Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		wait 2000		' wait 2 [sec]
		oDisp = "日付と時刻の設定 Window が開きました。"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]Windowsの Shutdown画面を開く

Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		wait 2000		' wait 2 [sec]
		oDisp = "Windows の Shutdown 画面が開きました。"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]Taskbar と Start Menuの設定画面を開く

Sub oShell_App()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oShellObj as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oShellObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		' Current Windowの最少化
		wait 2000		' wait 2 [sec]
		oDisp = "Taskbar と Start Menuの設定画面が開きました。"
		set oShellObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Shell.Application"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSShAp-)[General]File Information取得( using Shell.Application )

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oFolderObj as Object
	Dim oFileObj as Object
	Dim oFoderName as String
	Dim oChkFile as String
	Dim oFileName as String
		set oWSObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
		oFoderName = "C:\temp"
		oFileName = "oTextMacro.txt"
		oChkFile = oFoderName & "\" & oFileName
		oDisp = oChkFile & Chr$(10)
		if FileExists(oChkFile) then
			set oFolderObj = oWSObj.NameSpace(oFoderName)
			set oFileObj = oFolderObj.ParseName(oFileName)
			Dim oName as String
			Dim oPath as String
			Dim oFileType as String
			Dim oParent as String
			Dim oSize as String
			Dim oMdfyDateObj as Object
			Dim oMdfyDate as Date
			Dim oHtml as Boolean
			Dim oIsFldFile as Boolean
			Dim oIsFolder as Boolean
			DIm oIsLink as Boolean
				oName = oFileObj.Name
				oPath = oFileObj.Path
				oFileType = oFileObj.Type
				oParent = oFileObj.Parent
				oSize = oFileObj.Size
				oMdfyDateObj = oFileObj.ModifyDate
				oMdfyDate = CDate(oMdfyDateObj.Value)		' oMdfyDateObj.Value ← Double
				oHtml = oFileObj.IsBrowsable
				oIsFldFile = oFileObj.IsFileSystem
				oIsFolder = oFileObj.IsFolder
				oIsLink = oFileObj.IsLink
			oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "Name :  " & oName & Chr$(10) & _
						"Path :  " & oPath & Chr$(10) & _
						"File Type :  " & oFileType & Chr$(10) & _
						"Parent Folder :  " & oParent & Chr$(10) & _
						"File Size :  " & oSize & " [ Byte ]" & Chr$(10) & _
						"Modified Date :  " & CStr(oMdfyDate) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & _
						"Html File ?  →  " & oHtml & Chr$(10) & _
						"Folder or File ?  →  " & oIsFldFile & Chr$(10) & _
						"Folder ?  →  " & oIsFolder & Chr$(10) & _
						"Link ?  →  " & oIsLink
			set oFolderObj = Nothing
			set oFileObj = Nothing
			oDisp = oDisp & "は存在しません。"
		end if
		set oWSObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WshShell"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


[ WScript.Network ]

GVBSWsNt-)[General]Network Information取得

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWNetObj as Object
	Dim oDomain as String
	Dim oComputer as String
	Dim oUser as String
		set oWNetObj = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
		oDomain = oWNetObj.UserDomain
		oComputer = oWNetObj.ComputerName
		oUser = oWNetObj.UserName
		oDisp = "Domain =  " & oDomain & Chr$(10) & "Computer =  " & oComputer & Chr$(10) & "User Name =  " & oUser
		oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "Seccess" & Chr$(10) & "[ LO5.1.4.2 on Windows10(32bit) ]"
		set oWNetObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Network"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' Windows管理者のためのWindows Script Host入門

GVBSWsNt-)[General]Default Printer設定

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWNetObj as Object
	Dim oDefautPrt as String
		set oWNetObj = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
		oDefautPrt = "Microsoft XPS Document Writer"
		REM oDefautPrt = "Fax"
		oWNetObj.SetDefaultPrinter oDefautPrt
		oDisp = "Default Printerが" & Chr$(10) & oDefautPrt & Chr$(10) & "に設定されました。" 
		set oWNetObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Network"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Default Printerの設定は出来るが、取得は出来ない

