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[ Python for LibreOffice( Apache OpenOffice ) ]

【 General No.6 】

###【 Continued from Python / General No.5 】###

**********************【 Index 】**********************

【 LibreOffice( Apache OpenOffice ) 】


[ Screen ]


[ Property ]

[[-- URL --]]

[[-- Title --]]

[[-- Identification --]]

[[-- Document Type --]]



[ Calc ]

###【 Following Python / 追加Library No.1 】###

******************************[ Macro Code ]******************************

【 LibreOffice( Apache OpenOffice ) 】



[ MRIの使い方 ]
Home_ja・hanya/MRI Wiki・GitHub

[ 入手元 ]
MRI - UNO Object Inspection Tool | Apache OpenOffice Extensions
( 参考 )http://hermione.s41.xrea.com/pukiwiki/pukiwiki.php?OOo%2FExt%2FMRI

[ 使用例 ]
document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
document.~ に続くMethods / Properties / Interface を調べる。   

[ Sample Code ]
def Mri_test():
    ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
    document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()

def mri(ctx, target):
    mri = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext('mytools.Mri',ctx)

[ 参考になるBlog Page ]
p--q / LibreOffice5(25)MRI - UNO Object Inspection Tool:その1~4


[ Screen ]

GTpS-)[General]Status Indicator

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import time
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def Test():
		oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
		# set up Status Indicator
		oCntl = oDoc.getCurrentController()
		oFrame = oCntl.getFrame()
		oSI = oFrame.createStatusIndicator()
		oEnd = 100
		oSI.reset		# Reset : NG
		oSI.start('Excuting',oEnd)	# Start : NG
		for i in range(1,11):
			oSI.setText('Processing: ' + str(i) )
		oDisp = 'Success'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)



GW-)[General]Current Frame Title取得

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def createUnoService(service_name):
	"""Create a UNO Service By this name"""
	ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
		service = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(service_name, ctx)
		service = NONE
	return service
def oTest():
		oDesktop = createUnoService('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop')
		oFrame = oDesktop.getCurrentFrame()
		oFTitle = oFrame.Title
		oDisp = oFTitle		# str(oFTitle) / unicode(oFTitle,'utf-8')は共にError
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GW-)[General]ActiveFrame Title取得

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getActiveFrame()
		oActiveFrameTitle = frame.Title
		oDisp = oActiveFrameTitle
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GW-)[General]Window Sizeを設定する(位置指定可)

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		window.setPosSize( 0, 0, 512, 384, 12 )
		oDisp = 'Success'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)



[ Property ]

[[-- URL --]]


#coding: UTF-8
# python Marco
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
		oURL = oDoc.getURL()
		oDisp= str(oURL)
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)


#coding: UTF-8
# python Marco
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
		oLocal = oDoc.getLocation()
		oDisp= str(oLocal)
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

[[-- Title --]]

GDPt-)[General]File Title取得

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import sys
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
		oTitle = oDoc.getTitle()
		oDisp = oTitle		#  unicode(oTitle,'utf-8')はError
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)


[[-- Identification --]]

GDPi-)[General]Applicetion Identitfy(Baseは除く)

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import sys
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
		oAp_Idntfy = oDoc.getIdentifier()
		if oAp_Idntfy == 'com.sun.star.text.TextDocument':
			oApName = 'writer'
		elif oAp_Idntfy == 'com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument':
			oApName = 'Calc'
		elif oAp_Idntfy == 'com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument':
			oApName = 'Impress'
		elif oAp_Idntfy == 'com.sun.star.drawing.DrawindDocument':
			oApName = 'Draw'
		elif oAp_Idntfy == 'com.sun.star.formula.FormulaProperties':
			oApName = 'math'
			oApName = 'Not LibreOffice File'
		oDisp = u'[ 現在のFileのApplication ]\n ' + oApName + ' : ' + oAp_Idntfy		#  unicode(oTitle,'utf-8')はError
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDPi-)[General]Version of LibreOffice( Apache OpenOffice )

