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Base No.1

Baseに付属してくるDatabaseには HSQLDB と Firebirdがあります。

**********************【 Index 】**********************



Connect with DataSource


[ ResultSet Service ]

[ RowSet Service ]

[ PreparedStatement Service ]

[ createDataDescriptor() ]


[ Form Button ]

[ Create / Edit ]

###【 Next Page ( Base No.2 ) 】###

**********************【 Macro Code 】**********************


BF-1)[Base]新規Base fileの開閉(保存確認無し)

Sub oBaseOpen_Dummy
	Dim Dummy()
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oAns = Msgbox("Fileを閉じますか?",4, "File Close確認")
		if oAns = 6 then
		End if
End Sub

BF-)[Base]新規Base fileの作成/保存( HSQLBD )

Sub oBaseOpen_Save()
	Dim Dummy() 
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 		oAns = Msgbox("fileを保存しますか?",4, "File Save確認")
 		 if oAns = 6 then
 		 	oInp = InputBox("Full pathでFile nameを入力して下さい(例 : C:\temp\btest.odb)","保存File nameの入力")
 		 	oBName = ConvertToUrl(oInp) 
 		 	oDoc.storeAsURL(oBName, Dummy())
		End If
		oAnsC = MsgBox("Fileを閉じますか?",4,"File Close確認")	
 		 If oAnsC = 6 then
 		 End If
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' 作成したFileはDatasoruceに登録されていないので、作成したFileを用いてMacroを実行しても上手くいかない時がある

BF-)[Base]新規Base fileの作成/保存( Firebird )

Sub oBaseOpen_Save()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oDataSource as Object
	Dim Dummy() 
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
 		oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 		oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:firebird"
 		oFileName = "c:\temp\Lo5012Firebird.odb"
 		oBName = ConvertToUrl(oFileName) 
 		oDoc.storeAsURL(oBName, Dummy())
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO5.0.1.2"
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' 作成したFileはDatasoruceに登録されていないので、作成したFileを用いてMacroを実行しても上手くいかない時がある

BF-2)[Base(Calc)]TableデータをCalc fileに出力。[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

現在のファイルのTable名 ADDRESSの内容をClacに出力する。ADDRESS(項目名: ID, NAME, VERSION )が作成されていれば、事前準備は不要。
但し、事前の中で設定して、その後に使用している変数(oCon, oTbName, oCol(2))は別途設定のこと。
事前準備で作成するTableは Firebird用(SQL文がFirebirdの為)。HSQLDBを使う時はHSQLDBのSQLに変更のこと。
Sub BaseFirbird()
	'==========[ ここから【事前準備】Calcへ出力する為にTableの準備。] ==========
	oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL	
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		' Connect with the DataSource
		Dim oDataSource as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		Dim oStmt as Object
  		Dim oSQL as String, oTbName as String
  		Dim oCol(2) as String
  			oTbName = "ADDRESS"
  			oCol(0) = "ID" 
  			oCol(1) = "NAME"
  			oCol(2) = "VERSION"
  			oStmt= oCon.createStatement()
			oSQL = "RECREATE TABLE " & oTbName & "(" & oCol(0) & " INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " & oCol(1) & " VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE, " & oCol(2) & " VARCHAR(20)); "
		' Insert Into Clause
  		Dim oSQL2 as String
  		Dim oValue as String
  		Dim i as Integer
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()		' Firebird ではTable作成後、再度、oStmtの作成が必要
  			for i = 1 to 10
  				oValue = "VALUES (" & i & " , 'Firebird_" & i & "', 'LO6.2.4.2');"
  				oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTbName & " " & oValue
  			Next i
		' ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
		' ****************************************
		'==========[ ここまで【事前準備】Calcへ出力する為にTableの準備。] ==========
		oLoad_Calc(oCon, oTbName, oCol(2))
		' Unconnect with the Datasource
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO (x64)"
End Sub
Sub oLoad_Calc(db as Object, oTbName as String)
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim oCol(2) as String
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim oURL As String
	Dim oSheet As Object
	Dim oCell_0 As Object
	Dim oCell_1 As Object
	Dim oCell_2 As Object
	Dim oCell_3 As Object
	Dim oCell_4 As Object
	Dim oRowSet As Object
	Dim i As Integer
		oURL ="private:factory/scalc"
		oDoc = StarDeskTop.LoadComponentFromURL(oURL, "_blank", 0, Dummy())
		oSheet = oDoc.Sheets(0)
		oSheet.Name = "Import_fromBase"
		oCol(0) = "ID"
		oCol(1) = "NAME"
		oCol(2) = "VERSION"
		oBase_Item = join(oCol,",")
		oRowSet =get_rowset(db, sql_select(oTbName, oBase_Item))
		While oRowSet.Next
			oCell_0= oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
			oCell_1= oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,i)
			oCell_2= oSheet.getCellByPosition(2,i)
			oCell_0.String = oRowSet.getString(1)
			oCell_1.String = oRowSet.getString(2)
			oCell_2.String = oRowSet.getString(3)
End Sub
Function sql_select(iTable as String, iFields)
	REM sql_select = "SELECT" & " " & iFields & " " & "FROM" & " " & iTable				' HSQLDB
	sql_select = "SELECT" & " " & iFields & " " & "FROM" & " " & iTable & ";"		' Firebird
End Function
Function get_rowset(db as Object, iSql as String) as Object
Dim oRowSet as Object
	oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
	With oRowSet
		.activeConnection = db
		.Command = iSql
	End With
	get_rowset = oRowSet
End Function

BF-3)[Base(Calc)]Databaseのデータを新規Calc fileに入力する。(Baseのtableから1つずつCalcのセルに入力)

Sub oBase_Calc2
	Dim db As Object
	Dim oBase as String
	Dim oDoc As Object
	Dim oURL As String
	Dim Dummy()
		oBase ="oBase_test"
		db = connect_to_database(oBase)
		oURL ="private:factory/scalc"
		oDoc = StarDeskTop.LoadComponentFromURL(oURL, "_blank", 0, Dummy())
End Sub

Sub disconnect_from_database ( db as Object)
End Sub

Sub oBase_Query(db as Object, iDoc as Object)
Dim oArray(4) As String
Dim oRowSet As Object
	oArray(0) = "ISBN"
	oArray(1) = "title"
	oArray(2) = "author"
	oArray(3) = "publish"
	oArray(4) = "published"
	oBase_Item = join(oArray,",")
	oRowSet =get_rowset(db, sql_select("table1", oBase_Item))
	oSheetName = "Import_Base"
	load_sheet(iDoc, oSheetName, oRowSet)
End Sub

Sub load_sheet(iDoc as Object, iName as String, iRowSet as Object)
Dim oSheet as Object
Dim oCell as Object
Dim r as Integer
Dim endMarker as String
	oSheet = iDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.sheet.Spreadsheet")
	iDoc.Sheets.insertByName(iName, oSheet)
	If Not isNull (iRowSet) then
		While iRowSet.Next
			r = r+1
			c = 0
			endMarker = "Getting_Data"
			While endMarker <> ""
				oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(c, r)
				If isNumeric(iRowSet.getString(c)) then
					oCell.Value = iRowSet.getString(c)
					oCell.String = iRowSet.getString(c)
				End if
				c =c + 1
				endMarker = iRowSet.getString(c)
	End if
End Sub
Function connect_to_database(dbName as String) as Object
	Dim dbContext As Object
	Dim oDataSource As Object
		dbContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		oDataSource= dbContext.getByName(dbName)
End Function
Function sql_select(iTable as String, iFields)
	sql_select = "SELECT" & " " & iFields & " " & "FROM" & " " & iTable
End Function

Function get_rowset(db as Object, iSql as String) as Object
Dim oRowSet as Object
	oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
	With oRowSet
		.activeConnection = db
		.Command = iSql
	End With
	get_rowset = oRowSet
End Function

BF-)[Base]指定file名でBase fileを作成(Base起動無し)

Const sDBBaseName$ = "c:\temp\oBase3.odb"
Sub CallCreateBinaryDB()
  	oName = ConvertToUrl(sDBBaseName)
  	CreateBinaryDB(oName, True)
End Sub

Sub LoadDBLibs()
  	If NOT BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Standard") Then
  	End If
End sub

REM Use "Option Compatible", or you can not use a default argument.
Sub CreateBinaryDB(Optional dbURL$ , Optional bVerbose)
	Dim oDBContext   'DatabaseContext service.
  	Dim oDB          'Database data source
  	REM No URL Specified, get one.
  	If dbURL = "" Then dbURL = ChooseAFile(OOoBaseFilters(), False)
  	REM Still No URL Specified, exit.
  	If dbURL = "" Then Exit Sub
  	If FileExists(dbURL) Then
    	If bVerbose Then Print "The file already exists."
    	If bVerbose Then Print "Creating " & dbURL
    	oDBContext = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext" )
    	oDB = oDBContext.createInstance()
    	oDB.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
    	oAns = msgbox("保存しますか?",4,"Confirm to save")
    	if oAns = 6 then
    		oDB.DatabaseDocument.storeAsURL(dbURL, Array())
  		End If
  	End if
End Sub


BD-)[Base]( Don't work )登録されているDataSource名の取得(その1)

Sub oResisterSource
	Dim oBaseContext  'Global database context.
	Dim oGetSrcDir as String
	Dim oDoc				'The document on which to work.
	Dim oTempDir$		'Temporary string variable.
		'Global Library "Tools" Load
				oDoc = ThisComponent
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
			'Get DataSource
				oFileURL = oDoc.getURL()
				oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oFileURL)
			'Define DataSource Name( File Name )
				oFName = FileNameOutOfPath(oFileURL, "/")	:	'print oFName
				oPos = InStr(oFName, ".")
				oDBName = Left(oFName, oPos-1)					:	'print oDBName
		'Register the object if you want, but this is not required for use.
			oBaseContext.registerObject(oDBName, oDataSource)
				Dim oDSources
				Dim oFlag
					oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames()	
					oFlag = 0
					for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
						If oDBName = oDSources(i)	then
							oFlag = 1
						End if
					next i
					If oFlag <> 1 Then
						MsgBox( oDBName & "は登録されていません。", 0, "DataSourceの登録確認")
						Exit Sub
						MsgBox("Success", 0, "DataSourceの登録確認")
					End If			
End Sub

BD-)[Base]登録されているDataSource名の取得(その2)[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oRegisteredDataSource
	Dim oBaseContext  'Global database context.
	Dim oEnum         'Enumeration of registered data sources.
	Dim oDataSource   'Database source
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			Print "There are no registered data sources."
			Exit Sub
		End If
	'Enumerate the currently registered data sources.
		oEnum = oBaseContext.createEnumeration()
		oDisp = "[Datasource Name]"
		Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements()
			oDataSource = oEnum.nextElement()
			oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(13) & oDataSource.Name
End Sub

BD-)[Base]登録されているDataSource名の取得(その3)[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oResisteredDataSource2
	Dim oBaseContext  'Global database context.
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		MsgBox(Join(oBaseContext.getElementNames(), CHR$(10)),0, "Registered Sources/LO6.4.2.4")
End Sub

BD-)[Base]登録されているDataSource名の取得(その4)[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub DatabaseList()
	Dim dbContext As Object
	Dim dbNames
	Dim d As Integer
	Dim dbText As String
		dbContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		dbNames = dbContext.getElementNames()
		for d=0 to UBound(dbNames())
			dbText = dbtext + dbNames(d) + chr(10)
		next d
		msgbox dbText
End Sub

BD-)[Base]登録されているDataSource名の取得(Full Path File)[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oDatabase_List
 	Dim dbContext As Object
 	Dim dbNames as Object
 	Dim d As Integer
 	Dim dbURL As String
 	Dim oTemp as String
		dbContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		dbNames = dbContext.getElementNames()
		dbURL = ""
		for d=0 to UBound(dbNames())
			oTemp = ""
			oTemp = dbContext.getDatabaseLocation(dbNames(d))
			if d <> 3 and d <> 9 then
				dbURL = dbURL + oTemp + chr$(10)
			end if
		 next d
		msgbox dbURL,0, "登録されているDataSource"
End Sub

BD-)[Base]登録されているDataSource数の取得[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oResisteredDataSource1
	Dim oBaseContext  'Global database context.
	Dim oRstDataSources
	Dim oCount
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oRstDataSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		oCount = UBound(oRstDataSources)+1
		MsgBox("本パソコンに登録されているDataSourceは" & oCount & " つです")
End Sub

BD-)[Base]DataSourceの登録[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub RegisterDB_Source()
	Dim oDBContext As Object
	Dim oDBNames() as String
	Dim i As Integer
	Dim oRgstrDB As String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDBContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		oDBNames = oDBContext.getElementNames()
		oFlag = 0
		oRgstrDB = "oBaseMacroTest"
		oDisp="[Before ResisterDB]" & Chr$(10) & Join(oDBContext.getElementNames(), Chr$(10)) 
		for i =0 to UBound(oDBNames)
			if oDBNames(i) = oRgstrDB then
				oFlag = 999
				Exit for
			end if
		next i
		if oFlag = 999 then
			oDisp = "DataSource名 : " & oRgstrDB & " は既に登録されています。"
			Exit Sub
		end if
	' Resister
	Dim oFileDb as String
	Dim oUrlDb as String
	Dim oDummy()
		oFileDb = "c:\temp\" & oRgstrDB & ".odb"
		oUrlDb = ConvertToUrl(oFileDb)
		' FIle Exixt Check
		If FileExists(oUrlDb) = False then
			MsgBox( oFileDb & " は存在しません", 0, "Caution !!")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDB = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( oUrlDb,  "_blank",0,oDummy())
  		'Doculment Close
  		If HasUnoInterfaces(oDB,"com.sun.star.util.XCloseable") then
		End If
  		oDisp=oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "[After ResisterDB]" & Chr$(10) & Join(oDBContext.getElementNames(), Chr$(10)) 
  	' Display
  		msgbox "登録完了" & Chr$(10) & oDisp
End Sub

BD-)[Base]登録削除[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oRevokeDataSource
	Dim oBaseContext  as Object		'Global database context.
	Dim oDBName as String
	Dim oDSources as Object
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		oDBName = "oBaseMacroTest"
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames()	
			oFlag = 0
			for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
				If oDBName = oDSources(i)	then
					oFlag = 1
				End if
			next i
			if oFlag = 0 then
				oDisp = oDBName & Chr$(10) & " は登録されていません。"
				msgbox oDisp
				Exit Sub
			end if
		oDisp = oDBName & "のDataSourceから削除処置の結果" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & _
		"[ Before Revoke DataSource]"& Chr$(10) & Join(oBaseContext.getElementNames(), Chr$(10)) 
		'Revoke DataSorce Resistered DataSource at List
		oDisp=oDisp & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "[After Revoke DataSource]" & Chr$(10) & Join(oBaseContext.getElementNames(), Chr$(10)) 
		Msgbox oDisp			
End Sub

BD-)[Base]Password有無Check[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub PasswordSource()
	Dim oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oFileURL as String
	Dim oDoc as Object	
	Dim oDataSource as Object
	Dim oRequiredPass as Boolean
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Get DataSource
		oFileURL = oDoc.getURL()
		oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oFileURL)
		oRequiredPass = oDataSource.IsPasswordRequired
		oDisp = "[ DataSourceにPasswprdが必要か ]" & Chr$(10) & ConvertFromUrl(oFileURL) & Chr$(10) &" → " & oRequiredPass
		msgbox( oDisp, 0,"Password")					
End Sub

BD-)[Base]ReadOnly確認[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub ReadOnlySource()
	Dim oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oFileURL as String
	Dim oDoc as Object	
	Dim oDataSource as Object
	Dim oIsReadOnly as Boolean
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Get DataSource
		oFileURL = oDoc.getURL()
		oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oFileURL)
		oIsReadOnly = oDataSource.IsReadOnly
		oDisp = "[ DataSourceのReadonly確認 ]" & Chr$(10) & ConvertFromUrl(oFileURL) & Chr$(10) &" → " & oIsReadOnly
		msgbox( oDisp, 0,"ReadOnly")					
End Sub


・Connect with DataSource[Base]

BC-)[Base]DataSourceにConnect(その1)[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oConnectDataSource
	Dim oBaseContext				'Global database context.
	Dim oUser$							'User name while connecting.
	Dim oPass$						'Password while connections.
	 'Set the user name and password for connection.
	 'Default is no user or password required to Connect DataSouce of Hsqldb.
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
	 'Select DataSource Name
	 	If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
	 	oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & "「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource					'Data sources for the specified database.
				Dim oCon							'Connection to a database.
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
					oCon.close()	'Unconnect with the Datasource
					Exit Sub	'Exit
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BC-)[Base]DataSourceにConnect(その2)[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oConnectByInteractionHandler
	Dim oBaseContext  'Global database context.
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するSource名は " & Chr$(10) & "「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource					'Data sources for the specified database.
				Dim oHandler								'Interaction handler in case a password is required.
				Dim oCon								'Connection to a database.
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oHandler = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.InteractionHandler")
					oCon = oDataSource.ConnectWithCompletion(oHandler)
				oCon.close()	'Unconnect with the Datasource
				Exit Sub	'Exit	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BC-)[Base]Supported Driver一覧[HSQLDB、Firebird ]