GVBSWsNt-)[General]Printer List取得

Sub oWshShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWNetObj as Object
	Dim oPrinters as Object
	Dim oPort as String
	Dim oPrtName as String
		Set oWNetObj = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
		Set oPrinters = oWNetObj.EnumPrinterConnections
		oDisp = "[ Printer List ]" & Chr$(10)
		for i = 0 to oPrinters.Count - 1 Step 2
			oPort = oPrinters.Item(i)					' Refer to Note
			oPrtName = oPrinters.Item(i+1)
    		oDisp = oDisp & oPort & " = " & oPrtName & Chr(10)
  		next i
  		oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(10) & "Seccess" & Chr$(10) & "[ LO5.1.4.2 on Windows10(32bit) ]"
		Set oPrinters = Nothing
		Set oWNetObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WScript.Network"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' Port値は正確では無い。正確な値を取得するにはレジストリをいじる必要がある模様。
' $$$ [ Reference site ] $$$
' 1) Blog site 「 513号室 」の保管庫(Excel:ActivePrinterへ設定するプリンタ名の列挙)より
' 2) Microsoft / TechNet " Find Printername and PrinterPort on VBScript "


[ WbemScripting.SWbemLocator ]


Sub oWbSt_SwLr()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oLocatorObj as Object, oSrv as Object, oExeQuery as Object
	Dim oAppNum as Integer
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oLocatorObj = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
		set oSrv = oLocatorObj.ConnectServer 
		set oExeQuery = oSrv.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process") 
		oAppNum = oExeQuery.count
		oDisp = "起動中のProcess数 は" & Chr$(10) & oAppNum & " です。"
		set oExeQuery = Nothing
		set oSrv = Nothing
		set oLocatorObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WbemScripting"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oWbSt_SwLr()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oLocatorObj as Object, oSrv as Object, oExeQuery as Object
	Dim oAppNum as Integer
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oLocatorObj = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
		set oSrv = oLocatorObj.ConnectServer 
		set oExeQuery = oSrv.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Caption='notepad.EXE'")
		oAppNum = oExeQuery.count
		If oAppNum = 0 then
			oDisp = "NotePadは起動していません。"
			oDisp = "NotesPadが " & oAppNum & " つ起動しています。"
		End If
		set oExeQuery = Nothing
		set oSrv = Nothing
		set oLocatorObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"WbemScripting"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' MS-Excel : EXCEL.EXE
' Internet Explore : iexplore.exe / 1つのIEでprocessは2つ
' Chrome : chrome.exe / 1つで複数のprocessを使っている。

[ Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP / htmlfile ]

GVBHttpHF-)[General]Site Data取得

Option VBASupport 1		' For Eachを使う場合必須 
Sub oHttpHtmlFile()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oHttpObj as Object
	Dim oHFObj as Object
	Dim oUrl as String
	Dim oTitle as String, oDisp as String
	Dim oDom
		set oHttpObj = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
		oUrl = ""
		oHttpObj.Open "GET", oUrl
    	Do While oHttpObj.readyState < 4
		oHFObj = CreateObject("htmlfile")
		oHFObj.write oHttpObj.responseText
		oTitle = oHFObj.Title
		oDisp = oTitle
		'oDom = oHFObj.getElementsByTagName("h1")(0).innerText	' 注:not Work
		For Each oDom in oHFObj.getElementsByTagName("h2")
			oDisp = oDisp & CHr$(13) & oDom.innerText
		set oHFObj = Nothing
		set oHttpObj = Nothing
		msgbox oDisp,0,"LO7.0.1.2(x64)/Windows10"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox "Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message"
End Sub


[ MS-Office ]