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import uno
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def createUnoService(service_name):
	"""Create a UNO Service By this name"""
	ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
		service = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(service_name, ctx)
		service = NONE
	return service
def PyGetSolar():
		oProvider = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider'
		oAccess   = 'com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess'
		oConfigProvider = createUnoService(oProvider)
		oProp = PropertyValue()
		oProp.Name = 'nodepath'
		oProp.Value = '/org.openoffice.Setup/Product'
		properties = (oProp,)
		oSet = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(oAccess, properties)
		OOoVer = oSet.getByName('ooSetupVersion')
		oDisp = u'[ Version of LibreOffice ]\n\t ver.' + str(OOoVer)
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)


[[-- Document Type --]]

GDTyp-)[General]読込み時のDocument Type取得

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import unohelper
import os.path
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oTypeDetection = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.document.TypeDetection')
		oFile= os.path.abspath('c:\\temp\\MacroCalc.ods')
		oURL = unohelper.systemPathToFileUrl(oFile)
		oDocType = oTypeDetection.queryTypeByURL(oURL)
		oDisp = u'[ 読込み時のDocument Type 取得 ]\n ' + oDocType
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)




#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import random
import unohelper
from com.sun.star.awt import XActionListener
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
class ButtonListen( unohelper.Base, XActionListener ):		# class名の先頭文字は大文字
    def __init__(self, oControl):
		self.objectControl = oControl
	#actionPerformed not to be renamed
    def actionPerformed(self, actionEvent):
        #create Random
		oRnd = random.randint(1,100)
		self.objectControl.setText( str( oRnd ) )
def RandamDialog():
		oDialogName = 'PythonDialog'
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDialog = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.DialogProvider')
		oDlg_Control = oDialog.createDialog('vnd.sun.star.script:Standard.' + oDialogName + '?location=application')
		oTextField1_Ctrl = oDlg_Control.getControl( 'TextField1' )
		oButton1_Listener = ButtonListen(oTextField1_Ctrl)
		# add the action listener
		oCmdBtn1_Ctrl = oDlg_Control.getControl('CommandButton1')
		# execute dialog
		oDisp = 'Success'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)
# [ Note ]
# Above code is for Python2.7


#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import unohelper
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oFilePicker = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker')
		# 最初に表示するFolder設定
		# DialogのTitle設定
		oFilePicker.Title = "ファイルを選択して下さい"
		# 表示するFileのFilter設定
		oFilePicker.appendFilter("All Files (*.*)", "*.*")
		oFilePicker.appendFilter("Math(*.odf)","*.odf" )
		oAccept = oFilePicker.execute()
		oDisp = '【取得したファイル名】'
		if oAccept == 1:
			oFiles = oFilePicker.getFiles()
			oFileURL = oFiles[0]
			oToFile = unohelper.fileUrlToSystemPath(oFileURL)
			oDisp = oDisp + '\n\n' + str(oToFile) + '\n\n [LO7.0.1.2(Win10t)]'
			oDisp = u'Folderが選択されませんでした。' + '\n\n [Success(LO5.0.2.2)]'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)


#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oFolderPicker = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FolderPicker')
		# Dailpg Title設定
		oDialogTitle = u'Folder選択'
		# 最初に表示するFolder設定
		# Dialogに表示する説明
		oDescript = u'Folderを選択して下さい'
		oAccept = oFolderPicker.execute()
		if oAccept == 1:
			oFolders = oFolderPicker.getDirectory()
			oDisp = str(oFolders) + '\n\n [Success(LO5.0.2.2)]'
			oDisp = u'Folderが選択されませんでした。' + '\n\n [Success(LO5.0.2.2)]'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Plane Dialog作成

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Width = 100
		oDlgModel.Height = 75
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oDisp = 'Success(LO5.0.2.2)'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)
# [ Reference ]
# Modeless dialog 