Sub oSupportedDBDrivers
	Dim oManager  'Connection driver manager.
	Dim oEnum     'Enumeration of supported drivers.
	Dim oDriver   'An indiviual driver.
	Dim oDriverNames as String
		oManager = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdbc.DriverManager")		
		oEnum = oManager.createEnumeration()
		i = 1
		Do While (oEnum.hasMoreElements() and i <= 100)	'i <=100は無限Loop防止
			oDriver = oEnum.nextElement()
			oDriverNames = oDriverNames & i & ") " & _
				oDriver.getImplementationName() & CHR$(10)
			i =i +1
	MsgBox(oDriverNames, 0, "Supported Database Drivers[ LO Ver : " & GetSolarVersion & " ]")  
End Sub

BC-)[Base]CSV fileに必要なDriverを調べる[HSQLDB、Firebird]

Sub oFlatDriverArgs
	Dim oFileName
	Dim oFileURL
	Dim oURL$
	Dim oManager   'Connection driver manager.
	Dim oDriver    'An indiviual driver.
	Dim oPropInfo   'Supported properties.
	Dim oProp      'A specific property.	
	Dim oArray()
	Dim oProperties as String         'Utility string variable.
		oFileName = "C:\temp\test.csv"
		oFileURL = ConvertToUrl(oFileName)
		oURL = "sdbc:flat:" & oFileURL
		oManager = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdbc.DriverManager")
	'Obtain a driver that supports the specified URL
		oDriver = oManager.getDriverByURL(oURL)
		If IsNull(oDriver) Then
			MsgBox("Sorry, no driver available for " & oURL)
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oPropInfo = oDriver.getPropertyInfo(oURL, oArray())
		oProperties = "[ " & oFileName & " ]" & Chr$(10)
		For i = LBound(oPropInfo) To UBound(oPropInfo)
			oProp = oPropInfo(i)
			If NOT oProp.IsRequired Then
				oProperties = oProperties &"「Not Reuire」 " & Chr$(10) & "     Name : " & oProp.Name & Chr$(10) & _
				 "     Value : " & oPropInfo(i).Value & Chr$(10) & "     DesCription :" & oPropInfo(i).Description & CHR$(10)
				oProperties = oProperties &"「 Reuire 」 " & Chr$(10) & "     Name : " & oProp.Name & Chr$(10) & _
				 "     Value : " & oPropInfo(i).Value & Chr$(10) & "     DesCription :" & oPropInfo(i).Description & CHR$(10)
			End If
	MsgBox(oProperties, 0, "Properties for " & oDriver.getImplementationName())
End Sub


BT-)[Base]新規Table( All Data Type )作成[ For HSQLDB ]

Sub BaseTableCreate()
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  				oFlag = 777
  		' Create New Table
			Dim oTables as Object
			Dim oTableName as String
			Dim oTableDescriptor as Object
			Dim oCols as Object
			Dim oCol as Object
				oTableName = "CreateTb"
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			' 同名Tableが存在するか?
  				Dim oTNames() as Object
					oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  					for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  						if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  							oDisp = "既に [ " & oTableName & " ] と同じ名前のTableがありますので処理を終了します。"
  							msgbox oDisp,0,"同名Tableが存在します。"
  							Exit Sub
  						end if
  					next i
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' INTEGER : 整数
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					' oCol.TypeName = "INTEGER"					' Type は TypeName でも設定可能
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10					' max 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.FormatKey = com.sun.star.sdbcx.KeyType.UNIQUE
    				' TINYINT : 最短整数  
    					oCol.Name = "TinyInt"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.TINYINT
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 3					' max 3
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' SMALLINT : 短整数 
    					oCol.Name = "SmallInt"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.SMALLINT
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 5					' max 5
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' BIGINT : 長整数 
    					oCol.Name = "BigInt"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.BIGINT
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 19					' max 19
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' FLOAT : 浮動小数点 
    					oCol.Name = "Float"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.FLOAT
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 50					' max 50
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' REAL : 実数 
    					oCol.Name = "Real"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.REAL
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					Rem oCol.Precision = 50			' 設定不要
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' DOUBLE : 倍精度浮動小数点
    					oCol.Name = "Double"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.DOUBLE
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					REM oCol.Precision = 50			' 設定不要
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' NUMERIC : 数値 
    					oCol.Name = "Numeric"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.NUMERIC
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 50					' max 646,456,993
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' DECIMAL : 十進数
    					oCol.Name = "Decimal"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.DECIMAL
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 50					' max 646,456,993
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    					oCol.Scale = 2								' DECIAMLの時の小数点以下の桁数
    		' .Scale 設定したので後の設定で .Scale 設定があるとErrorになるので、oClo を再度設定
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' CHAR : テキスト(固定)
    					oCol.Name = "Char"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.CHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 255				' max 2,147,483,647
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' VARCHAR : テキスト
    					oCol.Name = "Varchar"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 255				' max
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' LONGVARCHAR : メモ
    					oCol.Name = "LongVarchar"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.LONGVARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					REM oCol.Precision = 255				' 設定不要
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' DATE : 日付
    					oCol.Name = "Date"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.DATE
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' TIME : 時刻
    					oCol.Name = "Time"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.TIME
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' TIMESTAMP : 日付/時刻
    					oCol.Name = "TimeStamp"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.TIMESTAMP
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' BINARY : 二進数(固定)
    					oCol.Name = "Binary"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.BINARY
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 2147483647			' 2,147483647 固定
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' VARBINARY : 二進数
    					oCol.Name = "VarBinary"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARBINARY
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 2147483647			' 2,147483647 固定
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' LONGVARBINARY : イメージ
    					oCol.Name = "LongvarBinary"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.LONGVARBINARY
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					REM oCol.Precision = 50					' 設定不要
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' BOOLEAN : はい/いいえ
    					oCol.Name = "Boolean"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.BOOLEAN
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    				' OTHER : その他
    					oCol.Name = "Other"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.OTHER
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					REM oCol.Precision = 50					' 設定不要
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    			'Base Document Save	
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BT-)[Base]新規Tableの追加(その1)[ For HSQLDB ]《File指定はDialog使用》[Table名:BINDATA(大文字必須)]

Sub oBaseCreateBinaryTable 
REM Create the database specified by dbURL. If it
REM   does not exist, then it is created.
REM If bForceNew is True, then an existing table is deleted first.
REM If bVerbose is True, progress messages are printed.
	Dim oFName As String
	Dim dbURL As String
	Dim sTableName$       'The name of the table to creat.
	Dim oTable            'A table in the database.
	Dim oTables           'Tables in the document
	Dim oTableDescriptor  'Defines a table and how it looks.
	Dim oCols             'The columns for a table.
	Dim oCol              'A single column descriptor.
	Dim oCon              'Database connection.
	Dim oBaseContext      'Database context service.
	Dim oDB               'Database data source.
  	Dim bForceNew
	Dim bVerbose
		bForceNew = false
		bVerbose = false
	'If the database does not exist, then create it.
		If NOT FileExists(dbURL) Then
  			oTCBinaryDB(dbURL, bVerbose)
  		End If
  	'Use the DatabaseContext to get a reference to the database.
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(dbURL)
		oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
		oTables = oCon.getTables()
		sTableName$ = "BINDATA"
		If oTables.hasByName(sTableName$) Then
			bVerbose = true
			If bForceNew Then
				If bVerbose Then Print "Deleting table " & sTableName
				If bVerbose Then Print "Table " & sTableName & " already exists!"
				Exit Sub
			End If
		End If
	'For now, this should always be True
			If NOT oTables.hasByName(sTableName$) Then
				oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
				oTableDescriptor.Name = sTableName$
				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
				oCol.Name = "ID"
				oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
				oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
				oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
				oCol.Precision = 10
				oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
				oCol.Name = "NAME"
				oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
				oCol.Description = "Filename"
				oCol.Precision = 255
				oCol.IsAutoIncrement = False
				oCol.Name = "DATA"
				oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.LONGVARBINARY
				oCol.Precision = 2147483647
				oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE 
				oCol.Description = "Binary Data"
			End If
	'Do not dispose the database context or you will NOT be able to get it back without restarting OpenOffice.org.
		'Store the associated document to persist the changes to disk.
			If bVerbose Then Print "Table " & sTableName & " created!"
End Sub

Sub oTCBinaryDB(Optional dbURL$ , Optional bVerbose)
	Dim oDBContext   'DatabaseContext service.
  	Dim oDB          'Database data source
  	'No URL Specified, get one.
  		If dbURL = "" Then dbURL = oNameByDialog(oDisplayFilters())
  	'Still No URL Specified, exit.
  		If dbURL = "" Then End
  		If FileExists(dbURL) Then
    		If bVerbose Then Print "The file already exists."
    		If bVerbose Then Print "Creating " & dbURL
    		oDBContext = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext" )
    		oDB = oDBContext.createInstance()
    		oDB.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
    		oDB.DatabaseDocument.storeAsURL(dbURL, Array())
  		End If
End Sub

'[ Function 1 ]
Function oNameByDialog$(sFilters())
	Dim oDialog As Object
	Dim i As Integer
		oDialog = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker")
		i = com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.TemplateDescription.FILESAVE_SIMPLE
			For i = LBound(sFilters()) To UBound(sFilters()) 
    			Dim sFilterName$
    			Dim sFilterValue$
    				sFilterName = sFilters(i).Name
    				sFilterValue = sFilters(i).Value    			
    				oDialog.appendFilter(sFilterName, sFilterValue)
    		Next i
    			If oDialog.Execute() = 1 Then
					sPath = oDialog.Files(0)
					oNameByDialog() = sPath
				End If  		
End Function

'[ Function 2 ]
Function oDisplayFilters()
	Dim oArray(7) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oArray(0).Name = "All Files"
		oArray(0).Value = "*.*"
		oArray(1).Name = "Calc File(*.ods)"
		oArray(1).Value = "*.ods"
		oArray(2).Name = "Base File(*.odb)"
		oArray(2).Value = "*.odb"
		oArray(3).Name = "Writer File(*.odt)"
		oArray(3).Value = "*.odt"
		oArray(4).Name = "Draw File(*.odg)"
		oArray(4).Value = "*.odg"
		oArray(5).Name = "Impress File(*.odp)"
		oArray(5).Value = "*.odp"
		oArray(6).Name = "Math File(*.odf)"
		oArray(6).Value = "*.odf"
		oArray(7).Name = "Text File(*.txt)"
		oArray(7).Value = "*.txt"
  	oDisplayFilters() = oArray()
End Function

BT-)[Base]新規Tableの追加(その2)[ For HSQLDB ]《File指定はMacro Code中》[Table編集画面にて終了]

Sub oBase_TableName
	Dim db As Object
	Dim oBase as String
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim oTable As Object
		oBase ="oBase_test"
		db = connect_to_database(oBase)
			oTable = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(".component:DB/TableDesign", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			print a
End Sub

'[ Sub Routine1 ]
Sub disconnect_from_database ( db as Object)
End Sub

'[ Sub Routine2 ]
Sub list_tables(db as Object)
	Dim dbTables As Object
	Dim dbTableNames As Object	
	Dim opText As String
		opText=join(dbTableNames , chr(10))
	msgbox opText
End sub

'[ Function1 ]
Function connect_to_database(dbName as String) as Object
	Dim dbContext As Object
	Dim oDataSource As Object
		dbContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
			oDataSource= dbContext.getByName(dbName)
End Function

BT-)[Base]新規Tableの追加(その3)[ For HSQLDB ]《File指定はMacro Code中》[Table名:BINDATA]≪Queryを用いてTable追加≫{Tableを追加するFileは起動せず}

Sub oBaseCreateBinaryTablesUseSQL
	Dim dbURL As String
    Dim bForceNew
    Dim bVerbose                 
	Dim sTableName$       'The name of the table to creat.
	Dim oTable            'A table in the database.
	Dim oTables           'Tables in the document
	Dim oTableDescriptor  'Defines a table and how it looks.
	Dim oCols             'The columns for a table.
	Dim oCol              'A single column descriptor.
	Dim oCon              'Database connection.
	Dim oBaseContext      'Database context service.
	Dim oDB               'Database data source.
	Dim oResult        'Restul of executing an SQL statement.
	Dim nCount As Long 'Counting variable.
	Dim oStmt
	Dim sSql$
		oBaseFName = "C:\temp\oBase_Table.odb"
		dbURL = ConvertToUrl(oBaseFName)
		bForceNew = true				'	強制的にTableの新規作成を行うかどうか
		bVerbose = false					'	Flag for OverWriting of Table.	true: OverWrite is OK		false : OverWrite is NG
		'If the database does not exist, then create it.
			If NOT FileExists(dbURL) Then
				oCaution = ConvertFromUrl(dbURL)
				Msgbox(oCaution & "が存在しません。空fileでも良いので作成してから再度実行して下さい。")
				Exit Sub
			End If
		'Use the DatabaseContext to get a reference to the database.
			oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
			oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(dbURL)
			oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
			sTableName$ = "BINDATA"
		'First, check to see if the table exists!
			sSql = "select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_TABLES " & "where TABLE_NAME='" & sTableName & "' " & "AND TABLE_SCHEM='PUBLIC'"
			nCount = 0
			oResult = oStmt.executeQuery(sSql)
			If NOT IsNull(oResult) AND NOT IsEmpty(oResult) Then
				nCount = oResult.getLong(1)
			End If
			If nCount <> 0 Then
				If bForceNew Then
					If Not bVerbose Then
						oAns = MsgBox( "Deleting table " & sTableName, 4, "既存Table削除の最終確認")
				'[ Caution] : The default behavior is to use RESTRICT rather than CASCADE. RESTRICT prevents the deletion if other things depend on this table.
						If oAns = 6 then
							sSql = "DROP TABLE " & DBQuoteName(sTablename, oCon) & "IF EXISTS CASCADE"
							RefreshTables(dbURL$, oCon)
						End If
					End if
					If Not bVerbose Then
						print "Table " + sTableName + " already exists!"
						Exit Sub
					End If					
				End If
			End If
		'I did not quote the field names because I know that they are all uppercase with nothing special about them.
			If bVerbose Then
				Print "Created table in " & dbURL
			End If
			RefreshTables(dbURL$, oCon)
		'Do not dispose the database context or you will NOT be able to get it back without restarting OpenOffice.org.
		'Store the associated document to persist the changes to disk.
			print "OK!!"
			If bVerbose Then Print "Table " & sTableName & " created!"
End Sub
'[ Functin1 ]
	Function DBQuoteName(sName As String, oCon) As String
		Dim sQuote As String
			sQuote = oCon.getMetaData().getIdentifierQuoteString()				'	「 " 」の事
			DBQuoteName = sQuote & sName & sQuote
	End Function
'[ Function2 ]
	Function RefreshTables(sURL$, oCon)
		Dim oDoc   'Document to refresh.
		Dim oDisp  'Dispatch helper.
		Dim oFrame 'Current frame.
			oDoc = oFindComponentWithURL(sURL, False)
			If NOT IsNULL(oDOC) AND NOT IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
				oDisp = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
				oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
				oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
			End If
	End Function
'[ Function3 ]
	Function oFindComponentWithURL(sName$, bLoadIfNotFound As Boolean)
		Dim oDocs      ' Enumeration of the loaded components.
		Dim oDoc       ' A single enumerated component.
		Dim sDocURL$   ' URL of the component that we are checking.
			'Use some methods from the Tools library.
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If
				oDocs = StarDesktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
				Do While oDocs.hasMoreElements()
					oDoc = oDocs.nextElement()
					sDocURL = oGetDocURL(oDoc)
					'Just in case the name contains the full URL. If the name is an Empty string, then return an Unsaved document.
					If sName = sDocURL Then
						oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
						Exit Function
					End If
					'This will only work if the name contains the file extension.
					If InStr(sDocURL, "/") > 0 Then
						If FileNameoutofPath(sDocURL, "/") = sName Then
							oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
							Exit Function
						End If
					End If
				'The document was not found perhaps the name did not contain a file extension.
				oDocs = StarDesktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
				Do While oDocs.hasMoreElements()
					oDoc = oDocs.nextElement()
					sDocURL = oGetDocURL(oDoc)
					If InStr(sDocURL, "/") > 0 Then
						If GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sDocURL, "/") = sName Then
							oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
							Exit Function
						End If
					End If
			'The name was still not found, check to see if a document exists with the specified URL.
				If bLoadIfNotFound AND FileExists(sName) Then
					oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sName, "_blank", 0, Array())
					oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
					'	FindComponentWithURL = NULL
				End If
	End Function
'[ Function4 ]
	Function oGetDocURL(oDoc) As String
		GetDocURL() = ""
		If NOT HasUNOInterfaces(oDoc, "com.sun.star.frame.XStorable") Then					'The OOo help does not support the XStorable interface, but the Basic IDE does.
			MsgBox("This Document does not support com.sun.star.frame.XStorable,")
			Exit Function			
		End If
	End Function

BT-)[Base]新規Tableの追加(その4)[ For HSQLDB ]《File指定はMacro Code中》[Table名:MacroTableTest(大文字必須)]

Sub oTableCreate
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 			' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		'Load the Tools library
		If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
		End If		
		'Connect DB
		Dim oBaseContent
		Dim oDB
		Dim oCon
			oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
			oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")  				
  		'Create New Table
  		Dim oTables
		Dim oTableName
		Dim oTableDescriptor
			'Access Tables in Connecting DB
			oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			'Define the Table Property
  			oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  			oTableName = "MACROTESTTABLE"
  			oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  			'Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要 )
  			oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
  			oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
  			oCol.Name = "ID"
  			oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
  			oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
  			oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
  			oCol.Precision = 10
  			oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    		'Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    		oDB.DatabaseDocument.store()	'Base Document Save
    		oCon.close()	'DataBaseとのConnect切断
    		oDoc.close(true)	'Base File Close 
End Sub