{{ General }}


Sub oMsOffice()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oExcelObj as Object
	Dim xlbook as Object
	Dim oDisp as String
		set oExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
		set xlbook = oExcelObj.Workbooks.Add
		oExcelObj.Visible = true
		oDisp = "MS-Excel が起動しました"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"MS-Office"
		set xlbook = Nothing
		set oExcelObj = Nothing
		oDisp = "Success"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"MS-Office"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oMsOffice()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWordObj as Object
	Dim oErrFlag as Integer
	Dim oDisp as String
		oErrFlag = 0
		set oWordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
		oErrFlag = 999
		oWordObj.Visible = true
		oDisp = "MS-Word が起動しました"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"MS-Office"
		set oWordObj = Nothing
		oErrFlag = 0
		oDisp = "Success"
		msgbox oDisp,0,"MS-Office"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		if oErrFlag = 999 then
			set oWordObj = Nothing
		end if
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub ExcelVBAMacro()
	Dim oExcelName as String
	Dim oExcelDoc as Object
	Dim oArgToExcel as String
	Dim oProp(0) as New
	Dim oSP as Object
	Dim oScript as Object
		oExcelName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\Excel2007Test.xlsm")
		' Excel Document
		oProp(0).Name  = "Hidden"
  		oProp(0).Value = false
  		oExcelDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(oExcelName,"_default",0, oProp())
  		oArgToExcel = "Execute From LibreOfice!!"
 		oSP = oExcelDoc.ScriptProvider
 		' VBA Macro
		oScript = oSP.getScript("") 
		' Macro実行
		oScript.invoke( array(oArgToExcel),array(),array())	
		' Excel Close
End Sub
' [ VBA ]
Sub ExcelMacro(Optional oArg As String)
    Dim oCellString As String
    Dim oDisp As String
        oCellString = Workbooks("Excel2007Test.xlsm").Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B2").Text
        oDisp = oCellString & Chr(10) & oArg
        MsgBox oDisp, 0, "Excel Macro"
End Sub

{{ Other }}


[ Internet Explorer ]

GVBSIe-)[General]Internet Explorer起動(VBS)

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl as String
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl = ""
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl )
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
    	wait 1000
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl1 as String
	Dim oUrl2 as Variant
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl1 = ""
		oUrl2 = ""
		oIEObj.Visible = True
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl1 )		' URL : String
    	Dim nk as Long
    	Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
    	oIEObj.Navigate2( oUrl2 )		' URL : Variant
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl1 as String
	Dim oUrl2 as Variant
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl1 = ""
		oUrl2 = ""
		oIEObj.Visible = True
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl1 )		' URL : String
    	Dim nk as Long
    	Do until oIEObj.ReadyState = 4 or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
    	oIEObj.Navigate2( oUrl2 )		' URL : Variant
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ ReadyState ]
' 0	:	初期化中 / 前回のページデータのクリア時
' 1	:	表示データ読み込み中	 
' 2	:	表示データ読み込み完了	 
' 3	:	データの表示中	 
' 4	:	全てのデータが表示終了

GVBSIe-)[General]戻る / 進む / 中止

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl1 as String
	Dim oUrl2 as Variant
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl1 = ""
		oUrl2 = ""
		oIEObj.Visible = True
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl1 )		' URL : String
    	Dim nk as Long
    	nk = 0
    	Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
    	oIEObj.Navigate2( oUrl2 )		' URL : Variant
    	nk = 0
    	Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
    	msgbox("Click → Go Back",0,"IE")
    	nk = 0
    	Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
    	msgbox("Click → Go Foward",0,"IE")
    	nk = 0
    	Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
    	' Bad URL → Stop
    	oIEObj.Navigate( "http://oooug.jpp/" )
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSIe-)[General]Current siteのURL取得

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
    	Dim nk as Long
    	nk = 0
    	Do until oIEObj.ReadyState = 4 or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
	Dim oUrl as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		oUrl = oIEObj.LocationURL()
		oDisp = "Current URL" & Chr$(10) & "→  " & oURL
		msgbox oDisp,0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSIe-)[General]Current siteのTitle Name取得

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
    	Dim nk as Long
    	nk = 0
    	Do until oIEObj.ReadyState = 4 or nk > 10000
    		wait 1000
    		nk = nk+1
    	if nk > 10000 then
    		msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
    		Exit Sub
    	end if
	Dim oUrlName as String
	Dim oDisp as String
		oUrlName = oIEObj.LocationName()
		oDisp = "Title of Current Site" & Chr$(10) & "→  " & oUrlName
		msgbox oDisp,0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSIe-)[General]Screen updates