GDlg-)[General]Dialog with OK / Cancel Button

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OKButton'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 40
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 30
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OKです'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に OK Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OKButton', oModel)
		# Cancel Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'CANCELButton'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/ 2 + 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt-20
		oModel.Width = 35
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'Cancelです'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 2		# 2 : Canceel
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に OK Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('CANCELButton', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		# Click Button
		if oClick == 1:
			oDisp = u'OK Button がClickされました。\n\n [LO5.0.2.2]'
			oDisp = u'Click Cancel Button or × がClickされました。\n\n [LO5.0.2.2]'
	# Python2.7
	# except:
	#	oDisp = traceback.format_exc(sys.exc_info()[2])
	# Python3.3
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Dialog with ProgressBar

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title'):
#	"""shows message."""
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		window = frame.getContainerWindow()
		toolkit = window.getToolkit()
		msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, oBtnType, oTitle, oMessage)
		return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'StepButton'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'Step'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('StepButton', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ ProgressBar 設定 ] *****
		# ProgressBar 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlProgressBarModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'Progress'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 45
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.ProgressValueMin = 0
		oModel.ProgressValueMax = 100
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Progress Bar の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('Progress', oModel)
		# ***** [ ProgressBar 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oProgressBar = oDlgModel.getByName('Progress')
		oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 0
		for i in range(11):		# Rangeは不可( Basicの for i=0 to 10 と同じ )
			oProgressBar.ProgressValue = i * 10
			if oProgressBar.ProgressValue >100:
				oDlg.execute()	# OK Button( Step ) Click でProgressBarを増分
		oDisp = 'Success'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Edit Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ Edit Dialog 設定 ] *****
		# Edit Dialog 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlEditModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'EditD'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 10
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = oDlgHgt -40
		oModel.HScroll = 1			# 1 : true
		oModel.VScroll = 1			# 1 : true
		oModel.MultiLine = 1		# 1 : true
		oModel.HardLineBreaks = 0	# 0 : false
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Edit Dialog の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('EditD', oModel)
		# ***** [ Edit Dialog 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oTxtEdit = oDlgModel.getByName('EditD')
			oDisp = oTxtEdit.Text		# not to be used '.text'
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Radio Button Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def mri(ctx, target):
    mri = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext('mytools.Mri',ctx)
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		oRadioName = [u'Japan( 日本 )',u'USA( 米国 )',u'Germany( 独国 )']
		# ***** [ Radio Button1 設定 ] *****
		# Radio Button1 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = oRadioName[0]
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 10
		oModel.Width = 100
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = oRadioName[0]
		oModel.State = 1				# Set default Button
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Radio Button1 の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName(oRadioName[0], oModel)
		# ***** [ Radio Button1 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ Radio Button2 設定 ] *****
		# Radio Button2 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = oRadioName[1]
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 25
		oModel.Width = 100
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = oRadioName[1]
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Radio Button2 の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName(oRadioName[1], oModel)
		# ***** [ Radio Button2 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ Radio Button3 設定 ] *****
		# Radio Button3 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRadioButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = oRadioName[2]
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 40
		oModel.Width = 100
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = oRadioName[2]
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Radio Button3 の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName(oRadioName[2], oModel)
		# ***** [ Radio Button3 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oDMdl = oDlg.getModel()
			oEmtName = oDMdl.getElementNames()
			oCnt = len(oEmtName)
			for i in range(oCnt):
				oSelBtn = oDlgModel.getByName(oEmtName[i])
				if oSelBtn.ServiceName == 'stardiv.vcl.controlmodel.RadioButton':
					if oSelBtn.State == 1:
						oDisp = oSelBtn.Label
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]CheckBox Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		oChkBtnName = [u'Japan( 日本 )',u'USA( 米国 )',u'Germany( 独国 )']
		# ***** [ CheckBox Button1 設定 ] *****
		# CheckBox Button1 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBoxModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = oChkBtnName[0]
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 10
		oModel.Width = 100
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = oChkBtnName[0]
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に CheckBox Button1 の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName(oChkBtnName[0], oModel)
		# ***** [ CheckBox Button1 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ CheckBox Button2 設定 ] *****