Sub DropTable
	On Error Goto oBad 
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
		Dim oBaseContent as Object
		Dim oDB as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  			oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  			oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			oFlag = 777
  		' DB の Table 取得
  		Dim oTables as Object
		Dim oTableName as String
			oTableName = "CreateTb"
  		' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  			oTables = oCon.getTables()
  	' 同名Tableの削除
  	if oTables.getCount() <> 0 then
  		Dim oTNames() as Object
			oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  			for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  				if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  					' oTables.dropByIndex(i)
  					oDisp = "Table Nmae [ " & oTableName & " ] は削除しました。" 
  					oDisp = "同名Tableはありません"
  				end if
  			next i
  		oDisp = "Tableがありません。"
  	end if
  	msgbox oDisp,0,"Tableの削除" 			
  	' Con Close
  	' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


Sub DBTableNum()
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext	'Global database context.
	Dim oUser$			'User name while connecting.
	Dim oPass$			'Password while connections.
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource					'Data sources for the specified database.
				Dim oCon							'Connection to a database.
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Num
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTableNum
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTableNum = oConTables.getCount()
					If oTableNum <> 0 then
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " には " & oTableNum & " tablesあります。", 0, "Table数")
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				oCon.close()	'Unconnect with the Datasource
				Exit Sub		'Exit
			End if
		next i
End Sub


Sub DBTableName()
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext	'Global database context.
	Dim oUser$			'User name while connecting.
	Dim oPass$			'Password while connections.
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames()
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource					'Data sources for the specified database.
				Dim oCon							'Connection to a database
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
					'Get the Table Nums
					Dim oConTables
					Dim oTNames
					Dim oTableName
						oConTables = oCon.getTables
						oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
						If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
							oTableName = "[ DB : 「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」 に含まれるTable Name ]" & Chr$(10)
							for n = 0 to Ubound(oTNames)
								oTableName = oTableName & n+1 & ") " & oTNames(n) & Chr$(10)
							next n
							MsgBox( oTableName, 0, "Table Name")
							MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
						End If
					oCon.close()	'Unconnect with the Datasource
					Exit Sub	'Exit
			End if
		next i
End Sub


Sub BaseTableName()
	Dim db As Object
	Dim oBase as String
		oBase ="oBase_test"
		db = connect_to_database(oBase)
End Sub

'[ Sub Routine1 ]
Sub disconnect_from_database ( db as Object)
End Sub

'[ Sub Routine2 ]
Sub list_tables(db as Object)
	Dim dbTables As Object
	Dim dbTableNames
	Dim opText As String
		opText=join(dbTableNames , chr(10))
		msgbox opText
End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
Function connect_to_database(dbName as String) as Object
	Dim dbContext As Object
	Dim oDataSource As Object
		dbContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		oDataSource= dbContext.getByName(dbName)
End Function

BT-)[Base]Table名をReName[Only HSQLDB]

Sub DBTableReName()
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames()
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n
							End If
						'ReName of Table Name
						Dim oDBTable
						Dim oFromTableName
						Dim oToTableName
						Dim oDisp
							oDBTable = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm)
							oFromTableName = oDBTableNm
							oToTableName = "家族構成テーブル"
							If NOT oConTables.hasByName(oToTableName) then
								If  oConTables.hasByName(oToTableName) and NOT oConTables.hasByName(oFromTableName) then
									oDisp = "「 " & oFromTableName & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "のTable Name を" & Chr$(10) & _
											"「 " & oToTableName & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "にReNameしました"
									MsgBox(oDisp, 0, "ReName of Table Name")
									MsgBox("ReNameに失敗しました", 0, "Caution !!")
								End If
								MsgBox(oToTableName & "は既に同名Tableが存在します", 0, "Caution !!")
							End If
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。", 0, "Caution !!")
					End If
				oCon.close()	'Unconnect with the Datasource
				Exit Sub	'Exit
			End if
		next i
		MsgBox("DataSourceが登録されていません。", 0, "Caution !!")	
End Sub
' Note
' FirebirdではTableのRenameは不可。 新しいTbを作成 ⇒ データをCopy ⇒ 旧Tableを削除 の処置が必要。
' 参考サイト https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12291919/is-it-possible-to-rename-a-table-in-firebird/33279443


Sub DBTableColsNum()
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames()
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n									
							End If
						'Table Column数の取得
						Dim oTCols
							oTCols = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm).getColumns()
							oTableCols = oTCols.getCount()
							MsgBox("Table : " &  oDBTableNm & " のColumn数は " & _
									oTableCols & " です。", 0, "Table Column数(Item数)")
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				Exit Sub	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BT-)[Base]TableのData Name(Column Name)を取得

Sub oDBTableColsName
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n									
							End If
						'Data Nameの取得
						Dim oTCols
						Dim oTCNames
						Dim oColsName
							oTCols = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm).getColumns()
							oTCNames = oTCols.getElementNames()
							oColsName = "[ DB : 「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」 ]" & Chr$(10)	'Add DataSource Name
							oColsName = oColsName & "<< " & oDBTableNm & " >>" & Chr$(10)		'Add Table Name
							If NOT IsEmpty(oTCNames) then 
								for j = 0 to UBound(oTCNames)
									oColsName = oColsName & j+1 & ") " & oTCNames(j) & Chr$(10)
								next j
								oColsName = "Data Itemがありません。"
							End If	
						MsgBox( oColsName, 0, "Item( Column ) Name")
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				Exit Sub	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BT-)[Base]dbg情報{ Table Cloumn }

Sub dbgDBTableColumns()
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n									
							End If
						Dim oTCols
						Dim oTColsMethods
						Dim oTColsSupportedInterfaces
						Dim oTColsProperties
							oTCols = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm).getColumns()
							oTColsMethods = oTCols.dbg_methods
							oTColsSupportedInterfaces = oTCols.dbg_SupportedInterfaces
							oTColsProperties = oTCols.dbg_properties
						MsgBox( oTColsSupportedInterfaces, 0, "dbg_SupportedInterfaces for DB Table Columns")
						MsgBox( oTColsMethods, 0, "dbg_methods for DB Table Columns")
						MsgBox( oTColsProperties, 0, "dbg_properties for DB Table Columns")
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				Exit Sub	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BT-)[Base]getTypes{ Table Cloumn }

Sub DBTableColsType()
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n									
							End If
						'Column Typeの取得
						Dim oTCols
						Dim oTCTypes
						Dim oColsType
							oTCols = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm).getColumns()
							oTCTypes = oTCols.getTypes()
							oColsType = "[ DB : 「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」 ]" & Chr$(10)	'Add DataSource Name
							oColsType = oColsType & "<< " & oDBTableNm & " >>" & Chr$(10)		'Add Table Name 
							If NOT IsEmpty(oTCTypes) then 
								for j = 0 to UBound(oTCTypes)
									oColsType = oColsType & j+1 & ") " & oTCTypes(j).Name & Chr$(10)
								next j
								oColsType = "Columnがありません。"
							End If	
						MsgBox( oColsType, 0, "getTypes")
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				Exit Sub	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BT-)[Base]getImplementationID{ Table Cloumn }

Sub oDBTCImplementationID
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n									
							End If
						'Column IDの取得
						Dim oTCols
						Dim oTCID
						Dim oColsID
							oTCols = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm).getColumns()
							oTCID = oTCols.getImplementationID()
							oColsID = "[ DB : 「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」 ]" & Chr$(10)	'Add DataSource Name
							oColsID = oColsID & "<< " & oDBTableNm & " >>" & Chr$(10)		'Add Table Name 
							If NOT IsEmpty(oTCID) then 
								for j = 0 to UBound(oTCID)
									oColsID = oColsID & j+1 & ") " & oTCID(j) & Chr$(10)
								next j
								oColsID = "Columnがありません。"
							End If	
						MsgBox( oColsID, 0, "getImplementationID()")
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				Exit Sub	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BT-)[Base]ImplementationName & ID取得

Sub oDBTableColsImplementation
	'Connect DataSource
	Dim oBaseContext
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		'Select DataSource Name
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDSources = oBaseContext.getElementNames() 
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDSources)
			oAns=MsgBox("接続するDataSOurce名は " & Chr$(10) & _
						"「 " & oDSources(i) & " 」" & Chr$(10) & "ですか?", 4, "DataSourceの選択")
			If oAns = 6 then
				'Connect with the DataSource
				Dim oDataSource
				Dim oCon
					oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oDSources(i))
					oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
				'Get the Table Nums
				Dim oConTables
				Dim oTNames
				Dim oTableName
					oConTables = oCon.getTables
					oTNames = oConTables.getElementNames()
					If NOT IsEmpty(oTNames) then
						'Select Table
						Dim oTableAns
						Dim oDBTableNm
							If UBound(oTNames) = 0 then
								oDBTableNm = oTNames(0)
								for n = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
									oTableAns = MsgBox(oTNames(n) & " ですか?", 4, "Tabeの選択")
									If oTableAns = 6 then
										oDBTableNm = oTNames(n)
										n = UBound(oTNames)
									End If
								next n									
							End If
						Dim oTCols
						Dim oTColsImpName
						Dim oTColsImpID
						Dim oDisp
							oTCols = oConTables.getByName(oDBTableNm).getColumns()
							oTColsImpName = oTCols.getImplementationName()
							oTColsImpID = oTCols.getImplementationID()
							oDisp = "DB :   " & oDSources(i) & Chr$(10) & "Table Name :   " & oDBTableNm & Chr$(10) & _
									"[ Implementation Name :  " & oTColsImpName & "  ]" & Chr$(10) & _
									"[ Implementation ID ]" & Chr$(10)
							for j = LBound(oTColsImpID) to UBound(oTColsImpID)
								oDisp = oDisp & "     " & j+1 & ")   " &  oTColsImpID(j) & Chr$(10)
							Next j
						MsgBox( oDisp, 0, "Implementation of Column" )
						MsgBox("DataSource " &  oDSources(i) & " にはTableがありません。")
					End If
				Exit Sub	
			End if
		next i
End Sub

BT-)[Base]( Don't work )Table Refresh1

Sub oTableRefresh
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc as Object
		Dim Dummy()
			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacro3.odb")
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(oTempName, "_default", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 		' store
 		Dim oArgs(0) As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			oArgs(0).Name = "Overwrite"
			oArgs(0).Value = true
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If	
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL1 as String
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "TABLE_REFRESH"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
  				' 既存Tableがあると削除する
  				oSQL1 = "DROP TABLE " & oTableName & " IF EXISTS;  "
  				oSQL2 = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY, oDate Date, PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
			'  ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
  			' ****************************************
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
' [ Note ]
' OpenOffice.org Basic Macro Proguramming By Andrew Pitonyak ⇒ Unfortunately, calling refresh (see Listing 5) does not always work.)

BT-)[Base]Table Refresh2

Sub oTableRefresh
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc as Object
		Dim Dummy()
			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacro3.odb")
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(oTempName, "_default", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 		' store
 		Dim oArgs(0) As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			oArgs(0).Name = "Overwrite"
			oArgs(0).Value = true
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If	
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL1 as String
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "UPDATE_DISP"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
  				' 既存Tableがあると削除する
  				oSQL1 = "DROP TABLE " & oTableName & " IF EXISTS;  "
  				oSQL2 = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY, oDate Date, PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  		'  ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
  		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
  		' ****************************************
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


[ ResultSet Service ]

BTRt-)Tableの行No.の取得[For HSQLDB]

Sub oSQLResultset
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent
			Dim oDB
			Dim oCon	
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "ADRESS"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
				oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY,ADRESS varchar(5),TITLE varchar(10),NAME varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oValue as String
  			Dim i as Integer
  				for i = 1 to 100
  					oValue = "VALUES(" & i & ",'home', 'Test" & i & "', 'New_OOo3')"
  					oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(ID, ADRESS, TITLE, NAME)" & " " & oValue
  				Next i
  			' ResultSet
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
  			Dim oLastRowNo, oFirstRowNo, oPreviousRow, oNextRow as Long
  				oStmt.ResultSetType = com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetType.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE
  				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  				oDisp = "Table Name => " & oTableName & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oLastRowNo = oRS.Row
  				oPreviousRow = oRS.Row
  				oFirstRowNo = oRS.Row
  				oNextRow = oRS.Row
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
  				oDisp = oDisp & "最後のRow No => " & oLastRowNo & Chr$(10) & _
  							"前のRow No => " & oPreviousRow & Chr$(10) & _
  							"最初のRow No => " & oFirstRowNo & Chr$(10) & _
  							"次のRow No => " & oNextRow
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
Firebirdでは、Resultsetで行の移動をする Last / First / Previous / Next / .Relative() プロパティはsupport外になっている(LO。 Resultsetの.Absolute() 又はRowset Serviceを利用のこと。

BTRt-)現在のCurosr位置判定[For HSQLDB]

Sub oSQLResultset
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent
			Dim oDB
			Dim oCon	
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "ADRESS"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
				oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY,ADRESS varchar(5),TITLE varchar(10),NAME varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oValue as String
  			Dim i as Integer
  				for i = 1 to 100
  					oValue = "VALUES(" & i & ",'home', 'Test" & i & "', 'New_OOo3')"
  					oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(ID, ADRESS, TITLE, NAME)" & " " & oValue
  				Next i
  			' ResultSet
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst1, oIsAfterLast1, oIsFirst1, oIsLast1 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst2, oIsAfterLast2, oIsFirst2, oIsLast2 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst3, oIsAfterLast3, oIsFirst3, oIsLast3 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst4, oIsAfterLast4, oIsFirst4, oIsLast4 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst5, oIsAfterLast5, oIsFirst5, oIsLast5 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst6, oIsAfterLast6, oIsFirst6, oIsLast6 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst7, oIsAfterLast7, oIsFirst7, oIsLast7 as Boolean
  			Dim oRowNo1, oRowNo2, oRowNo3, oRowNo4, oRowNo5, oRowNo6, oRowNo7 as Integer
  				oStmt.ResultSetType = com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetType.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE
  				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  				oDisp = "Table Name => " & oTableName & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oRowNo1 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst1 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast1 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst1 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast1 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst1 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst1 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast1 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo2 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst2 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast2 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst2 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast2 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst2 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst2 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast2 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo3 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst3 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast3 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst3 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast3 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst3 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst3 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast3 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo4 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst4 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast4 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst4 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast4 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo4 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst4 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast4 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst4 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast4 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo5 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst5 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast5 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst5 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast5 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo5 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst5 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast5 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst5 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast5 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo6 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst6 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast6 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst6 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast6 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No( End of result set ) => " & oRowNo6 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst6 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast6 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst6 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast6 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo7 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst7 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast7 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst7 = oRS.isFirst
  				oIsLast7 = oRS.isLast
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No( the Front of result set ) => " & oRowNo7 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst7 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast7 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst7 & Chr$(9) & "isLast => " & oIsLast7
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
  				msgbox(oDisp,0,"ResultSet Service")
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BTRt-)現在のCurosr位置判定[For Firebird]

Sub BaseFirbird()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
	Dim oTempName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL	
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		' Connect with the DataSource
		Dim oDataSource as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		Dim oStmt as Object
  		Dim oSQL as String, oTbName as String
  			oTbName = "ADDRESS"
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
		' Insert Into Clause
  		Dim oSQL2 as String
  		Dim oValue as String
  		Dim i as Integer
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()		' Firebird ではTable作成後、再度、oStmtの作成が必要
  			for i = 1 to 10
  				oValue = "VALUES (" & i & " , 'Firebird_" & i & "', 'LO6.2.4.2');"
  				oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTbName & " " & oValue
  			Next i
		' ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
		' ****************************************
'		' ResultSet
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst1, oIsAfterLast1, oIsFirst1, oIsLast1 as Boolean
  			Dim oIsBeforeFirst2, oIsAfterLast2, oIsFirst2, oIsLast2 as Boolean
  			Dim oRowNo1, oRowNo2 as Integer
  				oStmt.ResultSetType = com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetType.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE
  				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTbName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  				oDisp = "Table Name => " & oTbName & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oRowNo1 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst1 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast1 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst1 = oRS.isFirst
  				' oIsLast1 = oRS.isLast		' Firebird ではサポートされていない。 LO (x64)
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst1 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst1 & Chr$(10) & Chr(10)
  				oRowNo2 = oRS.getRow()
  				oIsBeforeFirst2 = oRS.isBeforeFirst
  				oIsAfterLast2 = oRS.isAfterLast
  				oIsFirst2 = oRS.isFirst
  				'oIsLast2 = oRS.isLast		' Firebird ではサポートされていない。 LO (x64)
  				oDisp = oDisp & "  現在のCurorのRow No => " & oRowNo2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isBeforeFirst => " & oIsBeforeFirst2 & Chr$(9) & "isAfterLast => " & oIsAfterLast2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						Chr$(9) & "isFirst => " & oIsFirst2
  		' ResultSet Close
  			Set oRS = Nothing
  			' Display
  			msgbox oDisp,0,"ResultSet Service(LO (x64))"
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO (x64)"
End Sub
'[ Note ]
Firebirdでは、Resultsetで行の移動をする Last / First / Previous / Next / .Relative() プロパティはsupport外になっている(LO。 Resultsetの.Absolute() 又はRowset Serviceを利用のこと。
isLast もsupport外になっている(LO