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl as String
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl = ""
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl )
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
		wait 5000
		oIEObj.Refresh()			' Screen updates
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl as String
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl = ""
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl )
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
		oIEObj.Width = 400
		oIEObj.Height = 300
		oIEObj.Top = 100
		oIEObj.Left = 100
		oIEObj.Resizable = False
		msgbox "Success",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSIe-)[General]WindowのFull Screen表示

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl as String
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl = ""
    	oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl )
    	oIEObj.Visible = True
		' Full Screen
		oIEObj.FullScreen  = true
		msgbox "Full Screen表示中です",0,"IE"
		oIEObj.FullScreen  = false
		msgbox "Noraml 表示です",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSIe-)[General]Adress Bar表示/非表示

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl1 as String
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl1 = ""
		oIEObj.Visible = True
		oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl1 )		' URL : String
		oIEObj.Width = 400
		oIEObj.Height = 200
		oIEObj.Top = 100
		oIEObj.Left = 100
		Dim nk as Long
			Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
				wait 1000
				nk = nk+1
			if nk > 10000 then
				msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
				Exit Sub
			end if
		oIEObj.AddressBar = false		' .MenuBar 及び .ToolBar はIE9では関係無し
		msgbox "Adress Bar非表示です。",0,"IE"
		oIEObj.AddressBar = true
		msgbox "Adress Bar表示です。",0,"IE"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

GVBSIe-)[General]Site Source取得( Body部のTextのみ )

Sub oIE_VBS()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oIEObj as Object
	Dim oUrl1 as String
		set oIEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		oUrl1 = ""
		oIEObj.Visible = True
		oIEObj.Navigate( oUrl1 )		' URL : String
		oIEObj.Width = 400
		oIEObj.Height = 200
		oIEObj.Top = 100
		oIEObj.Left = 100
	Dim nk as Long
		Do until oIEObj.Busy = false or nk > 10000
			wait 1000
			nk = nk+1
		if nk > 10000 then
			msgbox("Loop制限です",0,"Loop Limit")
			Exit Sub
		end if
	Dim oDisp as String
	Dim oSiteSrc as String
		oSiteSrc = oIEObj.Document.Body.innerText		' 取得を失敗するSiteもある / innerHtml 	は不可
		set oIEObj = Nothing
		oDisp = "[ Site Source ]" & Chr$(10) & " *** [ " & oUrl1 & " ] ***" & Chr(10) & Chr$(10) & oSiteSrc
		msgbox oDisp,0,"Site Source"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub



Sub oPowerShell()
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
		Set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "powershell Compress-Archive -Path C:\Temp\Test\ -DestinationPath C:\Temp\ -force"
		Set oExec = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		Do While oExec.Status = 0
			wait 100
		Set oExec = Nothing
		Msgbox "圧縮完了",0,"LO7.1/Win10"
		oCmdLine = "powershell Expand-Archive -Path C:\Temp\ -DestinationPath C:\Temp\Test1\ -force"
		Set oExec = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		Do While oExec.Status = 0
			wait 100
		Set oExec = Nothing
		Set oWSObj = Nothing
		Msgbox "解凍完了",0,"LO7.1/Win10"
		Exit Sub
	Dim oErLine As Integer
	Dim oErNum As Integer
	Dim oErMsg As String
		oErLine = Erl
		oErNum = Err
		oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub oPowerShell()
	Dim oWSObj as Object
	Dim oCmdLine as String
		Set oWSObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		oCmdLine = "powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted C:\Temp\PS_test.ps1"
		Set oExec = oWSObj.Exec(oCmdLine)
		Do While oExec.Status = 0
			wait 100
		Set oExec = Nothing
		Msgbox "PowerSHell完了",0,"LO7.1/Win10"
End Sub
##### [ PS_test.ps1 ] #####

# アセンブリの読み込み
Add-Type -Assembly System.Windows.Forms
# メッセージボックスの表示
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("LibreOffice Macro", "LO7.1")

##### [ PS_test.ps1 ] #####

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