		# CheckBox Button2 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBoxModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = oChkBtnName[1]
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 25
		oModel.Width = 100
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = oChkBtnName[1]
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に CheckBox Button2 の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName(oChkBtnName[1], oModel)
		# ***** [ CheckBox Button2 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ CheckBox Button3 設定 ] *****
		# CheckBox Button3 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlCheckBoxModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = oChkBtnName[2]
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = 40
		oModel.Width = 100
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = oChkBtnName[2]
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に CheckBox Button3 の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName(oChkBtnName[2], oModel)
		# ***** [ CheckBox Button3 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oDMdl = oDlg.getModel()
			oEmtName = oDMdl.getElementNames()
			oCnt = len(oEmtName)
			oDisp = ''
			for i in range(oCnt):
				oSelBtn = oDlgModel.getByName(oEmtName[i])
				if oSelBtn.ServiceName == 'stardiv.vcl.controlmodel.CheckBox':
					if oSelBtn.State == 1:
						oDisp = oDisp + oSelBtn.Label + '\n'
			if oDisp == '':
				oDisp = u'CheckBoxが1つも選択されていません。'
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]ComboBox Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		oComboList = (u'Mathmatics( 数学 )',u'Phyics( 物理 )',u'Chemistry( 化学 )',u'English( 英語 )',u'German( ドイツ語 )',u'World History( 世界史 )')
		# ***** [ ComboBox 設定 ] *****
		# CheckBox Button1 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlComboBoxModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'Combo'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 60
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		oModel.Text = oComboList[0]
		oModel.Dropdown = 1				# 1 : true
		oModel.StringItemList = oComboList			# The Type of StringItemLst must be Tuple!!
		oModel.Border = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に ComboBox の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('Combo', oModel)
		# ***** [ ComboBox 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oComboTxt = oDlgModel.getByName('Combo')
			oDisp = oComboTxt.Text
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]ListBox Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		oComboList = (u'Mathmatics( 数学 )',u'Phyics( 物理 )',u'Chemistry( 化学 )',u'English( 英語 )',u'German( ドイツ語 )',u'World History( 世界史 )')
		# ***** [ ListBox 設定 ] *****
		# ListBox 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlListBoxModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'ListBox'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 70
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 45
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		oModel.Dropdown = 0				# 0 : false / DropDown表示 MultiSelect = true ならば falseにする
		# oModel.LineCount = 3			# DropDown表示の時の最大表示項目数
		oModel.MultiSelection = 1		# 複数選択
		oModel.BackgroundColor = 0xc8ffb9		# 0x + RGB値 / red ならば 0xff0000
		oModel.StringItemList = oComboList			# The Type of StringItemLst must be Tuple!!
		oModel.Border = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に ListBox の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('ListBox', oModel)
		# ***** [ ListBox 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oLstVal = oDlgModel.getByName('ListBox')
			oSelItem = oLstVal.SelectedItems
			oDisp = ''
			for oNo in oSelItem:
				oDisp = oDisp + oComboList[oNo] + '\n'
			if oDisp == '':
				oDisp = u'CheckBoxが1つも選択されていません。'
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Date Field Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ DateField 設定 ] *****
		# DateField 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDateFieldModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'DateF'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 60
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.DateFormat = 9			# Dialogに表示されるFormat = 9 : YYYY/MM/DD
		oModel.Dropdown = 1
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		oModel.Border = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に DateField の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('DateF', oModel)
		# ***** [ DateField 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oDateVal = oDlgModel.getByName("DateF")
			oDateStr = str(oDateVal.Date)
			oYear = oDateStr[0:4]		# [Start:End] / Start : 0~、 End : 1~
			oMonth = oDateStr[4:6]
			oDay = oDateStr[6:8]
			oDisp = oYear + u'年' + oMonth + u'月' + oDay + u'日'
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Time Ffield Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ TimeField 設定 ] *****
		# TimeField 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlTimeFieldModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'TimeF'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 60
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.TimeFormat = 3
		oModel.Spin = 1
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		oModel.Border = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に TimeField の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('TimeF', oModel)
		# ***** [ TimeField 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oTimeVal = oDlgModel.getByName("TimeF")
			oTime = oTimeVal.Time
			oHr = int(oTime / 1000000)
			oMin = int( oTime / 10000 % 100 )
			oSec = int( oTime / 100 % 100 )
			oDisp = str(oHr) + u'時' + str(oMin) + u'分' + str(oSec) + u'秒'
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]File Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
  		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
  		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ FileCntrol 設定 ] *****
		# FileCntrol 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFileControlModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'FileCtrl'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 60
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		oModel.Border = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に FileCntrol の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('FileCtrl', oModel)
		# ***** [ FileCntrol 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oSelFile = oDlgModel.getByName('FileCtrl')
			oDisp = oSelFile.Text
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDlg-)[General]Label in Dialog