BTRt-)Result SetからのColumn情報取得1[For HSQLDB]

Sub oSQLResultset
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc as Object
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns as Long
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "ADRESS"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
				oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY,ADRESS varchar(5),TITLE varchar(10),NAME varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oValue as String
  			Dim i as Integer
  				for i = 1 to 100
  					oValue = "VALUES(" & i & ",'home', 'Test" & i & "', 'New_OOo3')"
  					oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(ID, ADRESS, TITLE, NAME)" & " " & oValue
  				Next i
  			' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  			' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報を取得
  			Dim oRSCol as Object
  			Dim oHasElmt as boolean
  			Dim oColNum as Integer
  			Dim  oColIndex, oColName as Object
  			Dim oColFind as Object
  			Dim oColDisPlaySize1, oColDisPlaySize2, oColDisPlaySize3 as Integer
  			Dim oColLabel1, oColName1, oColTypename1 as String
  			Dim oColLabel2, oColName2, oColTypename2 as String
  			Dim oColLabel3, oColName3, oColTypename3 as String
  			Dim oColPrecision1, oColType1 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision2, oColType2 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision3, oColType3 as Integer
  				oRSCol = oRS.getColumns()
  				oHasElmt = oRSCol.hasElements()
  				oColNum = oRSCol.getCount()
  				oDisp = "Table Name => " & oTableName & Chr$(10) & "Data( Column )の有(true)無(false) =>" & oHasElmt & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Column 数 => " & oColNum & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oColIndex = oRSCol.getByIndex(0)
  				oColDisPlaySize1 = oColIndex.DisplaySize
  				oColLabel1 = oColIndex.Label
  				oColName1 = oColIndex.Name
  				oColPrecision1 = oColIndex.Precision
  				oColType1 = oColIndex.Type
  				oColTypename1 = oColIndex.TypeName
  				oDisp = oDisp & "「 oRSCol.getByIndex(0) 」にてColumn Object取得" & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるCloumn幅(文字数) => " & oColDisPlaySize1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるColumn Name => " & oColLabel1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Columnの認識名 => " & oColName1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのPrecision => " & oColPrecision1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのType => " & oColType1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのTypeName => " & oColTypename1 & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) 
  				oColName = oRSCol.getByName("ADRESS")
  				oColDisPlaySize2 = oColName.DisplaySize
  				oColLabel2 = oColName.Label
  				oColName2 = oColName.Name
  				oColPrecision2 = oColName.Precision
  				oColType2 = oColName.Type
  				oColTypename2 = oColName.TypeName
  				oDisp = oDisp & "「 oRSCol.getByName([String]) 」にてColumn Object取得" & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるCloumn幅(文字数) => " & oColDisPlaySize2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるColumn Name => " & oColLabel2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Columnの認識名 => " & oColName2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのPrecision => " & oColPrecision2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのType => " & oColType2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのTypeName => " & oColTypename2 & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) 
  				oColFind = oRSCol.getByIndex(Int( oRSCol.findColumn("TITLE")))
  				oColDisPlaySize3 = oColFind.DisplaySize
  				oColLabel3 = oColFind.Label
  				oColName3 = oColFind.Name
  				oColPrecision3 = oColFind.Precision
  				oColType3 = oColFind.Type
  				oColTypename3 = oColFind.TypeName
  				oDisp = oDisp & "「 oRSCol.getByIndex(Int( oRSCol.findColumn([String]))) 」にてColumn Object取得" & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるCloumn幅(文字数) => " & oColDisPlaySize3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるColumn Name => " & oColLabel3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Columnの認識名 => " & oColName3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのPrecision => " & oColPrecision3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのType => " & oColType3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのTypeName => " & oColTypename3 
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
  			msgbox(oDisp,0,"Result SetからのColumn情報")
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BTRt-)Result SetからのColumn情報取得1[For Firebird]

Sub BaseFirbird()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
	Dim oTempName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL	
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		' Connect with the DataSource
		Dim oDataSource as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		Dim oStmt as Object
  		Dim oSQL as String, oTbName as String
  		Dim oCol1 as String, oCol2 as String, oCol3 as String
  			oTbName = "ADDRESS"
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
			oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTbName & "(" & oCol1 & " " & "INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " & oCol2 & " " & "VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE, " & _
			oCol3 & " " & "VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE); "
		' ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
		' ****************************************
		' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTbName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
		' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報を取得
  			Dim oRSCol as Object
  			Dim oHasElmt as boolean
  			Dim oColNum as Integer
  			Dim  oColIndex, oColName as Object
  			Dim oColFind as Object
  			Dim oColDisPlaySize1, oColDisPlaySize2, oColDisPlaySize3 as Integer
  			Dim oColLabel1, oColName1, oColTypename1 as String
  			Dim oColLabel2, oColName2, oColTypename2 as String
  			Dim oColLabel3, oColName3, oColTypename3 as String
  			Dim oColPrecision1, oColType1 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision2, oColType2 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision3, oColType3 as Integer
  				oRSCol = oRS.getColumns()
  				oHasElmt = oRSCol.hasElements()
  				oColNum = oRSCol.getCount()
  				oDisp = "Table Name => " & oTbName & Chr$(10) & "Data( Column )の有(true)無(false) =>" & oHasElmt & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Column 数 => " & oColNum & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oColIndex = oRSCol.getByIndex(0)
  				oColDisPlaySize1 = oColIndex.DisplaySize				' Firebird では 32 ← 下記Note参照
  				oColLabel1 = oColIndex.Label
  				oColName1 = oColIndex.Name
  				oColPrecision1 = oColIndex.Precision
  				oColType1 = oColIndex.Type
  				oColTypename1 = oColIndex.TypeName
  				oDisp = oDisp & "「 oRSCol.getByIndex(0) 」にてColumn Object取得" & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるCloumn幅(文字数) => " & oColDisPlaySize1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるColumn Name => " & oColLabel1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Columnの認識名 => " & oColName1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのPrecision => " & oColPrecision1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのType => " & oColType1 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのTypeName => " & oColTypename1 & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) 
  				oColName = oRSCol.getByName(oCol2)
  				oColDisPlaySize2 = oColName.DisplaySize				' Firebird では 32 ← 下記Note参照
  				oColLabel2 = oColName.Label
  				oColName2 = oColName.Name
  				oColPrecision2 = oColName.Precision
  				oColType2 = oColName.Type
  				oColTypename2 = oColName.TypeName
  				oDisp = oDisp & "「 oRSCol.getByName([String]) 」にてColumn Object取得" & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるCloumn幅(文字数) => " & oColDisPlaySize2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるColumn Name => " & oColLabel2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Columnの認識名 => " & oColName2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのPrecision => " & oColPrecision2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのType => " & oColType2 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのTypeName => " & oColTypename2 & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) 
  			Dim oIndexNo as Integer
  				oIndexNo = Int( oRSCol.findColumn(oCol3))			' Firebirdの時は 3,  HSQLDBの時は 2 
  				oColFind = oRSCol.getByIndex(oIndexNo-1)			' Firebird  の場合は-1が必要。
  				oColDisPlaySize3 = oColFind.DisplaySize				' Firebird では 32 ← 下記Note参照
  				oColLabel3 = oColFind.Label
  				oColName3 = oColFind.Name
  				oColPrecision3 = oColFind.Precision					 ' Firebird  では 0
  				oColType3 = oColFind.Type
  				oColTypename3 = oColFind.TypeName					  'Firebird  と HSQLDB との違いに注意
  				oDisp = oDisp & "「 oRSCol.getByIndex(Int( oRSCol.findColumn([String]))) 」にてColumn Object取得" & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるCloumn幅(文字数) => " & oColDisPlaySize3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"表示されるColumn Name => " & oColLabel3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"Columnの認識名 => " & oColName3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのPrecision => " & oColPrecision3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのType => " & oColType3 & Chr$(10) & _
  						"ColumnのTypeName => " & oColTypename3 
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
  			msgbox(oDisp,0,"Result SetからのColumn情報")
		' Unconnect with the Datasource
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO (x64)"
End Sub
' FIrebirdの VARCHAR(n) 型は「キャラクタセットによらず32K以内必須」なので、32しか返ってこない模様
' 参考URL : FIREBIRD WIKI / データ型

BTRt-)Result SetからのColumn情報取得2[For HSQLDB]

Sub oSQLResultset
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc as Object
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns as Long
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "ADRESS"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
				oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY,ADRESS varchar(5),TITLE varchar(10),NAME varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oValue as String
  			Dim i as Integer
  				for i = 1 to 100
  					oValue = "VALUES(" & i & ",'home', 'Test" & i & "', 'New_OOo3')"
  					oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(ID, ADRESS, TITLE, NAME)" & " " & oValue
  				Next i
  			' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  			' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報を取得
  			Dim oRSCol as Object
  			Dim oColEnum as Object
  			Dim oCol as Object
  			Dim oHasElmt as boolean
  			Dim oColNum as Integer
  			Dim  oColIndex, oColName as Object
  			Dim oColFind as Object
  			Dim oColDisPlaySize1, oColDisPlaySize2, oColDisPlaySize3 as Integer
  			Dim oColLabel1, oColName1, oColTypename1 as String
  			Dim oColLabel2, oColName2, oColTypename2 as String
  			Dim oColLabel3, oColName3, oColTypename3 as String
  			Dim oColPrecision1, oColType1 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision2, oColType2 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision3, oColType3 as Integer
  				oRSCol = oRS.getColumns()
  				oColEnum = oRSCol.createEnumeration()
  				oDisp = ""
  				nn = 1
  				Do While oColEnum.hasMoreElements() and nn < 1000
  					oCol = oColEnum.nextElement
  					oDisp = oDisp & "Col No." & nn & " =>  " & oCol.Name & Chr$(9) & oCol.DisplaySize & Chr$(10)
  					nn = nn+1
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
  			msgbox(oDisp,0,"Result SetからのColumn情報")
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BTRt-)Result SetからのColumn情報取得2[For Firebird]

Sub BaseFirbird()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
	Dim oTempName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL	
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		' Connect with the DataSource
		Dim oDataSource as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		Dim oStmt as Object
  		Dim oSQL as String, oTbName as String
  		Dim oCol1 as String, oCol2 as String, oCol3 as String
  			oTbName = "ADDRESS"
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
			oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTbName & "(" & oCol1 & " " & "INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " & oCol2 & " " & "VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE, " & _
			oCol3 & " " & "VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE); "
		' ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
		' ****************************************
		' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTbName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
		' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報を取得
  			Dim oRSCol as Object
  			Dim oHasElmt as boolean
  			Dim oColNum as Integer
  			Dim  oColIndex, oColName as Object
  			Dim oColFind as Object
  			Dim oColDisPlaySize1, oColDisPlaySize2, oColDisPlaySize3 as Integer
  			Dim oColLabel1, oColName1, oColTypename1 as String
  			Dim oColLabel2, oColName2, oColTypename2 as String
  			Dim oColLabel3, oColName3, oColTypename3 as String
  			Dim oColPrecision1, oColType1 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision2, oColType2 as Integer
  			Dim oColPrecision3, oColType3 as Integer
  				oRSCol = oRS.getColumns()
  				oColEnum = oRSCol.createEnumeration()
  				oDisp =  "[Firebird(LO (x64))]" & Chr$(10)
  				nn = 1
  				Do While oColEnum.hasMoreElements() and nn < 1000
  					oCol = oColEnum.nextElement
  					oDisp = oDisp & "Col No." & nn & " =>  " & oCol.Name & Chr$(9) & oCol.DisplaySize & Chr$(10)
  					nn = nn+1
  				'  						'
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
  			msgbox(oDisp,0,"Result SetからのColumn情報")
		' Unconnect with the Datasource
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO (x64)"
End Sub

BTRt-)MetaDataとしてColumn情報を出力[For HSQLDB]

Sub oSQLResultset
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc as Object
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns as Long
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
			If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
			End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "ADRESS"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
				oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY,ADRESS varchar(5),TITLE varchar(10),NAME varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oValue as String
  			Dim i as Integer
  				for i = 1 to 100
  					oValue = "VALUES(" & i & ",'home', 'Test" & i & "', 'New_OOo3')"
  					oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(ID, ADRESS, TITLE, NAME)" & " " & oValue
  				Next i
  			' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  		' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報をMetaDataとして出力
  		Dim oTxtPath,oTxtFileName as String
  				oTxtPath = "c:\temp\"
  				oTxtFileName = "oResultSetMetaData.txt"
  			Dim oMetaData as Object
  			Dim oColNum as Long
  			Dim oOutputTitle() as String
  			Dim oOutPutData as String
  				oMetaData = oRS.MetaData
  				oColNum = oMetaData.getColumnCount()
  				oOutPutData = "-----  [  ResultSet MetaData ] ----" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & "Column 数 = " & oColNum & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  			' Title行の出力
  				'oOutputTitle = Array("No","Name","Lable","DisplaySize","Type","TypeName","Precision","Scale","TableName","SchemaNaeme","自動増分","CaseSensitive","Currenty","Null値可能")
  				oOutputTitle = Array("No","Name","Lable","表示列幅")
  				for i = 0 to UBound(oOutputTitle)
  					oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oOutPutTitle(i) & Chr$(9)
  				next i
  			' 一旦、Data出力
  			oOutPutTxtFile(oTxtPath, oTxtFileName,oOutPutData)
  			' Column 情報の出力
  			for i = 1 to oColNum
  				oOutPutData = i & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oMetaData.getColumnName(i) & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oMetaData.getColumnLabel(i) & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(i) & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutTxtFile(oTxtPath, oTxtFileName,oOutPutData)
  			Next i
  			' RessultSet Close
  			Set oRS = Nothing
  		' DisConnect
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
Sub oOutPutTxtFile(oPath, oFileName, oPntData)
	Dim oFileNumber as Integer
	Dim oTxtFile as String
		oFileNumber = FreeFile()
		oTxtFile = oPath & oFileName
		Open oTxtFile for Append as oFileNumber
			print #oFileNumber, oPntData					' Data Into File 
		Close #oFileNumber
End Sub

BTRt-)MetaDataとしてColumn情報を出力[For Firebird]

Sub BaseFirbird()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
	Dim oTempName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL	
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		' Connect with the DataSource
		Dim oDataSource as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		Dim oStmt as Object
  		Dim oSQL as String, oTbName as String
  			oTbName = "ADDRESS"
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
		' Insert Into Clause
  		Dim oSQL2 as String
  		Dim oValue as String
  		Dim i as Integer
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()		' Firebird ではTable作成後、再度、oStmtの作成が必要
  			for i = 1 to 10
  				oValue = "VALUES (" & i & " , 'Firebird_" & i & "', 'LO6.2.4.2');"
  				oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTbName & " " & oValue
  			Next i
		' ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
		' ****************************************
		'' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTbName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  		' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報をMetaDataとして出力
  		Dim oTxtPath,oTxtFileName as String
  				oTxtPath = "c:\temp\"
  				oTxtFileName = "oResultSetMetaData.txt"
  		Dim oMetaData as Object
  		Dim oColNum as Long
  		Dim oOutputTitle() as String
  		Dim oOutPutData as String
  				oMetaData = oRS.MetaData
  				oColNum = oMetaData.getColumnCount()
  				oOutPutData = "-----  [  ResultSet MetaData ] ----" & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & "Column 数 = " & oColNum & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  			' Title行の出力
  				'oOutputTitle = Array("No","Name","Lable","DisplaySize","Type","TypeName","Precision","Scale","TableName","SchemaNaeme","自動増分","CaseSensitive","Currenty","Null値可能")
  				oOutputTitle = Array("No","Name","Lable","表示列幅")
  				for i = 0 to UBound(oOutputTitle)
  					oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oOutPutTitle(i) & Chr$(9)
  				next i
  			' 一旦、Data出力
  			oOutPutTxtFile(oTxtPath, oTxtFileName,oOutPutData)
  			' Column 情報の出力
  			for i = 1 to oColNum
  				oOutPutData = i & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oMetaData.getColumnName(i) & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oMetaData.getColumnLabel(i) & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutData = oOutPutData & oMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(i) & Chr$(9)
  				oOutPutTxtFile(oTxtPath, oTxtFileName,oOutPutData)
  			Next i
  			'  						'
  			' ResultSet Close
  				Set oRS = Nothing
		' Unconnect with the Datasource
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO (x64)"
End Sub
Sub oOutPutTxtFile(oPath, oFileName, oPntData)
	Dim oFileNumber as Integer
	Dim oTxtFile as String
		oFileNumber = FreeFile()
		oTxtFile = oPath & oFileName
		Open oTxtFile for Append as oFileNumber
			print #oFileNumber, oPntData					' Data Into File 
		Close #oFileNumber
End Sub

BTRt-)MetaDataとしてColumn情報を取得[For HSQLDB]

Sub oSQLResultset
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc as Object
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns as Long
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
			If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
			End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  			Dim oStmt as Object
  			Dim oSQL as String
  			Dim oTableName as String
  				oTableName = "ADRESS"			' 大文字
  				oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
				oSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & oTableName & "(ID INTEGER IDENTITY,ADRESS varchar(5),TITLE varchar(10),NAME varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID)) "
  			Dim oSQL2 as String
  			Dim oValue as String
  			Dim i as Integer
  				for i = 1 to 100
  					oValue = "VALUES(" & i & ",'home', 'Test" & i & "', 'New_OOo3')"
  					oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(ID, ADRESS, TITLE, NAME)" & " " & oValue
  				Next i
  			' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
  		' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報をMetaDataとして出力
  			Dim oMetaData as Object
  			Dim oColNum as Long
  			Dim oOutputTitle() as String
  			Dim oOutPutData as String
  				oMetaData = oRS.MetaData
  				oColNum = oMetaData.getColumnCount()
  			' Title Column情報の取得
  			Dim oColName, oColLabel as String
  			Dim oColDisplaySize as Integer
  			Dim oColType
  			Dim oColTypeName as String
  			Dim oColPrecision as Long
  			Dim oColScale as Long
  			Dim oColSchemaName, oColTableName as String
  			Dim oColIsAutoIncr, oColIsCaseSensitive, oColIsCurrency, oColIsNullable as Boolean
  			' Column 情報の取得
  			oDisp = ""
  			for i = 1 to oColNum
  				oDisp = oDisp & "[ 列No => " & i & " ]" & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列Name => " & oMetaData.getColumnName(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列Label => " & oMetaData.getColumnLabel(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列表示幅 => " & oMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列Type => " & oMetaData.getColumnType(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列TypeName => " & oMetaData.getColumnTypename(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列のPrecision => " & oMetaData.getPrecision(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列のScale => " & oMetaData.getScale(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Schame Name => " & oMetaData.getSchemaName(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Table Name => " & oMetaData.getTableName(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "自動増分設定 => " & oMetaData.isAutoIncrement(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "CaseSensitive => " & oMetaData.isCaseSensitive(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Currency => " & oMetaData.isCurrency(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Null値可否 => " & oMetaData.isNullable(i) & Chr$(10)
  			Next i
  		' ResultSet Close
  			Set oRS = Nothing
  			' Display
  			msgbox oDisp,0,"Resultset Service MetaData"
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BTRt-)MetaDataとしてColumn情報を取得[For Firebird]

Sub BaseFirbird()
	Dim oDoc as Object, oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
	Dim oTempName as String
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL	
		oUser = ""
		oPass = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		' Connect with the DataSource
		Dim oDataSource as Object
		Dim oCon as Object
			oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
			oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		Dim oStmt as Object
  		Dim oSQL as String, oTbName as String
  			oTbName = "ADDRESS"
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
		' Insert Into Clause
  		Dim oSQL2 as String
  		Dim oValue as String
  		Dim i as Integer
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()		' Firebird ではTable作成後、再度、oStmtの作成が必要
  			for i = 1 to 10
  				oValue = "VALUES (" & i & " , 'Firebird_" & i & "', 'LO6.2.4.2');"
  				oSQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & oTbName & " " & oValue
  			Next i
		' ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
		Dim dispatcher as Object
  		Dim oFrame as Object
  			dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  			oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  			dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
		' ****************************************
		'' Result Set
  			Dim oSQL3 as String
  			Dim oRS as Object
				oSQL3 = "SELECT * FROM " & oTbName
  				oRS = oStmt.executeQuery(oSQL3)
' Result Setから、TableのColumn情報をMetaDataとして出力
  			Dim oMetaData as Object
  			Dim oColNum as Long
  			Dim oOutputTitle() as String
  			Dim oOutPutData as String
  				oMetaData = oRS.MetaData
  				oColNum = oMetaData.getColumnCount()
  			' Title Column情報の取得
  			Dim oColName, oColLabel as String
  			Dim oColDisplaySize as Integer
  			Dim oColType
  			Dim oColTypeName as String
  			Dim oColPrecision as Long
  			Dim oColScale as Long
  			Dim oColSchemaName, oColTableName as String
  			Dim oColIsAutoIncr, oColIsCaseSensitive, oColIsCurrency, oColIsNullable as Boolean
  			' Column 情報の取得
  			oDisp = ""
  			for i = 1 to oColNum
  				oDisp = oDisp & "[ 列No => " & i & " ]" & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列Name => " & oMetaData.getColumnName(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列Label => " & oMetaData.getColumnLabel(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列表示幅 => " & oMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列Type => " & oMetaData.getColumnType(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列TypeName => " & oMetaData.getColumnTypename(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列のPrecision => " & oMetaData.getPrecision(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "列のScale => " & oMetaData.getScale(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Schame Name => " & oMetaData.getSchemaName(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Table Name => " & oMetaData.getTableName(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "自動増分設定 => " & oMetaData.isAutoIncrement(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "CaseSensitive => " & oMetaData.isCaseSensitive(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Currency => " & oMetaData.isCurrency(i) & Chr$(10)
  				oDisp = oDisp & Chr$(9) & "Null値可否 => " & oMetaData.isNullable(i) & Chr$(10)
  			Next i
  		' ResultSet Close
  			Set oRS = Nothing
  			' Display
  			msgbox oDisp,0,"Resultset Service MetaData"
		msgbox "Success",0,"LO (x64)"
End Sub

[ RowSet Service ]

BTRw-)[Base]RowSet Serviceを用いたParent Name取得[ HSQLDB, Firebird ]

Sub oRowsetService
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oDBSource as String
			oDoc = ThisComponent
			oDBSource = oDoc.getURL
		' ********* [ Rowset利用 ] ***********
	' RowSet Service
	Dim oRowSet as Object
	Dim oTableName as String
		oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
		oTableName = "CITY_LIST"
		With oRowSet
			.DataSourceName = oDBSource
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.COMMAND
			.Command = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
		End With
	Dim oParentURL as String
	Dim oParentName as String
		oParentURL = oRowSet.ActiveConnection.Parent.Name
		oParentName = ConvertFromUrl(oParentURL)
	' Close Rowset
	set oRowSet = Nothing
	' ********* [ Rowset利用 ] ***********
	msgbox oParentName,0,"現在ConnectしているParent Name"
End Sub
' 上記をRowSetを使用方法しない場合は下記と同様である。
		' ********* [ Rowset利用しない場合 ] ***********
'	Dim oBaseContext as Object		'Global database context.
'			oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
'	Dim oDBName as Object
'	Dim oCon as Object
'	Dim oParentURL as String
'	Dim oParentName as String
'		 oDBName = oBaseContext.getByName(oDBSource(0))
'		 oCon = oDBName.getConnection("","")
'		oParentURL = oCon.Parent.Name
'		oParentName = ConvertFromUrl(oParentURL)
'	oCon.Close()
	' ********* [ Rowset利用しない場合 ] ***********

BTRw-)[Base]Current Row No取得[ HSQLDB, Firebird ]

Sub oRowsetNumRow
	Dim db As Object
	Dim oBase as String
		oBase ="Test"
		db = connect_to_database(oBase)
End Sub

'[ Sub Routine1 ]
Sub disconnect_from_database ( db as Object)
End Sub

'[ Sub Routine2 ]
Sub table_row(db as Object)
	Dim dbTables As Object
	Dim dbTableNames As Object
	Dim oRowSet As Object
	Dim dbTableRow as Long
		oName_table=join(dbTableNames , chr(10))
		oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
		With oRowSet
			.activeConnection = db
			.Command = oSql
		End With
		set oRowSet = Nothing
	msgbox ("接続しているBase Table情報" & chr(10) & "Table名  : " & oName_table & Chr(10) & "Data数(行数) : " & dbTableRow,0,"Rowset Service")
End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
Function connect_to_database(dbName as String) as Object
	Dim dbContext As Object
	Dim oDataSource As Object
		dbContext =createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		oDataSource= dbContext.getByName(dbName)
End Function

BTRw-)[Base]Tableの行No.の取得[ HSQLDB, Firebird ]( RowSet )( 最終行 => 1つ前の行 => 最初の行 => 1つ次の行 )

Sub RowSetService()
	Dim oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oDBSrcName as String
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
		If NOT oBaseContext.hasElements() Then
			MsgBox( "登録されているDataSourceはありません")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		oDBSrcName = "oBaseMacroTest"
	Dim oDBSource() as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDBSource = oBaseContext.getElementNames()
		for i = 0 to UBound(oDBSource)
			if oDBSource(i) = oDBSrcName then
				oFlag = 777
				Exit for
			end if
		next i
		if oFlag = 0 then
			oDisp = "DataSource : " & oDBSrcName & " は登録されていません。"
			Exit Sub
		end if
		' ********* [ Rowset利用 ] ***********
	' RowSet Service
	Dim oRowSet as Object
	Dim oTableName as String
	Dim oRecordMax1, oRecordMax2 as Long
	Dim oRecordNum1, oRecordNum2 as Long
	Dim oLastRowNo, oFirstRowNo, oPreviousRow, oNextRow as Long
		oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
		oTableName = "ADDRESS"
		With oRowSet
			.DataSourceName = oDBSrcName
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.COMMAND
			.Command = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
		End With
  		oDisp = "Table Name = " & oTableName & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10)
  		' 現在取得しているRecord数取得
  		oRecordMax1 = oRowSet.MaxRows
  		oRecordNum1 = oRowSet.RowCount
  		' Last Row へ移動及びRecoed No取得
  		oLastRowNo = oRowSet.Row
  		' 1行前のRow へ移動及びRecoed No取得
  		oPreviousRow = oRowSet.Row
  		' First Row へ移動及びRecoed No取得
  		oFirstRowNo = oRowSet.Row
  		' 次のRow へ移動及びRecoed No取得
  		oNextRow = oRowSet.Row
  		' 現在取得しているRecord数取得
  		oRecordMax2 = oRowSet.MaxRows
  		oRecordNum2 = oRowSet.RowCount
  	' Close Rowset
  		set oRowSet = Nothing
  	' Display
  		oDisp = oDisp & "最初のMaxRows = " & oRecordMax1 & Chr$(10) & _
  							"最初のRowCount = " & oRecordNum1 & Chr$(10) & _
  							"Last Row No = " & oLastRowNo & Chr$(10) & _
  							"1行前のRow No = " & oPreviousRow & Chr$(10) & _
  							"First Row No = " & oFirstRowNo & Chr$(10) & _
  							"次のRow No = " & oNextRow & Chr$(10) & _
  							"現在のMaxRows = " & oRecordMax2 & Chr$(10) & _
  							"現在のRowCount = " & oRecordNum2
End Sub

BTRw-)[Base]RowSet で Row追加

Sub oRowSetService
	On Error Goto oBad
  	' ******** [ Rowset で Row追加 ] **********
  	Dim oRSCity as Object
  	Dim oAddCity() as String
  	Dim i as Integer
  		oRSCity = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
  		' DataSourceと接続
  		With oRSCity
  			.DataSourceName = "Test"
  			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
  			.Command = "CITY_LIST"		' No.1 col : ID( 自動入力 ) / No.2 Col : CITY_NAME の2つのColumnを持つTable で Primary Key 設定が必須
  			.IgnoreResult = true			' Not interested in result
  		End With
  		' 値追加
  		oAddCity = Array("Tokyo","New York","Paris","London","Rome","Pflugerville")
  		for i = 0 to UBound(oAddCity)
  			With oRSCity
  				.UpdateString(2, oAddCity(i))
  			End With
  		next i
  	' Rowset の Close
  		set oRSCity = Nothing
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")		
End Sub

BTRw-)[Base]RowSet で Row削除

Sub oRowSetService
	On Error Goto oBad
  	' ******** [ Rowset で条件に一致するRowを削除 ] **********
  	Dim oRSCity as Object
  	Dim oAddCity() as String
  	Dim i as Integer
  		oRSCity = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
  		' DataSourceと接続
  		With oRSCity
  			.DataSourceName = "Test"
  			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
  			.Command = "CITY_LIST"		' No.1 col : ID( 自動入力 ) / No.2 Col : CITY_NAME の2つのColumnを持つTable で Primary Key 設定が必須
  			.IgnoreResult = false				' true にすると oRSCity.next() が常にfalseになり、Do Loopが使えない 
  		End With
  	Dim oCityName as Object
  	Dim oLmtLoop as Long
  	Dim nn as Long
  		oLmtLoop = 10
  		nn = 0
  		' First Row へ移動及びRecoed No取得
  		Do While oRSCity.next() and nn < oLmtLoop
  			oCityName = oRSCity.Columns.getByName("CITY_NAME")
  			if oCityName.String = "Paris" or oCityName.Int = 5 then
  			End If
  			nn = nn + 1
  			if nn > oLmtLoop then
  				Exit Do
  			end if
  	' Rowset の Close
  		set oRSCity = Nothing
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")		
End Sub


Sub oTableCreate
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  				oFlag = 777
  		' Create New Table
			Dim oTables as Object
			Dim oTableName as String
			Dim oTableDescriptor as Object
			Dim oCols as Object
			Dim oCol as Object
				oTableName = "CreateTb"
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			' 同名Tableが存在するか?
  				Dim oTNames() as Object
					oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  					for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  						if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  							oDisp = "既に [ " & oTableName & " ] と同じ名前のTableがありますので処理を終了します。"
  							msgbox oDisp,0,"同名Tableが存在します。"
  							Exit Sub
  						end if
  					next i
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' INTEGER : 整数
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					' oCol.TypeName = "INTEGER"					' Type は TypeName でも設定可能
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10					' max 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = true
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.FormatKey = com.sun.star.sdbcx.KeyType.UNIQUE
    			' TIMESTAMP : 日付/時刻
    				oCol.Name = "TimeStamp"
    				oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.TIMESTAMP
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    				oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    ' ******** [ Rowset で Row追加 ( ResultSet は Read-Only なので不可 ) ] **********
  	Dim oRSCity as Object
  	Dim oRsCol as Object
  		oRSCity = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
  		' DataSourceと接続
  		With oRSCity
  			.DataSourceName = oTempName
  			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
  			.Command = oTableName
  			.IgnoreResult = true			' Not interested in result
  		End With
  		' Insert Row へCursorに移動
  		' 値設定
  	Dim oVal as Variant
  		oVal = now()			' = "2012/0702" / ="12:34:51"/ ="test" / =12.345 / = true / Nullの場合は oValをComment文にする
  		oRsCol = oRSCity.Columns.getByName("TimeStamp")
  		' Column Typeによって値設定
  		UpDateCol(oRsCol,  oVal)
  		' Row 追加
  	' Rowset の Close
  		set oRSCity = Nothing
    'Base Document Save	
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub
Function UpDateCol( oRsCol as Object, oVal as Variant)
	if NOT IsNull( oVal ) then
		Select Case oRsCol.TypeName
				oRsCol.updateInt( oVal )
			Case "LONG"						' HSQLDB では LONG TYPE は無い
				oRsCol.updateLong( oVal )
			Case "SHORT"					' HSQLDB では SHORT TYPE は無い
				oRsCol.updateShort( oVal )
				oRsCol.updateDouble( oVal )
			Case "FLOAT"
				oRsCol.updateFloat( oVal )
				oRsCol.updateString( oVal )
			Case "DATE"
				Dim oDate As New com.sun.star.util.Date
					oDate.Year = Year( oVal )
					oDate.Month = Month( oVal )
					oDate.Day = Day( oVal )
				oRsCol.updateDate( oDate )
			Case "TIME"
				Dim oTime As New com.sun.star.util.Time
					oTime.Hours = Hour(oVal)
					oTime.Minutes = Minute(oVal)
					oTime.Seconds = Second(oVal)
				oRsCol.updateTime( oTime )
				Dim oDateTime As New com.sun.star.util.DateTime
					oDateTime.Year = Year( oVal )
					oDateTime.Month = Month( oVal )
					oDateTime.Day = Day( oVal )
					oDateTime.Hours = Hour(oVal)
					oDateTime.Minutes = Minute(oVal)
					oDateTime.Seconds = Second(oVal)
				oRsCol.updateTimeStamp( oDateTime )
			Case "BOOLEAN"
				oRsCol.updateBoolean( oVal )
			Case Else
				oRsCol.updateString( oVal )
		End Select
		oRsCol.updateNull( oVal )
	end if
End Function

BTRw-)[Base]RowSetのGroupBy / Order設定

Sub oRowsetService
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTitle as String
	Dim oDBSource() as String
			oDoc = ThisComponent
			oTitle = oDoc.Title
			oDBSource = Split(oTitle, "." )
		' ********* [ Rowset利用 ] ***********
	' RowSet Service
	Dim oRowSet as Object
	Dim oTableName as String
	Dim dbTableRow1 as Long
	Dim dbTableRow2 as Long
		oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
		oTableName = "CITY_LIST"
	' All Row取得
		With oRowSet
			.DataSourceName = oDBSource(0)
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.COMMAND
			.Command = "SELECT * FROM " & oTableName
			.Order = "ID"
		End With
		dbTableRow1 = oRowSet.RowCount
		' Close Rowset
		set oRowset = Nothing
	' Using Group Clause
		oRowSet = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet")
		With oRowSet
			.DataSourceName = oDBSource(0)
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.COMMAND
			.Command = "SELECT CITY_NAME, COUNTRY FROM " & oTableName
			.GroupBy = "CITY_NAME, COUNTRY"
		'	.HavingClause = "Count(CITY_NAME) > 1"			' HavingClause は使えない? LibreOffice3.5.0
			.Order = "CITY_NAME"
		End With
		dbTableRow2 = oRowSet.RowCount
	' Close Rowset
	set oRowset = Nothing
	' ********* [ Rowset利用 ] ***********
	Dim oDisp as String
		oDisp = "[ Having Clause を用いたGroup化のRow数 ]" & Chr$(10) & _
					"Table の Row数  = " & dbTableRow1 & Chr$(10) & _
					"Gr化 and Having条件後 の Row数 = " & dbTableRow2
	msgbox(oDisp,0,"Group Clayse及びHaving Clause")
	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