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
import os
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()
def oTest():
		oCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
		oServiceManager = oCtx.ServiceManager
		oDlgModel = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel')
		# Size of Dialog
		oDlgWth = 100
		oDlgHgt = 75
		oDlgModel.Width = oDlgWth
		oDlgModel.Height = oDlgHgt
		# Title of Dialog
		oDlgModel.Title = 'Dialog Title'
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# OK Button 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel')
		oTabIndex = 0
		oModel.Name = 'OkBtn'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = oDlgWth/2 - 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 20
		oModel.Width = 40
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Label = u'OK'
		oModel.PushButtonType = 1		# 1 : OK
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Step Button の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('OkBtn', oModel)
		# ***** [ OK / Cancel  Button 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ Label 設定 ] *****
		# Label 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'FixedLabel'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 20
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 72
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 40
		oModel.Height = 10
		oModel.Label = "Select File !!"
		oModel.Align = 1					# 0 : Left / 1 : Center / 2 : Right
		oModel.Border = 0
		oModel.TextColor = 0xff0000
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に Label の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('FixedLabel', oModel)
		# ***** [ Label 設定 ] *****
		# ***** [ FileCntrol 設定 ] *****
		# FileCntrol 仕様
		oModel = oDlgModel.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFileControlModel')
		oTabIndex = oTabIndex + 1
		oModel.Name = 'FileCtrl'
		oModel.TabIndex = oTabIndex
		oModel.PositionX = 10
		oModel.PositionY = oDlgHgt - 60
		oModel.Width = oDlgWth - 20
		oModel.Height = 15
		oModel.Enabled = 1
		oModel.Border = 1
		# Dialog Modelの仕様に FileCntrol の仕様を設定
		oDlgModel.insertByName('FileCtrl', oModel)
		# ***** [ FileCntrol 設定 ] *****
		# Create the dialog and set the model
		oDlg = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog')
		# Create a window and then tell the dialog to use the created window.
		oWindow = oServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit')
		oDlg.createPeer(oWindow,None)		# None : OK / none : NG
		# Dialogの表示実行
		oClick = oDlg.execute()
		if oClick == 1:
			oSelFile = oDlgModel.getByName('FileCtrl')
			oDisp = oSelFile.Text
			oDisp = u'Cancelされました。'
		# End Dialog
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)



GDpHpC-)[General / Calc]Cellの移動

#coding: utf-8
# python Marco
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue	# must be after 'import uno' 
import uno
import sys
import traceback
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX
def omsgbox(oMessage='',oBtnType=1,oTitle='Title',oMsgType='messbox'):
	"""shows message."""
	desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
	frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
	window = frame.getContainerWindow()
	toolkit = window.getToolkit()
	msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(window, MESSAGEBOX, 1, 'Title', oMessage)
	return msgbox.execute()

def oTest():
		ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
		desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
		frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
		dispatchHelper = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( 'com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper', ctx )
		# B2へ移動
		oProp = PropertyValue()
		oProp.Name = 'ToPoint'
		oProp.Value = 'B2'
		properties = (oProp,)
		dispatchHelper.executeDispatch( frame, '.uno:GoToCell', '', 0, properties )
		oDisp = 'Success'
	except webbrowser.Error:
		oDisp = str(sys.stderr) + ' open failed'
	except Exception as er:
		oDisp = ''
		oDisp = str(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n' + str(er)

GDpHpC-)[General / Calc]

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