[ PreparedStatement Service ]


Sub oAddDataintoTable
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
		Dim oBaseFile
		Dim oBaseURL
			oBaseFile = "C:\temp\oBase_Table.odb"
			oBaseURL = ConvertToUrl(oBaseFile)
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(oBaseURL, "_dedault", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		'set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = oDoc.getURL()
 		'Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If	
		'Call methods in the Tools library to parse the path.
			Dim oFileName
  				oFileName = FileNameOutOfPath(oTempName, "/")	
		'Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent
			Dim oDB
			Dim oCon
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  		'Get the Table Name
  			Dim oTable
  			Dim oTNames()
  			Dim oTableName
				oTableName = oTNames(0)
 		'File Access
 			Dim oFileAccess
 			Dim oStream
  				oFileAccess = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess")
  				oStream = oFileAccess.openFileRead(oTempName)
  		'Get the File Size[ Bytes ]
  			Dim oData()
  			Dim oLen
  			Dim oFileByte
  				oLen = oStream.getLength()
  				oFileByte = CStr(oStream.readBytes(oData(), oLen))
  		'Prepared statement to insert the data by Query
  			'[ Note ]  : It is not neccessary to set the ID Item because it is an auto-value field.
  			Dim oSQL As String
  			Dim oStatement		
  				'Set Inserted Items(NAME, DATA) of the Table. and Defaut TableValue of the Items are Empty.
  					'[ Note ] :  To be define ITemName and Format in the Table before Excuting Macro. 
  						oSQL = "insert into" & " " & oTableName & " " & "(NAME, DATA) values (?, ?)"
  						oStatement = oCon.PrepareStatement(oSQL)
  			'Add the TableValues
  				'oStatement.SetString(Column No , Data)
  						oStatement.SetString( 1, oFileName)
  						oStatement.SetString( 2, oFileByte)
  				'Execute the Query
  		'File Close
End Sub


Sub PreparateIntoData
	On Error Goto oBad
	' ***** [ 現在のBase File にTable作成 ] *****
	Dim oBaseContext as Object
	Dim oUser$
	Dim oPass$
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oUser$ = ""
		oPass$ = ""
		oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
	' Connect with the DataSource
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oBaseSrc as String
	Dim oDataSource as Object
	Dim oCon as Object
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oBaseSrc = oDoc.getURL()
		oDataSource = oBaseContext.getByName(oBaseSrc)
		oCon = oDataSource.getConnection(oUser, oPass)
		oFlag = 777
	Dim oStmt as Object
  	Dim oSQL as String
  	Dim oTbName as String
  		oTbName = "CREATETB"				' 大文字必須
  		oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
	'  ********** [ 表示 → Tableの更新 ] **********
  	Dim dispatcher as Object
  	Dim oFrame as Object
  		dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
  		oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
  		dispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame,".uno:DBRefreshTables", "", 0, Array())
  	' ****************************************
	' Prepared statement で Data 入力
  	Dim oSqlPre As String
  	Dim oSrmtPre					' Object では無い
  	Dim i as Integer
  	Dim tt, oNameStr as Variant
  		oSqlPre = "INSERT INTO" & " " & oTbName & " " & "(ID, NAME, Y_N) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"			' 全て大文字
  		oSrmtPre = oCon.PrepareStatement(oSqlPre)
  	for i = 1 to 6
  		tt = i
  		oNameStr = "Test" & CStr(i)
  		oSetValue( oSrmtPre, 1, tt, "Int")
  		oSetValue( oSrmtPre, 2, oNameStr , "String")
  		if tt mod 2 <> 0 then
  			oSetValue( oSrmtPre, 3, true, "Boolean")
  			oSetValue( oSrmtPre, 3, false, "Boolean")
  		End If
  	' Execute the Query
  	next i
	'Unconnect with the Datasource
  	' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
 End Sub
 Sub oSetValue( oStatement as Object, oColNo as Long, oVal as Variant, oValType as String)
	' oStatement.SetString(Column No , Data)
	Select case oValType
		case "Array"
			oStatement.setArry(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Blob"
			oStatement.setBlob(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Boolean"
			oStatement.setBoolean(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Byte"
			oStatement.setByte(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Bytes"
			oStatement.setBytes(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Clob"
			oStatement.setClob(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Data"
			oStatement.setData(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Double"
			oStatement.setDouble(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Float"
			oStatement.setFloat(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Int"
			oStatement.setInt(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Long"
			oStatement.setLong(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Null"
			oStatement.setNull(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Object"
			oStatement.setObject(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Ref"
			oStatement.setRef(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Short"
			oStatement.setShort(oColNo, oVal)
		case "String"
			oStatement.setString(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Time"
			oStatement.setTime(oColNo, oVal)
		case "Timestamp"
			oStatement.setTimestamp(oColNo, oVal)
		case else
			oStatement.setString(oColNo, oVal)
	End Select
End Sub

[ createDataDescriptor() ]


Sub oTableCreate
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent
			Dim oDB
			Dim oCon	
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  		' Create New Table
			Dim oTables
			Dim oTableName
			Dim oTableDescriptor
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables() 
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableName = "MACROTESTTABLE"
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.Name = "FIRSTNAME"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 255
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    	' Base Document Save	
  		Dim oStmt
  		Dim strSQL as String
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BT-)[Base]Text FileからTableにDataを追加

Sub oTableCreate
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim oDoc
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oTempName = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oTempName) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent
			Dim oDB
			Dim oCon	
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  		' Create New Table
			Dim oTables
			Dim oTableName
			Dim oTableDescriptor
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables() 
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableName = "MACROTESTTABLE"
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    			Dim oNameID(2) as String
    			Dim oType(2)
    			Dim oPrecision(2) as Long
    			Dim oIsAuto(2)
 					oNameID(0)="ID"			:	oNameID(1)="FRUITS"			:	oNameID(2)="NUMBERS"
    				oType(0) =	 com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER					:	oType(1) =	com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR						:	oType(2) = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    				oPrecision(0) = 10					:	oPrecision(1) = 255						:	oPrecision(2) = 50
    				oIsAuto(0) = True					:	oIsAuto(1) = false						:	oIsAuto(2) = false
    				for i = 0 to 2
    					oCol.Name = oNameID(i)
    					oCol.Type = oType(i)
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = oPrecision(i) 
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = oIsAuto(i)
    					If i = 0 then
    						oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					End If
    				next i
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    	' Base Document Save	
  		Dim oStmt
  			oStmt = oCon.createStatement()
  		' Text File
  		Dim oTextFile as String
  		Dim iFile as Integer
  		Dim oStrValue as String
  		Dim oSQL as String
  			iFile = FreeFile
  			oTextFile = "c:\temp\Fuits.txt"
  			Open oTextFile For Input As #iFile
  			m = 0
  			Do While Not( EOF(iFile)) and m < 5
  				Line Input #iFile, oStrValue
  				oSQL = "INSERT INTO " & oTableName & "(" & oNameID(0) & "," & oNameID(1) & "," & oNameID(2) & ") VALUES(" & oStrValue & ")"
  				m = m + 1
  			Close #iFile
  		' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


[ Form Button ]

BFmBtn-)Text Field値の取得

Sub GetFormValue(Event as Object)
	Dim oForm as Object
	Dim oFromItem as Object
		oForm = Event.Source.Model.Parent
		oFormItem = oForm.getByName("txtCOL01")
		msgbox "Name = " & oFormItem.Text
End Sub


[ Create / Edit ]


Sub oAddForm
	Dim oDoc         'Newly created Form document
	Dim oDrawPage    'Draw page for the form document.
	Dim s$           'Generic temporary string variable.
	Dim oDBDoc       'The Base database document.
	Dim oTableName	'The Table Name of the Database
	Dim sDBName$     'Name portion from sDBURL.
	Dim sFormURL$    'URL where the temporary form is stored.
	Dim oFormDocs    'Form documents in the Base document.
	Dim sFormName$   'Form name as stored in the Baes form documents.
	Dim oDocDef      'Document defition of the form stored in Base.
	Dim oDBForm
	Dim NoArgs() As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	On Error Goto oBad
	'Create New Base Document 
		Dim Dummy()
		Dim oAns
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdatabase", "_blank", 0, Dummy())
			oDataSource = oDoc.DataSource
 		' set to use hsqldb
 			oDataSource.URL = "sdbc:embedded:hsqldb"
 			oDBURL = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBaseMacroTest.odb")
 			if FileExists(oDBURL) then
 				oAns = msgbox("同名fileがあります。削除しますか?", 4, "既存fileの削除確認")
 				if oAns = 6 then
 					Exit Sub
 				End if 				
 			end if
 		' Load the Tools library
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent
			Dim oDB
			Dim oCon	
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oDBURL)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  		'Create New Table
			Dim oTables
		'	Dim oTableName
			Dim oTableDescriptor
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables() 
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableName = "MACROTESTTABLE"
  						oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    					oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Precision = 10
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    			'Base Document Save	
		'oTableName = "MACROTESTTABLE"
		REM Create a new document for the form.
			s$ = "private:factory/swriter"
			oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(s$, "_default", 0, NoArgs())
		REM The form will in edit mode, rather than design mode, by default.
			oDoc.ApplyFormDesignMode = False
	Dim oViewSettings
			oViewSettings = oDoc.CurrentController.ViewSettings
			oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
			oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
		'Get the document's draw page and force the top level form to exist and be named "Standard".
			oDrawPage = oDoc.DrawPage
			If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
				s$ = "com.sun.star.form.component.Form"
				oDBForm = oDoc.CreateInstance(s$)
				oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
				oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
			End If
			oDBForm.Name = "Standard"
		'Cause the form to use the table as a datasource.
			oDBForm.DataSourceName = oDBURL
			oDBForm.Command = oTableName
			oDBForm.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE'Service names for controls.
  	'The method to Store the Form WithOut Writer document.
  		'Load the Library named Tools. 
			If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
			End If
			sDBName = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oDBURL, "/")		'	" GetFileNameWithoutExtension " is one of the Library named " Tools ". 
			sFormName = "Form_" & oTableName
			s$ = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oDBURL, "/") & "/"					'	" DirectoryNameoutofPath " is one of the Library named " Tools ". 
			sFormURL = s$ & "Form_" & sDBName & "_" & sTableName & ".odt"
		'Store the form to disk and then close the document.
			oDoc.StoreAsUrl(sFormUrl, NoArgs())
	'Convert the Form on disk to a document defition and to store it as a Base document.
			oDBDoc = oFindComponentWithURL(oDBURL, True)
			oFormDocs = oDBDoc.getFormDocuments()
			If oFormDocs.hasByName(sFormName) Then
				Print "Removing " & sFormName & " from the database"
			End If
			oProps(0).Name = "Name"
			oProps(0).Value = sFormName
			oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
			oProps(1).Value = oFormDocs()
			oProps(2).Name = "URL"
			oProps(2).Value = sFormUrl
			s$ = "com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition"
			oDocDef = oFormDocs.createInstanceWithArguments(s$, oProps())
			oFormDocs.insertbyName(sFormName, oDocDef)
		Print "Added " & sFormName & " to the database"
		Exit Sub
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
	Function oFindComponentWithURL(sName$, bLoadIfNotFound As Boolean)
		Dim oDocs      ' Enumeration of the loaded components.
		Dim oDoc       ' A single enumerated component.
		Dim sDocURL$   ' URL of the component that we are checking.
			'Use some methods from the Tools library.
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If
				oDocs = StarDesktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
				Do While oDocs.hasMoreElements()
					oDoc = oDocs.nextElement()
					sDocURL = oGetDocURL(oDoc)
					'Just in case the name contains the full URL. If the name is an Empty string, then return an Unsaved document.
					If sName = sDocURL Then
						oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
						Exit Function
					End If
					'This will only work if the name contains the file extension.
					If InStr(sDocURL, "/") > 0 Then
						If FileNameoutofPath(sDocURL, "/") = sName Then
							oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
							Exit Function
						End If
					End If
				'The document was not found perhaps the name did not contain a file extension.
				oDocs = StarDesktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
				Do While oDocs.hasMoreElements()
					oDoc = oDocs.nextElement()
					sDocURL = oGetDocURL(oDoc)
					If InStr(sDocURL, "/") > 0 Then
						If GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sDocURL, "/") = sName Then
							oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
							Exit Function
						End If
					End If
			'The name was still not found, check to see if a document exists with the specified URL.
				If bLoadIfNotFound AND FileExists(sName) Then
					oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sName, "_blank", 0, Array())
					oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
					'	FindComponentWithURL = NULL
				End If
	End Function
'[ Function2 ]
	Function CreatePoint(xPos, YPos) as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		Dim oPoint as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
			oPoint.X = xPos
			oPoint.Y = yPos
			CreatePoint() = oPoint
	End Function
'[ Function3 ]
	Function CreateSize(iWidth, iHeight) As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		Dim oSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
			oSize.Width = iWidth
			oSize.Height = iHeight
			CreateSize() = oSize
	End Function	
'[ Function4 ]
	Function oGetDocURL(oDoc) As String
		oGetDocURL() = ""
		If NOT HasUNOInterfaces(oDoc, "com.sun.star.frame.XStorable") Then					'The OOo help does not support the XStorable interface, but the Basic IDE does.
			MsgBox("This Document does not support com.sun.star.frame.XStorable,")
			Exit Function			
		'	If NOT oDoc.hasLocation() Then					'This document has never been saved, so there is no URL to compare against.
		'		MsgBox("This Document included  Not to Support Locale")
		'	Else
		'		oGetDocURL() = oDoc.getURL()
		'	End If
		End If
	End Function

BFm-1)新規Formの追加[Form名:Form_BINDAT / Table : BINDATA は oBase_Table.odb に作成済み]

Sub oAddForm
	Dim oDoc         'Newly created Form document
	Dim oDrawPage    'Draw page for the form document.
	Dim s$           'Generic temporary string variable.
	Dim oDBDoc       'The Base database document.
	Dim oTableName	'The Table Name of the Database
	Dim sDBName$     'Name portion from sDBURL.
	Dim sFormURL$    'URL where the temporary form is stored.
	Dim oFormDocs    'Form documents in the Base document.
	Dim sFormName$   'Form name as stored in the Baes form documents.
	Dim oDocDef      'Document defition of the form stored in Base.
	Dim oDBForm
	Dim NoArgs() As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oDBURL = ConvertToUrl("c:\temp\oBase_Table.odb")
		oTableName = "BINDATA"
		REM Create a new document for the form.
			s$ = "private:factory/swriter"
			oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(s$, "_default", 0, NoArgs())
		REM The form will in edit mode, rather than design mode, by default.
			oDoc.ApplyFormDesignMode = False
	Dim oViewSettings
			oViewSettings = oDoc.CurrentController.ViewSettings
			oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
			oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
		'Get the document's draw page and force the top level form to exist and be named "Standard".
			oDrawPage = oDoc.DrawPage
			If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
				s$ = "com.sun.star.form.component.Form"
				oDBForm = oDoc.CreateInstance(s$)
				oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
				oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
			End If
			oDBForm.Name = "Standard"
		'Cause the form to use the table as a datasource.
			oDBForm.DataSourceName = oDBURL
			oDBForm.Command = oTableName
			oDBForm.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE'Service names for controls.
	Dim sLabel$ : sLabel = "com.sun.star.form.component.FixedText"
	Dim oControl   'A control to insert into the form.
	Dim oShape     'Control's shape in the draw page.
	Dim oLControl  'Label control.
	Dim oLShape    'Label control's shape in the draw page.
	Dim lAnchor As Long
		lAnchor = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH			'Anchor the controls to paragraphs.
		'Insert the ID Form
			'Insert the Label field for ID
				'Set the properties of Label field for ID.
					oLControl = oDoc.CreateInstance(sLabel$)
						oLControl.Label = "ID"
						oLControl.Name = "lblID"
				'Set a Shape of Label fild for ID.
					oLShape = oDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
						oLShape.Size = createSize(1222, 443)
						oLShape.Position = createPoint(1000, 1104)
						oLShape.AnchorType = lAnchor
						oLShape.control = oLControl
			'Insert the Text field to input for ID. 
				'Set the Properties of Text field for ID.
					s$ = "com.sun.star.form.component.FormattedField"
						oControl = oDoc.CreateInstance(s$)
  						oControl.LabelControl = oLControl
  						oControl.BackgroundColor = 14540253
						oControl.Border = 1
						oControl.DataField = "ID"
						oControl.EffectiveMax = 2147483647
						oControl.EffectiveMin = -2147483648
						oControl.EnforceFormat = True
						oControl.HideInactiveSelection = True
						oControl.Name = "fmtID"
						oControl.TreatAsNumber = True			
				'Set a Shape of Text fild for ID.
					oShape = oDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
						oShape.Size = createSize(2150, 651)
						oShape.Position = createPoint(2522, 1000)
						oShape.AnchorType = lAnchor
						oShape.control = oControl
			'Drawing ID Form
			oDrawpage.Add(oLShape)		'The Position of this Line is Important. 
		'Insert the Name Form
			'Insert the Label field for Name.
				'Set the Properties of Lavel for Name.
					oLControl = oDoc.CreateInstance(sLabel)
						oLControl.Label = "NAME"
						oLControl.Name = "lblName"
				'Set a Shape of Lavel field for Name.
					oLShape = oDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
						oLShape.Size = createSize(1222, 443)
						oLShape.Position = createPoint(1000, 1954)
						oLShape.AnchorType = lAnchor
						oLShape.control = oLControl
			'Insert the Text field for Name. 
				'Set the Properties of Text field for Name.
					s$ = "com.sun.star.form.component.TextField"
						oControl = oDoc.CreateInstance(s$)
						oControl.BackgroundColor = 14540253
						oControl.Border = 1
						oControl.DataField = "NAME"
						oControl.LabelControl = oLControl
						oControl.Name = "txtNAME"
				'Set a Shape of Text fild for ID.
					oShape = oDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
						oShape.Size = createSize(8026, 651)
						oShape.Position = createPoint(2522, 1850)
						oShape.AnchorType = lAnchor
						oShape.control = oControl
			'Drawing Name Form
			oDrawpage.Add(oShape)		'The Position of this Line is Important. 
		'Insert the Image control Form
			'Insert the Image control.
				'Set the Properties of Image control.
					s$ = "com.sun.star.form.component.DatabaseImageControl"
						oControl = oDoc.CreateInstance(s$)
						oControl.BackgroundColor = 14540253
						oControl.Border = 1
						oControl.DataField = "DATA"
						oControl.Name = "imgDATA"
				'Set a Shape of Image control.
					oShape = oDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
						oShape.Size = createSize(10504, 7835)
						oShape.Position = createPoint(2522, 3332)
						oShape.AnchorType = lAnchor
						oShape.control = oControl
			'Drawing Image control Form
	'[ Caution ] :	It is Impossible to Store the Stand Alone Form to disk. 	
	'						Because we have a Form which is a Writer document.
  	'					So, Use some methods from the Tools library.
  	'The method to Store the Form WithOut Writer document.
  		'Load the Library named Tools. 
			If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
			End If
			sDBName = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oDBURL, "/")		'	" GetFileNameWithoutExtension " is one of the Library named " Tools ". 
			sFormName = "Form_" & oTableName
			s$ = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oDBURL, "/") & "/"					'	" DirectoryNameoutofPath " is one of the Library named " Tools ". 
			sFormURL = s$ & "Form_" & sDBName & "_" & sTableName & ".odt"
		'Store the form to disk and then close the document.
			oDoc.StoreAsUrl(sFormUrl, NoArgs())
	'Convert the Form on disk to a document defition and to store it as a Base document.
			oDBDoc = oFindComponentWithURL(oDBURL, True)
			oFormDocs = oDBDoc.getFormDocuments()
			If oFormDocs.hasByName(sFormName) Then
				Print "Removing " & sFormName & " from the database"
			End If
			oProps(0).Name = "Name"
			oProps(0).Value = sFormName
			oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
			oProps(1).Value = oFormDocs()
			oProps(2).Name = "URL"
			oProps(2).Value = sFormUrl
			s$ = "com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition"
			oDocDef = oFormDocs.createInstanceWithArguments(s$, oProps())
			oFormDocs.insertbyName(sFormName, oDocDef)
		Print "Added " & sFormName & " to the database"
End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
	Function oFindComponentWithURL(sName$, bLoadIfNotFound As Boolean)
		Dim oDocs      ' Enumeration of the loaded components.
		Dim oDoc       ' A single enumerated component.
		Dim sDocURL$   ' URL of the component that we are checking.
			'Use some methods from the Tools library.
				If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
				End If
				oDocs = StarDesktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
				Do While oDocs.hasMoreElements()
					oDoc = oDocs.nextElement()
					sDocURL = oGetDocURL(oDoc)
					'Just in case the name contains the full URL. If the name is an Empty string, then return an Unsaved document.
					If sName = sDocURL Then
						oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
						Exit Function
					End If
					'This will only work if the name contains the file extension.
					If InStr(sDocURL, "/") > 0 Then
						If FileNameoutofPath(sDocURL, "/") = sName Then
							oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
							Exit Function
						End If
					End If
				'The document was not found perhaps the name did not contain a file extension.
				oDocs = StarDesktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
				Do While oDocs.hasMoreElements()
					oDoc = oDocs.nextElement()
					sDocURL = oGetDocURL(oDoc)
					If InStr(sDocURL, "/") > 0 Then
						If GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sDocURL, "/") = sName Then
							oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
							Exit Function
						End If
					End If
			'The name was still not found, check to see if a document exists with the specified URL.
				If bLoadIfNotFound AND FileExists(sName) Then
					oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sName, "_blank", 0, Array())
					oFindComponentWithURL() = oDoc
					'	FindComponentWithURL = NULL
				End If
	End Function
'[ Function2 ]
	Function CreatePoint(xPos, YPos) as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		Dim oPoint as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
			oPoint.X = xPos
			oPoint.Y = yPos
			CreatePoint() = oPoint
	End Function
'[ Function3 ]
	Function CreateSize(iWidth, iHeight) As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		Dim oSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
			oSize.Width = iWidth
			oSize.Height = iHeight
			CreateSize() = oSize
	End Function	
'[ Function4 ]
	Function oGetDocURL(oDoc) As String
		oGetDocURL() = ""
		If NOT HasUNOInterfaces(oDoc, "com.sun.star.frame.XStorable") Then					'The OOo help does not support the XStorable interface, but the Basic IDE does.
			MsgBox("This Document does not support com.sun.star.frame.XStorable,")
			Exit Function			
		'	If NOT oDoc.hasLocation() Then					'This document has never been saved, so there is no URL to compare against.
		'		MsgBox("This Document included  Not to Support Locale")
		'	Else
		'		oGetDocURL() = oDoc.getURL()
		'	End If
		End If
	End Function


Sub oOpenFormInDB1main
	Dim oDoc
	Dim sDBURL$
	Dim oForms
	Dim sFormName$
	Dim s$
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim x()
		oBaseFileName = "c:\temp\oBase_Table.odb"
		sDBURL = ConvertToUrl(oBaseFileName)

		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sDBURL, "_default", 0, Dummy())
		'Check to Exist theFile
			If IsNULL(oDoc) OR IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
				Print "The document was not found"
				Exit Sub
			End If
		'Choose a form to open!
			oForms = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
			If oForms.getCount() < 1 Then
				Print "The database contains no forms"
				If oForms.getCount() = 1 Then
			'If there is ONLY one form, then open the one form!
					x() = oForms.getElementNames()
					sFormName = x(0)
					s$ = "Choose A Form To Open"
					sFormName = DialogSelectItem(oForms.getElementNames(), s$)
				End If
			End If
			If sFormName = "" Then Exit Sub
		oOpenFormInDB1(sDBURL$, sFormName$, oDoc)
End Sub

'[ Sub Routing1 ]
	Sub oOpenFormInDB1(sDBURL$, sFormName$, Optional oDoc)
		Dim oDBDoc          'The database document that contains the form.
		Dim oFormDef        'com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition of the form.
		Dim oFormDocs       'The form documents container.
		Dim oFormDoc        'The actual form document.
		Dim oCon            'Database connection.
		Dim oParms(1) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		Dim oBaseContext    'Global database context service.
		Dim oDataBase       'Database obtained from the database context.
			'Check to Exist the File 
				oDBDoc = oDoc
				If IsNULL(oDBDoc) OR IsEmpty(oDBDoc) Then
					Print "The document was not found"
					Exit Sub
				End If
				oFormDocs = oDBDoc.getFormDocuments()
				If NOT oFormDocs.hasByName(sFormName) Then
					Print "The database does not have a form named " & sFormName
					Exit Sub
				End If
				oFormDef = oDBDoc.getFormDocuments().getByName(sFormName)
				'Without this, the form opens and then disappears!
				'This is a bug that will hopefully be fixed in OOo version 2.0.1. oDummyFormDef is defined in the main module.
					oDummyFormDef = oFormDef
					oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
					oDataBase = oBaseContext.getByName(sDBURL)
					oCon = oDataBase.getConnection("", "")
					'OpenMode is rumored to support "open", "openDesign" and "openForMail" 
						oAppendProperty(oParms(0), "OpenMode", "open")					' View Mode( Readonly)
						'oAppendProperty(oParms(0), "OpenMode", "openDesign")			'
						oAppendProperty(oParms(1), "ActiveConnection", oCon)
			oFormDoc = oFormDocs.loadComponentFromURL(sFormName, "", 0, oParms())
End Sub

'[ Sub Routing2 ]
	Sub oAppendProperty(oProperties(), sName As String, ByVal oValue)
  		oAppendToArray(oProperties(), oCreateProperty(sName, oValue))
	End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
	Function oAppendToArray(oData(), ByVal x)
		Dim oData()
		Dim iUB As Integer  'The upper bound of the array.
		Dim iLB As Integer  'The lower bound of the array.
			iUB = UBound(oData()) + 1
			iLB = LBound(oData())
		ReDim Preserve oData(iLB To iUB)
			oData(iUB) = x
	End Function

'[ Function2 ]
	Function oCreateProperty(sName$, oValue) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		Dim oProperty As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			oProperty.Name = sName
			oProperty.Value = oValue
			oCreateProperty() = oProperty
	End Function

BFm-)既存Formを開く(Design Mode)

Sub oOpenFormInDB2main
	Dim oDoc
	Dim sDBURL$
	Dim oForms
	Dim sFormName$
	Dim s$
	Dim Dummy()
	Dim x()
		oBaseFileName = "c:\temp\oBase_Table.odb"
		sDBURL = ConvertToUrl(oBaseFileName)

		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sDBURL, "_default", 0, Dummy())
		'Check to Exist theFile
			If IsNULL(oDoc) OR IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
				Print "The document was not found"
				Exit Sub
			End If
		'Choose a form to open!
			oForms = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
			If oForms.getCount() < 1 Then
				Print "The database contains no forms"
				If oForms.getCount() = 1 Then
			'If there is ONLY one form, then open the one form!
					x() = oForms.getElementNames()
					sFormName = x(0)
					s$ = "Choose A Form To Open"
					sFormName = DialogSelectItem(oForms.getElementNames(), s$)
				End If
			End If
			If sFormName = "" Then Exit Sub
		oOpenFormInDB2(sDBURL$, sFormName$, oDoc)
End Sub

'[ Function1 ]
	Function oOpenFormInDB2(sDBURL$, sFormName$, Optional oDoc)
		Dim oDBDoc          'The database document that contains the form.
		Dim oFormDef        'com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition of the form.
		Dim oFormDocs       'The form documents container.
		Dim oFormDoc        'The actual form document.
		Dim oBaseContext    'Global database context service.
		Dim oDataBase       'Database obtained from the database context.
		Dim oCon            'Database connection.
		Dim oParms() As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			'Check to Exist the File 
				oDBDoc = oDoc
				If IsNULL(oDBDoc) OR IsEmpty(oDBDoc) Then
					Print "The document was not found"
					Exit Function
				End If
				oFormDocs = oDBDoc.getFormDocuments()
				If NOT oFormDocs.hasByName(sFormName) Then
					Print "The database does not have a form named " & sFormName
					Exit Function
				End If
				oFormDef = oDBDoc.getFormDocuments().getByName(sFormName)
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
				oDataBase = oBaseContext.getByName(sDBURL)
				oCon = oDataBase.getConnection("", "")
				oAppendProperty(oParms(), "ActiveConnection", oCon)
		Dim identifier as Long
			identifier = oFormDef.createCommandIdentifier()
		Dim UcbCommand as new com.sun.star.ucb.Command
			UcbCommand.Name = "openDesign"  'Or "open" or "openForMail"
		Dim Arguments as new com.sun.star.ucb.OpenCommandArgument2
			Arguments.Mode = com.sun.star.ucb.OpenMode.DOCUMENT
			UcbCommand.Argument = Arguments
		Dim environment as Object
			oFormDoc = oFormDef.execute( UcbCommand, identifier, environment )
			oOpenFormInDB2() = oFormDoc
End Function

'[ Sub Routing1 ]
	Sub oAppendProperty(oProperties(), sName As String, ByVal oValue)
  		oAppendToArray(oProperties(), oCreateProperty(sName, oValue))
	End Sub

'[ Function2 ]
	Function oAppendToArray(oData(), ByVal x)
		Dim oData()
		Dim iUB As Integer  'The upper bound of the array.
		Dim iLB As Integer  'The lower bound of the array.
			iUB = UBound(oData()) + 1
			iLB = LBound(oData())
		ReDim Preserve oData(iLB To iUB)
			oData(iUB) = x
	End Function

'[ Function3 ]
	Function oCreateProperty(sName$, oValue) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		Dim oProperty As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
			oProperty.Name = sName
			oProperty.Value = oValue
			oCreateProperty() = oProperty
	End Function

BFm-)Current fileのFormを開く(ReadOnly)

Sub oOpenForm3
	Dim args(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
	Dim aFormName as string
		oDoc = ThisDatabaseDocument				' oDoc = ThisComponent でもOK
		oFormDocs = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
		aFormName = oFormDocs.getByIndex(0).Name
			args(0).Name = "OpenMode"
			args(0).Value = "open"
End Sub

BFm-)Current fileのFormを開く[その2](ReadOnly)

Sub oCreateForm2
	Dim oController as Object
		oController = ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController
			If ( Not oController.isConnected() ) Then
			End If
			oFormName = "TestFormForMacro"
		oController.loadComponent(com.sun.star.sdb.application.DatabaseObject.FORM, oFormName,FALSE )  
End Sub

BFm-)Current fileのFormを開く[その3](Design Mode)

Sub oCreateForm3
	Dim oController
		oController = ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController
			If ( Not oController.isConnected() ) Then
			End If
			oFormName = "TestFormForMacro"
		oController.loadComponent(com.sun.star.sdb.application.DatabaseObject.FORM, oFormName,TRUE )  
End Sub


Sub oCheckExistFormInDB
	Dim oDoc
	Dim sDBURL$
	Dim oForms
	Dim sFormName$
	Dim s$
	Dim Dummy()
		oBaseFileName = "c:\temp\oBase_Table.odb"
		sDBURL = ConvertToUrl(oBaseFileName)
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sDBURL, "_default", 0, Dummy())
		'Check to Exist a form for opened!
			oForms = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
			If oForms.getCount() < 1 Then
				Print "The database contains no forms"
			End If
End Sub


Sub oCountForms
	Dim oDoc
	Dim oForms
	Dim oFormName as string
		oDoc = ThisDatabaseDocument
		oForms = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
		oCount = oForms.getCount()
		MsgBox("本Database fileのForm数は : " & oCount & " です。")
End Sub


Sub oGetFormName
	Dim oFormName as string
		oDoc = ThisDatabaseDocument
		oForms = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
			If oForms.getCount() < 1 Then
				Print "The database contains no forms"
				If oForms.getCount() = 1 Then
					x() = oForms.getElementNames()
					sFormName = x(0)
					s$ = "Choose A Form To Open"
					sFormName = DialogSelectItem(oForms.getElementNames(), s$)
				End If
			End If
		MsgBox("Formの名前は " & sFormName & " です。")
End Sub

BFm-)ImputBox( FormattedField ) in Form作成

Sub CrTb_and_Form
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  				oFlag = 777
  		' Form と関連付けるTable作成( Queryでの作成はNG )
			Dim oTables as Object
			Dim oTableName as String
			Dim oTableDescriptor as Object
			Dim oCols as Object
			Dim oCol as Object
				oTableName = "CreateTb"
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			' 同名Tableが存在するか?
  				Dim oTNames() as Object
					oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  					for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  						if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  							oDisp = "既に [ " & oTableName & " ] と同じ名前のTableがありますので処理を終了します。"
  							msgbox oDisp,0,"同名Tableが存在します。"
  							Exit Sub
  						end if
  					next i
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' INTEGER : 整数
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					' oCol.TypeName = "INTEGER"					' Type は TypeName でも設定可能
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10					' max 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.FormatKey = com.sun.star.sdbcx.KeyType.UNIQUE
    				' VARCHAR : テキスト
    					oCol.Name = "Varchar"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 255				' max
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    			'Base Document Save	
  	' ##### [ Create Form ] #####
  	Dim oApp as String
  	Dim NoArgs() As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
  	Dim oFormDoc as Object
		oApp = "private:factory/swriter"
		oFormDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(oApp, "_default", 0, NoArgs())
		oFormDoc.ApplyFormDesignMode = False
	Dim oViewSettings as Object
		oViewSettings = oFormDoc.CurrentController.ViewSettings
		oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
		oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
	Dim oDrawPage as Object
	Dim oDBForm as Object
		oDrawPage = oFormDoc.DrawPage
		If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
			oDBForm = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.Form")
			oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
			oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
		End If
		' Form 設定
		with oDBForm
			.Name = "Standard"		' Form Name
			.DataSourceName = oTempName		' Database Name
			.Command = oTableName				' Table Name
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE		'Service names for controls.
		end with
	Dim oControl as Object			'A control to insert into the form.
	Dim oShape as Object				'Control's shape in the draw page.
	Dim oAnchor As Long
		oAnchor = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH			'Anchor the controls to paragraphs.
	'[[ Varchar Column用のForm作成 ]]
	' 入力BoxのControl Propertyの設定
		oControl = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.FormattedField")
		with oControl
			.BackgroundColor = 14540253
			.Border = 1
			.DataField = "Varchar"							' Table の Varchar 項
			.EffectiveMax = 2147483647
			.EffectiveMin = -2147483648
			.EnforceFormat = True
			.HideInactiveSelection = True
			.Name = "fmtID"
			.TreatAsNumber = True			
		end with
	' 入力Boxの位置設定
	Dim oPoint as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		oPoint.X = 2522
		oPoint.Y = 1000
	' 入力BoxのSize設定
	Dim oSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		oSize.Width = 2150
		oSize.Height = 651
	' Input BoxのPropertyを設定
	oShape = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
		with oShape
			.Size = oSize
			.Position = oPoint
			.AnchorType = oAnchor
			.control = oControl
		end with
	' Form に描画			
	'Load the Library named Tools.( DirectoryNameoutofPath を使う為のGlobl Library 'Tools' をLoad ) 
	If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
	End If
	' 一時的にWriter File として保存
	Dim oWriterDir as String
	Dim oFormName as String	
	Dim oTempURL as String
		oFormName = "Form_" & oTableName
		oWriterDir = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oTempName, "/") & "/"	
		oTempURL = oWriterDir & oFormName & ".odt"
		oFormDoc.StoreAsUrl(oTempURL, NoArgs())
	'$$$$$ [  Writer FIileから Form に変換 ] $$$$$
	' 同名Formの削除
	Dim oFormDocument as Object
		oFormDocument = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
		If oFormDocument.hasByName(oFormName) Then
			Print "Removing " & oFormName & " from the database"
		End If
	Dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oProps(0).Name = "Name"
		oProps(0).Value = oFormName
		oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
		oProps(1).Value = oFormDocument()
		oProps(2).Name = "URL"
		oProps(2).Value = oTempURL
		oDocDef = oFormDocument.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition", oProps())
		oFormDocument.insertbyName(oFormName, oDocDef)
  	' Con Close
  	' 一時Witer Fileの削除
  	If FileExists(oTempURL) then
  	end if
  	' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BFm-)ImputBox( TextField ) in Form作成

Sub CrTb_and_Form
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  				oFlag = 777
  		' Form と関連付けるTable作成( Queryでの作成はNG )
  			Dim oTables as Object
			Dim oTableName as String
			Dim oTableDescriptor as Object
			Dim oCols as Object
			Dim oCol as Object
				oTableName = "CreateTb"
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			' 同名Tableが存在するか?
  			Dim oTNames() as Object
				oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  				for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  					if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  						oDisp = "既に [ " & oTableName & " ] と同じ名前のTableがありますので処理を終了します。"
  						msgbox oDisp,0,"同名Tableが存在します。"
  						Exit Sub
  					end if
  				next i
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' INTEGER : 整数
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					' oCol.TypeName = "INTEGER"					' Type は TypeName でも設定可能
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10					' max 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.FormatKey = com.sun.star.sdbcx.KeyType.UNIQUE
    				' VARCHAR : テキスト
    					oCol.Name = "Varchar"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 255				' max
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    			'Base Document Save	
  	' ##### [ Create Form ] #####
  	Dim oApp as String
  	Dim NoArgs() As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
  	Dim oFormDoc as Object
		oApp = "private:factory/swriter"
		oFormDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(oApp, "_default", 0, NoArgs())
		oFormDoc.ApplyFormDesignMode = False
	Dim oViewSettings as Object
		oViewSettings = oFormDoc.CurrentController.ViewSettings
		oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
		oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
	Dim oDrawPage as Object
	Dim oDBForm as Object
		oDrawPage = oFormDoc.DrawPage
		If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
			oDBForm = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.Form")
			oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
			oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
		End If
		' Form 設定
		with oDBForm
			.Name = "Standard"		' Form Name
			.DataSourceName = oTempName		' Database Name
			.Command = oTableName				' Table Name
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE		'Service names for controls.
		end with
	Dim oControl as Object			'A control to insert into the form.
	Dim oShape as Object				'Control's shape in the draw page.
	Dim oAnchor As Long
		oAnchor = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH			'Anchor the controls to paragraphs.
	'[[ Varchar Column用のForm作成 ]]
	' 入力BoxのControl Propertyの設定
		oControl = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.TextField")
		with oControl
			.BackgroundColor = 14540253
			.Border = 1
			.DataField = "Varchar"							' Table の Varchar 項
			.Name = "fmtID"		
		end with
	' 入力Boxの位置設定
	Dim oPoint as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		oPoint.X = 2000
		oPoint.Y = 1000
	' 入力BoxのSize設定
	Dim oSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		oSize.Width = 4000
		oSize.Height = 700
	' Input BoxのPropertyを設定
	oShape = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
		with oShape
			.Size = oSize
			.Position = oPoint
			.AnchorType = oAnchor
			.control = oControl
		end with
	' Form に描画			
	'Load the Library named Tools.( DirectoryNameoutofPath を使う為のGlobl Library 'Tools' をLoad ) 
	If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
	End If
	' 一時的にWriter File として保存
	Dim oWriterDir as String
	Dim oFormName as String	
	Dim oTempURL as String
		oFormName = "Form_" & oTableName
		oWriterDir = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oTempName, "/") & "/"	
		oTempURL = oWriterDir & oFormName & ".odt"
		oFormDoc.StoreAsUrl(oTempURL, NoArgs())
	'$$$$$ [  Writer FIileから Form に変換 ] $$$$$
	' 同名Formの削除
	Dim oFormDocument as Object
		oFormDocument = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
		If oFormDocument.hasByName(oFormName) Then
			Print "Removing " & oFormName & " from the database"
		End If
	Dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oProps(0).Name = "Name"
		oProps(0).Value = oFormName
		oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
		oProps(1).Value = oFormDocument()
		oProps(2).Name = "URL"
		oProps(2).Value = oTempURL
		oDocDef = oFormDocument.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition", oProps())
		oFormDocument.insertbyName(oFormName, oDocDef)
  	' Con Close
  	' 一時Witer Fileの削除
  	If FileExists(oTempURL) then
  	end if
  	' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BFm-)ImputBox( ComboBox ) in Form作成

Sub CrTb_and_Form
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  				oFlag = 777
  		' Form と関連付けるTable作成( Queryでの作成はNG )
  			Dim oTables as Object
			Dim oTableName as String
			Dim oTableDescriptor as Object
			Dim oCols as Object
			Dim oCol as Object
				oTableName = "CreateTb"
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			' 同名Tableが存在するか?
  			Dim oTNames() as Object
				oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  				for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  					if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  						oDisp = "既に [ " & oTableName & " ] と同じ名前のTableがありますので処理を終了します。"
  						msgbox oDisp,0,"同名Tableが存在します。"
  						Exit Sub
  					end if
  				next i
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' INTEGER : 整数
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					' oCol.TypeName = "INTEGER"					' Type は TypeName でも設定可能
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10					' max 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.FormatKey = com.sun.star.sdbcx.KeyType.UNIQUE
    				' VARCHAR : テキスト
    					oCol.Name = "Varchar"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 255				' max
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    			'Base Document Save	
  	' ##### [ Create Form ] #####
  	Dim oApp as String
  	Dim NoArgs() As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
  	Dim oFormDoc as Object
		oApp = "private:factory/swriter"
		oFormDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(oApp, "_default", 0, NoArgs())
		oFormDoc.ApplyFormDesignMode = False
	Dim oViewSettings as Object
		oViewSettings = oFormDoc.CurrentController.ViewSettings
		oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
		oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
	Dim oDrawPage as Object
	Dim oDBForm as Object
		oDrawPage = oFormDoc.DrawPage
		If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
			oDBForm = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.Form")
			oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
			oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
		End If
		' Form 設定
		with oDBForm
			.Name = "Standard"		' Form Name
			.DataSourceName = oTempName		' Database Name
			.Command = oTableName				' Table Name
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE		'Service names for controls.
		end with
	Dim oControl as Object			'A control to insert into the form.
	Dim oShape as Object				'Control's shape in the draw page.
	Dim oAnchor As Long
		oAnchor = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH			'Anchor the controls to paragraphs.
	'[[ Varchar Column用のForm作成 ]]
	' 入力BoxのControl Propertyの設定
    Dim oList(5) as String
    	oList(0) = "Zero"
    	oList(1) = "One"
    	oList(2) = "Two"
     	oList(3) = "Three"
     	oList(4) = "Four"
     	oList(5) = "Five"
		oControl = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.ComboBox")
		with oControl
			.BackgroundColor = 14540253
			.Border = 1
			.DataField = "Varchar"							' Table の Varchar 項
			.Name ="NumberSelection"
			.Text = "Zero"
			.Dropdown = True
			.StringItemList = oList()
		end with
	' 入力Boxの位置設定
	Dim oPoint as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		oPoint.X = 2000
		oPoint.Y = 1000
	' 入力BoxのSize設定
	Dim oSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		oSize.Width = 4000
		oSize.Height = 700
	' Input BoxのPropertyを設定
	oShape = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
		with oShape
			.Size = oSize
			.Position = oPoint
			.AnchorType = oAnchor
			.control = oControl
		end with
	' Form に描画			
	'Load the Library named Tools.( DirectoryNameoutofPath を使う為のGlobl Library 'Tools' をLoad ) 
	If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
	End If
	' 一時的にWriter File として保存
	Dim oWriterDir as String
	Dim oFormName as String	
	Dim oTempURL as String
		oFormName = "Form_" & oTableName
		oWriterDir = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oTempName, "/") & "/"	
		oTempURL = oWriterDir & oFormName & ".odt"
		oFormDoc.StoreAsUrl(oTempURL, NoArgs())
	'$$$$$ [  Writer FIileから Form に変換 ] $$$$$
	' 同名Formの削除
	Dim oFormDocument as Object
		oFormDocument = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
		If oFormDocument.hasByName(oFormName) Then
			Print "Removing " & oFormName & " from the database"
		End If
	Dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oProps(0).Name = "Name"
		oProps(0).Value = oFormName
		oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
		oProps(1).Value = oFormDocument()
		oProps(2).Name = "URL"
		oProps(2).Value = oTempURL
		oDocDef = oFormDocument.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition", oProps())
		oFormDocument.insertbyName(oFormName, oDocDef)
  	' Con Close
  	' 一時Witer Fileの削除
  	If FileExists(oTempURL) then
  	end if
  	' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub

BFm-)ImputBox( ListBox ) in Form作成

Sub CrTb_and_Form
	On Error Goto oBad
	Dim oDoc as Object
	Dim oTempName as String
	Dim oFlag as Integer
		oFlag = 0
		oDoc = ThisComponent
		oTempName = oDoc.getURL		
		' Connect DB
			Dim oBaseContent as Object
			Dim oDB as Object
			Dim oCon as Object
				oBaseContext = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
  				oDB = oBaseContext.getByName(oTempName)
  				oCon = oDB.getConnection("", "")
  				oFlag = 777
  		' Form と関連付けるTable作成( Queryでの作成はNG )
  			Dim oTables as Object
			Dim oTableName as String
			Dim oTableDescriptor as Object
			Dim oCols as Object
			Dim oCol as Object
				oTableName = "CreateTb"
  				' Access Tables in Connecting DB
  					oTables = oCon.getTables()
  			' 同名Tableが存在するか?
  			Dim oTNames() as Object
				oTNames = oTables.getElementNames()
  				for i = 0 to UBound(oTNames)
  					if oTableName = oTNames(i) then
  						oDisp = "既に [ " & oTableName & " ] と同じ名前のTableがありますので処理を終了します。"
  						msgbox oDisp,0,"同名Tableが存在します。"
  						Exit Sub
  					end if
  				next i
  				' Define the Table Property
  					oTableDescriptor = oTables.createDataDescriptor()
  					oTableDescriptor.Name = oTableName
  				' Define the Datas to table Columns(	最低一項目は設定が必要		)
    				oCols = oTableDescriptor.getColumns()
    				oCol = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
    				' INTEGER : 整数
    					oCol.Name = "ID"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.INTEGER
    					' oCol.TypeName = "INTEGER"					' Type は TypeName でも設定可能
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NO_NULLS
    					oCol.Precision = 10					' max 10
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = True
    					oCol.Description = "Primary Key"
    					oCol.FormatKey = com.sun.star.sdbcx.KeyType.UNIQUE
    				' VARCHAR : テキスト
    					oCol.Name = "Varchar"
    					oCol.Type = com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType.VARCHAR
    					oCol.IsNullable = com.sun.star.sdbc.ColumnValue.NULLABLE
    					oCol.Precision = 255				' max
    					oCol.IsAutoIncrement = false
    			' Create Table	but not to be able to look the table, because it needs to store Base Document.	
    			'Base Document Save	
  	' ##### [ Create Form ] #####
  	Dim oApp as String
  	Dim NoArgs() As new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
  	Dim oFormDoc as Object
		oApp = "private:factory/swriter"
		oFormDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(oApp, "_default", 0, NoArgs())
		oFormDoc.ApplyFormDesignMode = False
	Dim oViewSettings as Object
		oViewSettings = oFormDoc.CurrentController.ViewSettings
		oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
		oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
	Dim oDrawPage as Object
	Dim oDBForm as Object
		oDrawPage = oFormDoc.DrawPage
		If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
			oDBForm = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.Form")
			oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
			oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
		End If
		' Form 設定
		with oDBForm
			.Name = "Standard"		' Form Name
			.DataSourceName = oTempName		' Database Name
			.Command = oTableName				' Table Name
			.CommandType = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE		'Service names for controls.
		end with
	Dim oControl as Object			'A control to insert into the form.
	Dim oShape as Object				'Control's shape in the draw page.
	Dim oAnchor As Long
		oAnchor = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH			'Anchor the controls to paragraphs.
	'[[ Varchar Column用のForm作成 ]]
	' 入力BoxのControl Propertyの設定
    Dim oList(5) as String
    	oList(0) = "Zero"
    	oList(1) = "One"
    	oList(2) = "Two"
     	oList(3) = "Three"
     	oList(4) = "Four"
     	oList(5) = "Five"
		oControl = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.ListBox")
		with oControl
			' List Box 固有の設定
			.DropDown = false								' DropDown表示 MultiSelect = trueならば、必ずfalseにする
			.Enabled = True
			.MultiSelection =  false						' Tableと関係付けている時は、TableへのData入力は1つなので複数選択は false にする
			.FontHeight = 12
			.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
			.LineCount = 6			' 表示する項目数
			.BackgroundColor = &HC8FFB9				'verdolino 
			.Border = 1
			.DataField = "Varchar"							' Table の Varchar 項
			.Name ="NumberSelection"
		end with
	' 入力Boxの位置設定
	Dim oPoint as New com.sun.star.awt.Point
		oPoint.X = 2000
		oPoint.Y = 1000
	' 入力BoxのSize設定
	Dim oSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
		oSize.Width = 2000
		oSize.Height = 4000
	' Input BoxのPropertyを設定
	oShape = oFormDoc.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
		with oShape
			.Size = oSize
			.Position = oPoint
			.AnchorType = oAnchor
			.control = oControl
		end with
	' Form に描画			
	' Add thelist items to the listbox
	Dim frm as Object
	Dim oListBoxModel as Object
	Dim ctrl as Object
	Dim oListBoxView as Object 
		frm = oDrawpage.Forms.getByIndex(0) 
		oListBoxModel = frm.getByName("NumberSelection") 
		ctrl = oFormDoc.CurrentController 
		oListBoxView = ctrl.getControl(oListBoxModel) 
		oListBoxView.addItems(oList, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 
	'Load the Library named Tools.( DirectoryNameoutofPath を使う為のGlobl Library 'Tools' をLoad ) 
	If NOT GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then
	End If
	' 一時的にWriter File として保存
	Dim oWriterDir as String
	Dim oFormName as String	
	Dim oTempURL as String
		oFormName = "Form_" & oTableName
		oWriterDir = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oTempName, "/") & "/"	
		oTempURL = oWriterDir & oFormName & ".odt"
		oFormDoc.StoreAsUrl(oTempURL, NoArgs())
	'$$$$$ [  Writer FIileから Form に変換 ] $$$$$
	' 同名Formの削除
	Dim oFormDocument as Object
		oFormDocument = oDoc.getFormDocuments()
		If oFormDocument.hasByName(oFormName) Then
			Print "Removing " & oFormName & " from the database"
		End If
	Dim oProps(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
		oProps(0).Name = "Name"
		oProps(0).Value = oFormName
		oProps(1).Name = "Parent"
		oProps(1).Value = oFormDocument()
		oProps(2).Name = "URL"
		oProps(2).Value = oTempURL
		oDocDef = oFormDocument.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.sdb.DocumentDefinition", oProps())
		oFormDocument.insertbyName(oFormName, oDocDef)
  	' Con Close
  	' 一時Witer Fileの削除
  	If FileExists(oTempURL) then
  	end if
  	' Display
  		msgbox "Success"
  	Exit Sub
		if oFlag = 777 then
		end if
		Dim oErLine As Integer
		Dim oErNum As Integer
		Dim oErMsg As String
			oErLine = Erl
			oErNum = Err
			oErMsg = Error
		Msgbox("Error Line No. " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErLine & Chr$(10) _
			& "Error Number " & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErNum &Chr$(10 ) _
			& "Error Message" & Chr$(9) & " : " & oErMsg , 0, "Error Message")
End Sub


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